09 - Espy

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"Achieving something is the fear you're proud of"



Jin left his phone in his room. Well maybe he is not actually leaving his phone but more to, he is forced to leave the house without being able to get his things.

Taehyung curse out loud looking for the phone in Jin's room. Surprisingly the storage room didn't looked like the first time Jin first saw the room when he gives the room to him.

It is looking a lot more organised, better in general.
Looking at the bag sitting in the corner of the room, Taehyung quickly cut off the phone call and grabs the bag, he zipped open the bag throwing the things inside the bag on the floor.

Hell, it must be somewhere in this room, the necklace is. Taehyung throw aways the things inside the room making a big mess, searching for his precious necklace.

The room is no longer looking like someone could sleep in it. As he is frustrated making a big pile of mess, Taehyung kneels down on the floor and go through the things in the bag that he just threw away awhile ago, he hardly found anything that looks valuable for Jin.

Anything other than a wallet and a worn out phone.

Damn, this man really be out there without his phone and wallet. That makes Taehyung feel more shitty than he already is.

The rain looks like it will not be stopping soon. It's been raining for awhile.

Cursing under his breath, he grabs his pullover jacket and his car keys with him before exiting his own house at almost four in the morning.

Driving his car slowly along the road, his eyes search for a possible man out there in the rain. The first thing that come to Taehyung's mind is of course the bus stop near his house.

Upon looking at the bus stop, a thought came to Taehyung's mind. Maybe, just maybe Jin did ride the last bus that night and when somewhere.

But again, scratch that thought. Jin literally left his wallet at home and how the hell that man has the money to take the bus?

Gripping his hair in frustration along with his guilty feeling, Taehyung decides to continue driving.

His eyes wonder everywhere until after a few moment Taehyung decided to give up. He stopped his car at the parking lot of a park, thinking. Jin is hard headed and he also good at come out with words.

He always gives Taehyung excuses after excuses when Taehyung questions his behaviour. That man must really take the bus with his words convincing the bus driver over something.

Right at that moment, Taehyung's sharp eyes caught a bright and odd looking slippers under the slides. It is too apparent to his eyes.

The hell? Is that even a human? Late in this hours? It is still raining though, even if it is not as hard as awhile ago, it is still raining.

Then another thought came to his head. No way. No way it is true, no way his mind is true. If it indeed is true, that man is really the dumbest out of all the dumber.

Quickly grabbing the umbrella at the back seat of his car, Taehyung gets out of the car and walks closer to the slides.

Each steps he took, the more frustrated he is. There's no doubt that man under the slides is Jin.

"YAH! GET OUT NOW!" Taehyung shouts, waiting for the man to get out from sheltering himself under the slides.

Jin on the other hands is shivering like crazy, he is all wet from the rain. It's been a little more than three hours since Jin got to the park, hiding from the rain by using the slides as the shelter to cover himself from the downpour.

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