Thank you!

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So, we are finally here, this story is already finished and this journey has ended for me but guys, thank you so freaking much to everyone who read my story. I had this in my mind for months and now it's finished. 

Special thanks to one of my best friends @AliceHolmes_076 as she encouraged me to continue writing. Lot's of love, dear!

Please stay safe and take care, my dears. 

Remember that you can always contact me to have a little chat if you feel like it, I'm always open to talk to you guys. 

Again, thank you and lots lots lots of love xxx



Hello everyone! I just wanted to say thank you to all the people who have liked, saved, commented and read this book. 

You all make me incredibly happy every time I log into this account and read all the notifications. You all are a lovely community I'm so glad I can be part of :)

As you must guess with the dates, it's already been nearly 2 years since I wrote this story but it still amazes me that it still gets so much love. I've been practicing my writing and I've been ready a lot -and I mean A LOT- more of stuff so that I can imporve on my writing but thank you all so much. 

From the bottom of my heart, to the moon and back, THANK YOU! I wrote this book as some sort of escape as I was in a dark place mentally with the quarantine on its full peak and all but I'm so happy people read this story as it was the first book I ever finished! 

I'm probably rambling right now but that was all I wanted to say :) Take care everyone and thank you once more.


**Edited up until chapter 8! 


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