Chapter 32 Restless night

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Your back was pressed against Severus' chest as his arm was wrapped around your waist in a firm but at the same time gentle grip. It was just three in the morning as the lovely couple slept peacefully.

You suddenly stirred in your sleep, frowning slightly as you still were swimming in the deep depths of unconsciousness.

Severus, didn't notice your small movement during the night as he was really tired.

You turned around, now burying your face in your lover's chest. Your mind tried to ignore the pain, that same pain in your chest that you had suffered a couple of times before but when it was too much you woke up from your slumber.

Tears clouded your eyes as you curled yourself deeper in Severus' arms. You fisted the white sheets, wanting nothing more for this pain to stop.

You knew you had to wake up Severus but you didn't want to bother him. He seemed really exhausted when you found him in his study.

But that thought died away when another wave of pain hit you hard, making tears stream down your face. "Sev... Severus, wake up... please." you shook him lightly, just wanting him to open his eyes.

The Potions Master stirred in his sleep before his eyes opened slightly. He glanced down at the fragile form in his arms, and at your trembling figure, he immediately knew that something was wrong.

"(y/n), dear, what's wrong?" he asked groggily. Knitting his eyebrows together as his eyes looked you up and down "It hurts." you said. Fisting his shirt with a trembling hand as you buried your face in his chest.

Severus tightened his arms around you "Where, (y/n)? Darling, talk to me." he said in a soothing voice, trying to ease your pain. He asked that question because he wasn't still fully awake but then the pieces clicked together and he said "I'm going for a potion, stay here." With that, he let you go and stood up from the bed.

Not bothered to put his slippers on, Severus ran down the stairs and retrieved a bottle with a blue liquid inside. Just like the one he gave you while you were still in Hogwarts.

When he returned to the room, his heart shattered at your small whimpers and without wasting another second, he approached you with the bottle in his hands.

Despite your weak state, you sat up in the bed and snatched the bottle from him, downing the liquid in one gulp before Severus took the vial from your cold hand, putting it aside as you laid down on the soft cushions.

He climbed on bed next to you, embracing you in his loving arms as a sigh escaped your lips. The potion already helping you with the excruciating pain.

"Are you feeling better, darling?" asked Severus and you nodded against his chest. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

The Potions Master hated to see you in pain, the concoction took some minutes to take effect but those minutes felt like days to you. Severus could only hug you tighter, letting you know that he was there with you until the end.

You eventually passed out from exhaustion, your soft breathing was the only thing Severus could hear apart from his own heartbeat. He pressed a kiss on your forehead, lingering there more than needed as the smell of wild roses was always present in your (h/c) locks.

He's been planning a last surprise for you, but now Severus doubted that you'd be strong enough to see the perfect day that he planned for the both of you.

Still, he didn't give up hope as he stared adoringly at your sleeping figure, something he's done countless times and he's willing to do many more times. These moments were when he could admire you, where he could contemplate your beautiful features without distractions.

To his eyes, you were a piece of art from the heavens that was sent to him to care, love and protect. And Severus was willing to that for eternity. 

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