Chapter 25 Midnight trouble

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After writing your novel for a good fifteen minutes, you felt your eyelids heavy so you put your notebook and quill on your nightstand before flicking the lamp off and getting yourself comfortable in the cold bed. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep as you were really tired but not even thirty minutes later, you woke up at the sound of the front door opening then closing, you heard the unmistakable footsteps of Severus so you relaxed again, thinking that he maybe will go to the kitchen to eat something as it was already late.

As your head fell over the soft pillows again, you summoned to sleep one more time. Meanwhile, Severus was pacing the living room as he just came back from a Death Eaters meeting, those meetings have always put his nerves up. Deciding to have a drink, he walked to the kitchen where a small smile graced his lips as he saw a note on the counter that said

'There's some pasta in the fridge if you are hungry, Sev. I'm waiting for you upstairs, Love, (y/n)'

He wasn't hungry but decided to eat the pasta nonetheless as Severus contemplated that he wouldn't get much sleep as he needed to write some letters to Dumbledore in his study. Time flew by while the Potions Master busied himself in his study, the house was as peaceful as it was once when you weren't living there. But little did Severus know the surprise he was going to find in the morning as he fell asleep over his desk as it was already past midnight and tiredness took over him.

You woke up on the bed, gasping for air as you clutch your hand to your chest, you turned your gaze around, hoping to see Severus lying next to you but to your dismay, you were met with an empty bed. You closed your eyes as you felt your tighten again, you had difficulties breathing properly and you started to feel light-headed.

Tears clouded your vision as you swung your legs from the bed, your bare feet touching the cold floor but you didn't mind about that, you wanted to get this off your chest so, with heavy steps, you stepped out of the room. "Severus." you whispered, you couldn't find your voice for the lack of oxygen and tears started to roll down your cheeks slowly.

You quickly got to the conclusion that Severus was in his study and decided to go there, you started to walk, at a very slow pace, towards the stairs. Ashes, your cat, rubbed against your legs but you just pushed her away with your feet, needing to get to his study.

"Severus." you said again, this time your voice came out louder than a whisper but it wasn't enough to acknowledge him of your state. Ashes meowed as you took one more step, now standing at the very top of the stairs but you couldn't go farder as your knees gave out and you fell on the hard floor, barely hanging onto consciousness.

One of your hands was hanging limply out of the stairs and as you closed your eyes, you muttered one last time "Severus." and with that, darkness overtook your body one more time.

I'm sorry this is too short, I've hadn't had a very good day but the next one is going to be way longer than this. Love you all and thank you for all the reads :3

539 words


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