Chapter 5 When the world turned dark

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A couple of months later, you woke up just to see that it was still dark outside and seeing that going back to sleep wasn't an option, you got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a nice shower that, maybe, would help your headache as today it seemed to have worsened.

After taking your hot shower and with your uniform on, you exit the bathroom just to see Celestia sitting at the edge of her bed. She looked up at you and said "Morning (y/n)...are you alright? you look like a ghost." you smiled slightly at her concern and said "I'm fine, I just didn't sleep very well last night." you walked to your bed and grabbed your bag, taking out your notebook, you continued on writing as Celesty gets ready for the day.

You and Celestia first headed to DADA class but as you were walking down the corridors of the castle, you felt as the air was being sucked out of your lungs, you felt your chest tightened and it was harder to breath but once you arrived at the classroom, whatever happened out there disappeared, leaving only your pounding headache.

Later that day, you were walking down to the dungeons to have your potions class before lunch time. Arriving at the classroom, you opened the door just to see that there were already a few students in there. With a sigh, you walked to one of the middle rows and, putting your bag on the floor, you took your seat.

Suddenly, after more students arrived at the cold room, the door burst open and in walked Professor Snape in a rather fast pace, with his cloak trailing behind him. Once he was at the front of the room, class started.

Luckily for you, you didn't have to brew a potion that day as you felt like you could barely stand up.

The class went on, just making notes and trying to pay attention to the lesson. "(y/n), are you feeling alright?" asked Celestia who was sitting next to you. You just shook your head 'yes' and continued to write down ingredients on your piece of parchment.

The bell rang and everyone started to pack their books, most of your other classmates practically ran out of the classroom. You let out a sigh as you closed your book "Miss (l/n), may I have a word with you?" Asked Professor Snape. You nodded "I'll wait for you at the Great Hall." Celestia whispered to you before exiting the classroom.

You made your way towards the teacher's desk and once you were standing in front of it, the deep voice of Snape said "Are you feeling alright? You look so pale Miss (l/n)" you simply nodded at him.

The man dressed in black standed up from his chair and walked towards you. He put his large hand on your forehead to take your temperature "Are you sure?" He lowered his hand and you said "Yes. I didn't sleep well, that's all."

He seemed to believe you so he said "Very well, then we better head to the Great Hall." you nodded at him, turning on your heel, you grabbed your bag and left the potions classroom with Professor Snape behind you.

You didn't see Celestia in the corridors so you guessed she was already in the Great Hall. Suddenly, the sound of laughter made you and Severus turn around, he cursed under his breath before turning to you and saying "I'm going to give those dunderheads detention, you go and eat lunch."

"Yes Professor."

And with a flick of his cloak, he turned around and made his way towards the students that weren't at the Great Hall.

You focused your gaze back to the corridor and continued walking. As you were heading to the Great Hall, Celestia caught up to you in the staircase "Hey, (y/n). Everything alright with Professor Snape? Did he give you detention or something?" she asked. "(y/n)?"

Your (e/c) eyes lost their spark, making them look dull and without life. You saw Celestia's lips moving, saying something, but a ringing in your ears made it impossible to hear her words. You felt exhausted, you wanted to sleep for eternity "(y/n), what's wrong? Are you feeling alright?" your friend asked desperately, but again, you didn't hear her.

Your chest felt tight and you had problems breathing correctly but your face stayed numb and emotionless and before you knew it, everything went black.

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