Chapter 11 Pain

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You were having breakfast at the Great Hall when an owl came to you and dropped a letter in front of you "Who is it from?" asked Celestia who was sitting next to you.

You shrugged and took the letter from the table and, carefully, you opened it.

Tears welled up in your (e/c) eyes as you read the letter "What is it (y/n)?" asked Celestia but you didn't say anything. She took the paper from your hands and after a couple of seconds, she hugged you tightly as the information of your parents' death sinked in.

"You are going to die here (y/f/n), next to your wife and your daughter is next." said a man you didn't recognize with his wand pointed at your father as he cradled your mother's body. "Don't you dare touch (y/n)" said your dad but the man just laughed and with a sickening grin, he responded "I already did."

Your dad's face went pale as the man in front of him laughed maniacally "Don't worry, she'll be joining you and (y/m/n) soon." and with that aimed his wand at your father "Avada Kedavra." a green light shot from his wand as your dad fell limp on the floor next to your mum.

You sat up on your bed, drenched in sweat as tears were streaming down your face. Then, you realized it was just a dream but it felt as if you were there. A sob escaped your lips as you curled up again in your bed, crying silently and trying to get back to sleep as you had classes the next day.

The birds chirped out of the window when the sun had risen. You were still curled up in a small ball as your chest hurt really badly. Celestia stirred in her sleep before waking up and heading towards the bathroom lazily. She didn't even notice you lying in bed in such pain.

Fifteen minutes later she came out of the bathroom with a towel on her head and this time, she noticed your curled form under the blankets "C'monn (y/n)! We are gonna be late." she said while approaching your bed "(y/n), are you alright?" she lifted the blankets just to be met by your tear-stained face, your hands were clenched at your chest. "(y/n) are you feeling alright?" you just shook your head at your friend's question "You are scaring me (y/n), d-do you want me to do something? To take you to Madam Pomfrey?"

You shook your head again and before she could say anything else, you cracked out with your voice full of pain "Go to Professor Snape, he'll know what to do." you moaned in pain as she quickly left the dormitory in search of said Professor, though Celestia didn't know why you wanted Snape to do something about whatever was happening to you.

She continued running down the hallways until she saw the flick of a black fabric in the other end of the corridor "Professor Snape!" she shouted "Professor Snape!" as she ran down the corner, Celestia was now face to face with the Potions Master "Could you explain those shouts, Miss Warren?" asked the cold professor with an annoyed tone in his deep voice. Celestia, still panting slightly, said "It's...(y/n)"

Severus' expression changed completely at the mention of the girl's name "What about her?" Is something wrong?"

Celestia nodded and said "She... she seemed to be in a lot of pain as she clutched her hands in her chest. She was crying and...I don't know what's wrong with her. She asked me to look for you as you'd know what to do." The professor stayed silent for a moment before he started to head towards the Ravenclaw tower. "Listen very carefully Miss Warren, go to my classroom and inside my desk, on my left drawer is a bottle with a bright blue liquid in it, bring it to me." she nodded and turned on her heels to go down to the dungeons and retrieve Snape's blue bottle. But just before she ran down the stairs she shouted "Quibbling books!"

Meanwhile, Severus sprinted towards the Ravenclaw tower with what he guessed was the password of the dormitories.

He entered the tower, lucky everyone was still either in their dormitories or in the Great Hall having breakfast, so no-one saw the Potions Professor running to the girl's dormitory.

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