Chapter 23 Declarations

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It's been a few days since you had your fever and now you feel perfectly fine. You know the symptoms will be getting worse as time passes but you didn't think much about it. While Severus was reading the Daily Prophet in his usual chair, you were making something to eat in the kitchen.

The dark-haired professor put his paper aside as he stood up and walked towards the kitchen. He saw you cutting some vegetables with your back facing him so he approached you silently from behind. You were humming under your breath and when Severus was standing behind you, he wrapped his arms around your waist, making you jump slightly but once you realized it was just your lover, you relaxed into his arms.

"What are you cooking?" he asked, his chin on top of your head. You leaned your back against his chest "Just a simple stew my mother used to make." you continued to cut the vegetables with Severus holding you from behind. Putting all the ingredients in a casserole, you turned around so now you were facing each other "I love you." you said, without a drop of hesitation in your voice making him smile at you "I love you too (y/n)."

You smiled up at him "I like it when you smile. You should smile more often, Severus." you said, staring into his black eyes "Only when I'm with you." he replied. Making you smile wider up at him before he leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips. He started to kiss you down the neck making you chuckle slightly "Sev! I need to finish the stew or we aren't going to have anything to eat." you said making him kiss you again on the lips to shut you up.

His action only made you smile into the kiss but it was broken when you turned around to check the food.


After you and Severus ate peacefully on the kitchen's table, you were washing the dishes in silence. While he was still sitting on the table, with your back turned to him, you suddenly said "Thank you Severus."

The Potions Master lifted his eyes at your form "For what?" he asked in his deep, baritone voice. You put the last cup away so it could dry itself and said, facing him. "For everything. I've really enjoyed these last few days here, with you." a small smirk danced on your lips "I've enjoyed these days too." he said.

You let out a sigh, smiling at him, you walked towards the living room and sat down on the large couch. It didn't take long for Severus to join you on the comfortable couch "What are you thinking?" he asked you as he saw you staring at the fireplace, deep in thought "How much time do you think I have left?" you asked. Not expecting a response from Severus.

He stayed quiet, not knowing what to say "Because... I read once that you can feel when it's your time." you said again, now facing the man you love.

A deep frown made its way to his face "Let's not talk about that (y/n)." he said "Why? It's something that's going to happen eventually." you answered, already accepting your fate. "No, it's not." Severus said before he stood up from the couch and left the room, going upstairs and into your shared bedroom. You sighed dramatically at him, there was something that now you had very clear: he was in denial.


That night, you went upstairs just to find Severus already in bed, he was sitting on his side of the bed, with the blanket over his legs and a book in his hands. You walked towards the attached bathroom to get changed into your nightgown and once you were on your pj's you exited the bathroom just to see that Severus was already getting comfortable on the bed to have a peaceful sleep.

He didn't say anything when you laid in bed with him or when you flickered the lights off. Severus turned on his side, while you laid flatly on the comfortable bed.

You knew he wasn't asleep but something was bothering him and you could feel it "I'm sorry if I upsetted you." you said in a soft voice.

You heard Severus sigh heavily before turning to look at you "I'm not mad at you." he said. The moonlight shining through the window, being the only source of light in the room. "You didn't kiss me goodnight." you muttered.

Severus, then, moved towards you, pressing his soft lips against yours in a shy kiss "Goodnight (y/n)." he whispered once he separated from you. "Goodnight." you said before he turned his back to you once more and a silent sigh left your lips.

You turned on your side, with your backs facing each other but you just couldn't sleep. You wanted to talk to Severus but he seemed that he didn't even want to think about it. "You can't sleep." you heard the deep voice of Severus said "No." was your answer, still with your back facing him.

You felt when Severus turned around, so you turned to face him. He was staring at the ceiling in deep thought "You have to accept it." you whispered, making your lover look at you. You popped yourself in one elbow, still facing him so you continued "You can't live in denial Severus."

His dark orbs bored into your soul as silence fell in the room. You took one of his big hands in your small ones and said, with your (e/c) eyes now gazing down at your tangled hands "You know... everyday... could be my last. I can just fall asleep and never wake up again. But that can happen to everybody else. You can go out the street and get hit by a car, you can fall from the stairs and break your neck," you lifted your eyes, now full of tears and continued, looking directly at him "But you need to accept the fact that we are not immortal."

You lowered your gaze once more, planting a kiss on his hand "I'm scared Severus. I'm scared of leaving you, scared how it's going to be, How I'm going to die. Will it hurt? Will
I feel it?" you planted another kiss on his fingers as a tear rolled down your cheek.

"But I know, when the time comes, you'll be with me. You are going to be holding my hand and the last thing I'm going to see is you."

Severus locked his now teary eyes with yours "I... I want to enjoy every second of my life. I want to spend the rest of my days with you, Severus." Tears started to roll down your cheeks but you continued talking "I'm scared I won't have enough time to show you how much I love you. That's why I say it everyday. That's why I want to hear your voice, to feel your touch... because I know I don't have much time left. But I already accepted it. You need to accept it Sev or you are going to live in a living hell." your voice cracked a bit at the last words.

You kissed his hand again, your warm tears mixing with your kisses "I love you Severus, I love you so much." you muttered.

You sniffled as you continued to cry "I love you too (y/n)." he said, making you smile slightly in his hand "I want to make your life happy, I want to make you happy by my side."

"I already am." you said, looking him in the eyes with a small smile dancing on your lips.

Severus leaned forward, connecting his lips with yours once more, but this kiss was passionate, he cupped your face with his big hands while you had your hands on his shoulders, he rolled over the bed so he was on top of you. Your legs tangled with his under the soft blankets as his hands started to explore your body. You knew where this was going, you also knew that you wanted it. He started to kiss your neck leaving wet kisses on your soft (s/c) skin "Severus." you breathed out. Making him stop, he looked at you "I-I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" he asked, panic was present in his voice.

"No, you didn't... are you sure you want this?" you asked him. Severus' eyes bored into yours "The question is, do you want it?" his deep voice sent a shiver down your spine "I've never done it before." you admitted.

A smirk appeared on his lips "Then let me claim you. Let me show you how much I love you (y/n)." His words made your heart skip a beat "I promise I'll be gentle." he assured you. With a shy smile, you nodded your head, giving Severus the green light to claim you as his, to make you feel like you've never felt before and him to be your first time. But he did it out of love, not lust nor need. Just love, his love for you was way too strong that he wanted you to know it, he wanted to show you how much his love for you was and that's exactly what he did as Severus pressed his lips on yours and that was the start of a magical night for the both of you. 

1554 words


Eternally Yours (Severus Snape x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon