Chapter 21 A day in London and his first meeting

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The next day you woke up in Severus' bed, the Sun was entering the normally dark room through the window, you looked up at the man lying next to you as he was still sleeping peacefully.

You still couldn't believe that he felt the same towards you. Four years of thinking that your love was unrequited just to have, on your graduation day, the confession of his feelings. A small smile graced your lips as you admired his handsome features.

Moving some of his surprisingly soft hair out of his eyes, you climbed out of the comfy bed, putting on your slippers and your night robe, and walked out of the room silently. As you closed the door behind you, Ashes, your gray cat made its way between your legs.

You smiled softly and said "I'm coming, I'll give you your breakfast in a minute Ashes."

As you made your way to the kitchen and gave Ashes her food, you put on the kettle to make some tea while you decided what to do for breakfast.

Severus opened his eyes just to be met by your cold side of the bed, a frown made its way to his face as he stood up from the bed and walked towards the door. Once in the hallway, the delicious aroma of eggs, bacon and pancakes filled the house.

The Potions Master walked down the stairs and stood in the kitchen's doorway, with his arms crossed over his chest and a tiny smile on his lips as he watched you prepare breakfast. Turning around with a cup of tea in your hands to place it on the kitchen's table, you jumped slightly when you saw Severus standing there watching you with a smile. It almost made you drop the cup but you managed to catch it before it hit the ground.

"Morning (y/n)." he said "Good morning Severus." you replied, placing the cup on the table "What are you doing?" he asked rhetorically "Making breakfast of course." you said with a smile as he walked to the table and sat down in one of the chairs next to you.

Halfway through the delicious meal you prepared, you asked "So, what are we going to do today?" Severus put his cup of tea on the table after taking a sip and said "Well, I need to go to London to buy some things."

"Can I go with you?" you asked, excitement in your eyes as you gazed at him with joy in your (e/c) orbs. How could he say no to that look? And after a couple of seconds in silence, Severus said "Fine, but you are taking the wheelchair. I don't want you to get tired." you nodded vigorously at him and finished your breakfast in record time, not wanting to waste another second in going to the beautiful muggle city.


Severus pushed your chair down the busy streets of London, both of you were wearing muggle clothes but of course he was wearing all black. As you passed crowds of people and different stores you couldn't help but get mesmerized by the city. You've been out in the muggle world just a couple of times but you thought it was amazing to know how people managed to live their lives without magic

"Where do you need to go, Severus?" you asked, looking up at the tall that was pushing your chair. "To the store." was his short reply "And what do you need to buy?" you asked, making the Potions Master sigh deeply but he didn't answer you, which made you return your gaze to the front.

It was a surprisingly sunny day in London, which made you enjoy the mysterious journey through the streets and after ten minutes of walking, well of Severus pushing your chair, you both entered a rather nice shop that had all types of plants. You immediately knew that it was a wizards shop as no-one seemed to notice the place.

A small bell rang when Severus opened the door, pushing your chair inside. "I'll be ordering some plants by the counter, you can go and see around." he said before walking to the counter and started talking to the lady behind it.

Meanwhile, you pulled your chair and started to look around the room. There were a lot of beautiful flowers here and there. The ceiling of the shop was made of crystal so the sunlight was the only source of light in the place. Then, a bouquet of red roses caught your attention and you approached them still in your chair. You smelled them making a smile graced your lips. You've always liked roses, red roses specifically.

Suddenly, Severus came into view with a bag in his hands "Let's go (y/n)." he said and you nodded.

He handed you the bag as he walked behind you to push you out of the shop. Out of curiosity, you opened the bag just to see different containers with seeds in them. They were probably for Severus' potions so, without a second glance at the seeds, you closed the bag and let yourself be pushed by Severus.

"Was this all you had to buy?" you asked after some minutes "Yes." he answered shortly and more silence fell between you two until you decided to break it "Aren't you hungry?" you asked, looking up at him this time. "No (y/n). I'm not hungry." you giggled a bit at his response. "Well, I am. Don't you want some chips?"

He looked down at you for a couple of seconds, still walking down the streets "I suppose some chips won't do any damage." you smiled widely as now, you both headed to buy chips. Severus spotted a small place in the street that sold chips and he went straight to it, ordering some chips for the both of you.

After that, you were now in a ranthom park, just enjoying each other's company while eating chips. "You know," you said, "for street chips, this is rather good." a deep chuckle escaped Severus' lips at your comment. Who would have thought that the grumpy Potions Master could laugh?

"We better start heading back (y/n), before it gets dark." you nodded at him as you both threw away the plate where the chips once were in a nearby bin and he started to push your chair back to Spinner's End.

When you two got back to the house, the sun was already setting and a chilly wind started to enter the cozy place. You stood up from the wheelchair and walked to the kitchen to make some tea, you placed the bag with the seeds in the kitchen's table, you put the kettle on and walked back to the living room where you saw Severus start a fire with the flick of his wand.

You walked towards him and sat next to him on the couch "Thank you for taking me with you today Severus. I really enjoyed it." you said as he stared at the burning fireplace, you noticed his obsidian eyes seemed lost and you guessed he was deep in thought but as if the timing was perfect, the kettle whistled and you got up from the couch to pour the water in two cups and once the tea was made, you walked back to the living room and sat once again on the couch after putting Severus' tea on the coffee table.

You took a sip of the warm liquid, instantly warming up "I enjoyed it too." you heard him say as you showed him a small smile.

You both drank your tea in silence, the only noise that could be heard was the crackling of the fireplace. Suddenly, Severus put on the coffee table his empty cup and stood up without saying a word. He walked up the stairs and into the room that now you shared with him.

You didn't follow him as we all deserve some privacy and after some minutes, he came out of the room and descended the stairs, turning around, you saw he was wearing his usual wizard robes. "I have to go (y/n). Don't wait for me." he walked to you and planted a sweet kiss on your forehead "Where are you going?" you asked him, slightly worried.

Severus lowered his gaze and said "Death Eater meeting." you nodded and he left the house as an uneasy feeling crept at the bottom of your heart.

Severus didn't want to leave you alone but as his dark mark burned his skin, he had no other option but to go to the meeting as he knew that the Dark Lord will return soon and he needed to spy on this meeting in order to give all the information to Dumbledore and with that, he apparated out of London, out of his house where the love of his life sipped tea peacefully in front of the fireplace. Where his (y/n) waited for him even though he asked her not too, she's way too stubborn for that. And with that, Severus disappeared in a mass of black smoke.

1503 words


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