Chapter 27 Bucket list

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It's been two days since Severus found you unconscious at the top of the stairs and you were still lying in bed "Darling I have a meeting, I'll be back at night." said the Potions Master as he buttomed the last buttons of his vest. He was facing the mirror while you were reading a book in your now shared bedroom. You lifted your (e/c) eyes from your book just to meet Severus' onyx orbs through the mirror. Smiling slightly at him "It's okay, I'll be waiting for you." a small smile graced his lips as he walked towards you and planted a sweet but passionate kiss on your lips.

You smiled against his lips and once you two parted from the kiss you said "I love you Severus." he smiled slightly at you "I love you too (y/n)." and with that, he exited the bedroom.

Meanwhile, you decided you were going to pass the time writing your novel, as you just got some pretty good ideas for a couple of chapters. Ashes climbed to the bed and laid on your feet as she started to purr slightly.

Suddenly, an owl entered the opened window of the room, making you look up from your notebook. It dropped a package next to you only to fly away once more. Furrowing your eyebrows, you then put the notebook and quill on your nightstand and grabbed the package that was addressed to you.

When you opened it, a smile graced your lips as you saw it was from your friend Celestia. There was a letter for you and without wasting another minute, you opened it just to meet the knitty handwriting of your best friend.

Dear (y/n)

I hope you are doing well with life. I'm sorry I haven't written to you since graduation but I have incredible news to tell you. But firstly I must tell you that I'm now living in America as I moved in with Liam. Do you remember that cute Slytherin boy that was two years older than us? Well I met him on one of my trips to the States and we started dating! I know, I can't believe it myself but the reason I'm writing this to you is because... I'm getting married!

He proposed yesterday and how could I say no? I love him so much. Anyway, I'm inviting you to my wedding, of course. The invitation is in the other letter I sent you.

I really miss you (y/n) and I really hope to see you soon, if it's possible before the wedding. There's so much I need to tell you and this sheet of paper isn't enough to write it all.

I also sent you some magazines with wedding dresses because you know how picky I am. It will really help me if you tell me the ones you like, even if it's by owl.

Last but not least, I still keep our bracelets, as I hope our friendship lasts forever, lot's of love, Celesty xxx

You couldn't be happier for your friend as she found the love of her life and now she is going to spend the rest of her days with him. You quickly unwrapped the invitation and you read it at least two times. The wedding was next year but you were the first one to receive the invitation because to Celestia, you weren't just a friend, you two were like sisters.

Then, you proceeded to the magazines and you started to see through them, as they revealed such beautiful dresses that now you understood Celestia when she said she couldn't pick one.

Hours passed as you looked through the magazines and its beautiful dresses that you didn't hear when Severus got back home until you heard his heavy footsteps climbing the stairs. The door to the bedroom opened and you looked up from the magazine for a split second "Hello Severus, how was the meeting?" you asked "You know I can't tell you about it, dear." he said as he walked to the bathroom to get changed as it was already half past eleven "I didn't ask what you talk about in it, I asked how it was." you said with a small smile on your lips.

Severus came out of the bathroom completely changed into his pj's and said before climbing on the bed with you "It was as fine as it can be." you laughed a little at his response as you put the magazine on your nightstand. "You know, Celestia is getting married next year." you said facing him in the bed.

He raised an eyebrow at you and you continued "She sent me a letter earlier today and explained that she met some Slytherin called Liam in America, he's two years older than her but that she fell in love with him. Celestia also sent me the invitation and some magazines with wedding stuff."

You sighed dreamily "Would you like to get married?" Severus asked and you said "I always dreamed about it, it must be such a magical day for the couple... but I know I'd never get the chance to experience that. Though I can't complain, I'm spending every day of my life with you and that's enough for me."

A sad smile adorned your face before you said again "There are many things I'd like to do, Severus, but for me, it's enough to have you by my side." he looked at you for a whole minute, taking in all your micro expressions "And what would that be?" he asked in his deep baritone voice.

You sighed, "I could make you a list." You put your head on his chest as he started to run a hand through your (h/c) locks. Suddenly, you felt Severus move slightly and when you turned your head to look up at him, you saw he was holding a piece of parchment and a quill in his hands. His hand stopped caressing your hair "What are you doing?" you asked "Making a list of course. Now tell me, what would you like to do?"

You stared at Severus for a couple of seconds until you blinked harshly and laid your head back on his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat, you started to think of all the things you wanted to do.

"I'd like to... I'd like to... Oh! I know... I'd like to go to the beach." Severus wrote it down "Why?" he asked "Are you going to question everything I'm going to say?" you asked. looking up at him with a smug smile "I'm just curious." he answered flatly. "Because I always wanted to go, see the sand, hear the sea..." Severus hummed at you "What else my love?"

You continued thinking and then said "I'd like to have a ride in the London Eye" again, Severus wrote it down "What's that?" he asked

"It's a huge Ferris wheel that's located next to the Thames, people say London looks beautiful from up there." he hummed again "I'd like you to kiss me everyday." you said "You don't have to ask for that (y/n)." he said, which made you look up at him as he pressed his lips to yours in a soft and delicate kiss. "What else my dear?" he murmured in your hair once you two broke the kiss.

I'd like to laugh so hard that I'd cry tears of joy." you said, chuckling to yourself. You heard a deep chuckle from Severus that only made you smile wider.

"I'd like to ride a horse." again, the Potions Master wrote it down "I'd like to bake something with you, maybe a pie or something like that."

"Bake a pie..." Severus said as he wrote it down "Anything else?" he asked. You looked at him and said, "Maybe we could add more things to the list as we go on?" you suggested. "Is there anything you'd like to do, Sev?"

Severus pondered for a minute "Don't you want to go to Celestia's wedding?" he asked you "Oh yeah! Write that one too!"

"There is something I want to do (y/n)" he said "Go on." you encouraged him "I'd like to make potions with you." you smiled at him "Okay, write it down please." Severus wrote it down "Anything else?" this time, you asked him the question "I would like to laugh until I cry." he said "Making you smile at him, "We'll see if we get to do that Sev." you said in a teasing tone, earning an eye roll from Severus.

"Would you like to go to a Quidditch match?" he asked, "Sure." you said as he wrote it down. Suddenly, you yawned which made Severus chuckle slightly. "We can add things in the process." he said as he put the paper and quill aside "You mean, you actually want to do all those things?" you asked.

"Yes, obviously." you smiled widely at him "I love you Severus!" you nearly screamed as you hugged him from the neck "I love you too (y/n)." you separated from the embrace and kissed him passionately, it's been awhile since you've felt this excited and you couldn't believe it.

"I can't wait to start doing the bucket list." you said once you both parted from the kiss "Me neither." said Severus as you positioned yourself to lay comfortably on the bed, spooned by the love of your life "Sweet dreams my (y/n)." he whispered in your ear "Goodnight my Severus."

And with that, the two of you fell asleep together, not wanting to wait another second to start the bucket list.

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