Chapter 13 Something from the heart

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After the day you spent skating in the frozen Black Lake with Severus, he had come more frequently to the Hospital Wing early in the morning and left after you ate dinner. You didn't know why he was doing this but you liked it. Not just because you got really bored in there, just laying in a bed, not being able to walk around the castle but also because now you got to spend more time with him, which you really enjoy.

Severus sometimes carried you to the library for you to pick a book to read in your free time. Needless to say that the Potions Master was warming up to you, more than he already was and you got accustomed to being in his presence nearly all day. And that's how it went for all the Christmas holidays.

As you were sleeping peacefully, the door to the hospital bursted open and entered Celestia, who was immediately shushed by Madam Pomfrey "Be quiet Miss Warren, she's sleeping." Celestia's eyes travelled across the room until they landed on your sleeping form. She walked towards your bed and, as silently as possible, she left a nice box wrapped in blue paper on the nightstand. She smiled at you before turning on her heels and saying to Madam Pomfrey "Please tell her that the blue gift it's from me." She nodded "Of course, now get back to your lessons young lady."

Celestia sighed and left the hospital wing, a couple of minutes later, entered Professor Snape in all his glory. When his eyes landed on you, he walked to your bed, like Celestia did a few moments ago, but he sat down in the chair next to you. Madam Pomfrey left after the black-haired professor entered the room as she needed some ingredients from Professor Sprout, leaving you with Severus alone.

He glanced down at your sleeping figure, you looked so peaceful and angelic but suddenly, the memory of the day you fainted in the middle of a corridor flashed through his mind. Severus never wanted to see you like that again, it pained him to see you in such a state, he also remembered the day you had a terrible pain in your chest, his heart felt heavy everytime those memories came back to him.

But he also had to remember the beautiful memories you had shared with him, like the day you helped him brew amortentia or the day you two skated in the frozen Black Lake, he also remembered every single time you went down to the dungeons to have your private lessons, sometimes, you would crack a joke in the middle of a lesson that would lighten his day.

At these memories, an almost unnoticeable smile appeared on his lips, he heard you take a deep breath and Severus' dark eyes focused once more on you. Your (e/c) eyes opened slowly as a yawn escaped your lips. Turning your gaze to the side, you spotted your potions teacher sitting in his usual chair like any other day you've been in the hospital wing.

"How are you feeling (y/n)?" he asked in that silky voice of his "I'm... I'm feeling fine actually. It's one of the good days." you smiled up at him sweetly "What day is today?" you asked "Tuesday." he replied in his usual monotone voice "No... I mean the date" he looked at you for a couple of seconds and then said "January 9th"

A wide smile appeared on your face as you went to grab something from the drawer of your nightstand. You took out a black small box and handed it to him. "What is this.?" he questioned with the little box in his hands "It's your birthday gift. I know it's not much but I wanted to give you something today." he stared at you for a whole minute until he broke his piercing gaze from you and lowered his obsidian eyes to the black box.

He opened it to reveal a nice black ring with a small emerald in it. 

You stared at him expectantly as he inspected the ring in the box "How did you know?" he whispered but you heard him clearly "I have my ways, professor

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You stared at him expectantly as he inspected the ring in the box "How did you know?" he whispered but you heard him clearly "I have my ways, professor." He fixed his gaze at you "Thank you." He took the ring from the box and put it on his finger. "I'm glad you liked it." you smiled at him "Yes, it's definitely something I would buy."

"I never knew when your birthday was until now." you stated "Now you do." you chuckled a bit and he smirked slightly "And when's your birthday?" Severus asked "(y/b/d)" you replied softly and he hummed in acknowledgement.

"Miss Warren brought you that." said the Potions Master, gesturing to the blue box on your nightstand. "I'll open it later."

Some silence fell between you two until Severus asked again "How did you manage to buy the ring?" you smirked at him and said "I bought it on my last trip to Hogsmeade. I was determined to give it to you on your birthday."

"So you've had it since the beginning of the year?" "Yep" you answered, popping the 'p'

"You didn't have to buy it for me." he said "Of course I did! Not everyday you turn 29. Besides, I wanted to thank you, Severus, for being with me these past two weeks, you'd made it easier for me to accept what will happen to me and for that, I'm eternally grateful."

Severus smiled slightly at your words and said "You don't need to thank me... anyway, How are you doing with your classes Miss (l/n)?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at you.

"They've been fine, professor. Nothing new." he hummed as his eyes traveled to your nightstand where there was a pile of books you already read. Suddenly, Madam Pomfrey entered the hospital wing with a vial in her hands, she walked up to you and said "It's time for your medicine Miss (l/n)"

You looked at her with puppy eyes, not wanting to take the 'medicine' "I don't want it, please. I can't drink it anymore." Poppy sighed heavily "Please, you need to drink it." Severus rolled his eyes at your behaviour before extending his hand towards Madam Pomfrey, gesturing to give him the potion, to which she complied and then she left.

"You need to drink it." he stated sternly "This will prevent the pain in your chest." he continued. You looked up at him "But that potion makes me feel really sleepy and the taste it's horrible." Severus stared down at you "So, you prefer the pain?" you sighed deeply and looked away. "I'll tell you what, if you drink it I'll take you to the library for you to pick some books. I assume you already read all of the ones here." The Potions Master pointed at the pile of books resting on your nightstand and you nodded "Fine." you grabbed the vial and downed the blue liquid, scrunching your nose at the disgusting taste, immediately feeling incredibly tired.

Severus took the empty bottle in his large hands while you laid down in the bed in a more comfortable position. "I'll take you when you wake up." he said. You smiled slightly and let sleep engulf you.

He saw, once more, your relaxed expression before placing a gentle kiss on your hand and leaving the hospital room.


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