Chapter 1 First day

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You, (y/n) (l/n), were a seventh year Ravenclaw, you just started your new year at Hogwarts, but you couldn't be more excited to start your classes. You've always liked magic in all its ways, but your favourite class since day one has been potions. Even though Professor Snape is not your head of house, you admire him for all his knowledge on the subject, you even manage to get some private lessons with him after classes for the past few years and this year was not going to be an exception.

You started your lessons with Professor Snape in your third year, you always made the things right, and knew the answers to all the questions he asked. You weren't going to waste the opportunity of him teaching you in private as you had practically begged him to do so.

Walking to your charms class, you saw your friend Celestia and said to her "Hi, Celesty, how was your summer?" she smiled at you "It was great (y/n), how was yours?" you shrugged and said "It was fine." she eyed you curiously before saying "I can't believe we graduate this year!" your smile widened "Yeah, that's true. I've completely forgotten about that." she rolled her eyes at you playfully "We need to start looking for a dress so we'll have the most beautiful gowns of the night." you chuckle and say "Okay, we should do that." you two smiled at each other and continued your journey to Professor Flitwick's classroom.

The day went by peacefully, the teachers didn't send too much homework, and you didn't have many classes that day, seeing that it was Monday and your schedule was relatively empty.

At dinner time, you sat with your Ravenclaw friends, they all were talking about the graduation, who is going with who, dresses and all of that stuff. You finished eating dinner and said "I should get going guys, I have lessons with Professor Snape." Celestia looked at you and said "Okay, bye (y/n). See you in the common room." you waved at your best friend and left the Great Hall.

You walked around Hogwarts, making your way down the cold dungeons. Suddenly, you were standing in front of the classroom's closed door. You knocked softly, in your usual pattern and heard a muffled 'come in'. Opening the door, you spotted the cold Professor behind his desk, grading papers. "Good evening, sir." you said in your delicate voice. He looked at you and you smiled at him "Miss (l/n)." You nodded and he continued "Today you'll be brewing Essence of Insanity, you can find the recipe on page 108 of your textbook." he focused his gaze to the papers on his desk and you started to work on your potion.

When you were stirring, Professor Snape had already finished grading papers, you were so concentrated on your potion that you didn't notice that he was watching you.

Severus' P.O.V.

This is (y/n)'s last year at Hogwarts, I wonder what she's going to do for a living once she graduates. She is very good at potions, that's why she asked me to tutor her; because she has such curiosity to learn new things all the time, I guess that's not a bad thing. It makes her even more beautiful-WHAT THE HELL! She is your student Severus for heaven's sake! But before I could scowl at myself more, I heard (y/n) say "I think I finished Professor." I looked into those (e/c) eyes of hers, standing up from my chair, I walked towards where her potion is.

Examining it, I noticed that she did it perfectly. I looked down at her and said "You did quite well Miss (l/n). I expect to see you here tomorrow as always." She smiled brightly at me "Of course, Sir." She started to clean the table as well as the cauldron she previously worked with, while I sat back in my chair and watched her move around the room.

At some point, she caught me staring at her but it was her who looked away. I saw how (y/n) grabbed her books and started to walk out of the classroom. "See you tomorrow, Professor. Goodnight." she said in that sweet voice of hers, a small smile plastered on her beautiful features "Have a good night too, Mis (l/n)." I said back. She flashed me one last smile before leaving the classroom; that suddenly turned cold and quiet again.


Walking back to the Ravenclaw common room, your mind trailed off to the Potions Master, you've had lessons with him since first year and tutoring since third year, always wanting to learn all from him. The first couple of years, you saw him as someone with great knowledge; you admired him from that. but in your fourth year, admiration was not the only thing you felt for him: you developed a crush on the so-called dungeons bat. Obviously, you didn't tell a soul about this, not even Celestia, because you knew that any kind of relationship between you and Professor Snape was not appropriate so you've kept your feelings buried deep in your heart.

Last year, you realised you just didn't like him, you loved him with every inch of you but of course, how can someone like Severus Snape ever like you back? He was known for being rude and heartless, but somehow, even with his cold glares and snarky remarks, he made you fall in love with him without acknowledging it.

You let out a sigh as you arrived at the entrance of your common room, you said the password and the portrait swung open, revealing the cosy place you've grown fond of. You made your way to one of the couches in front of the burning fireplace, taking out a book, a piece of parchment and your quill, you started to do some homework before you had to go to bed.


You finished your homework an hour and half later, just in time for everyone to head to their dormitories. You packed all your books in your bag and climbed up the stairs to your dorm, the one you also shared with your best friend.

Entering the dorm, you spotted Celestia already asleep in her bed so, as silently as possible, you put on your pj's and tucked yourself in your comfy bed. Your eyelids started to feel heavy, you turned around on the bed, facing a window that was in the room. A small smile made its way to your lips as you fell asleep and your last thought was: Severus.

1102 words


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