Chapter 39 Bittersweet dream

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Severus made sure to publish the story you wrote, of course it didn't have you guy's names but the story was more accurate than ever.

The new year at Hogwarts was going to start in two weeks but Severus didn't feel like going back to teaching, it would feel strange to not have you as his student, as his light anymore. He felt like the fire you ignited every morning to give him strength was no longer there, his heart was now covered in ice as he replaced the tears with anger, not at you but at the wizard who cursed you. If he hadn't taken his own life, Severus would have surely killed him after what he did to you.

He sighed heavily as he got ready for bed, remembering how you would smile at him while he changed his shirt.

Severus climbed up on his side of the bed, he never used the whole bed now as deep within his heart, he hoped you would enter the room and lay down next to him. The Potions Master didn't realize when he fell asleep but he wasn't going to deny it, it was the best sleep he had gotten since the day you passed away.

"Hello, Severus." at the sound of your sweet voice, he opened his eyes. He was still on his bed but it was already morning. Turning his head to your side, he saw you laying next to him with a soft smile on your face.

You were wearing your usual black nightgown and your hair was all over the white pillow. Severus didn't utter a word as he brought his hand up to your face and cupped your cheek with his large hand. You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment

"You are here." he whispered, not believing his eyes as he had you, the love of his life, next to him once again. You frowned slightly at him, placing your smaller hand over his that was still on your face, you said "Why wouldn't I be?"

A sudden sadness engulfed the professor's heart "Because you left. You died in my arms, (y/n)." You squeezed his hand and said, with a sad smile dancing on your lips "That doesn't mean I left this place, right?"

He looked down at your hand that was pressed over his heart. "No, you'll never leave this place, my (y/n)." you smiled when he called you his, as many times before when you used to live together.

"I don't want you to go." Severus said as he sneaked his arms around your waist, pulling you closer into his chest and burying his nose in your hair as he inhaled your scent of wild roses, a scent he'd never get tired of.

"I'm not going anywhere, Severus, remember? I made a promise." he sighed at your words, remembering your promise to him. He held you tighter, wanting to cherish this moment forever.

"Take me with you." he whispered in your ear. You put your hands on his cheeks, his eyes were glistening with tears that he refused to let out. And with a sad smile, you said "I can't do that."

Severus closed his eyes, a single tear falling from his eye and rolling slowly down his pale cheek. He wanted to be with you for eternity, he wanted this emotional pain to stop, he wanted to gather you in his arms and never let you go.

"I can't live without you." His words shattered your heart, knowing that the strong and brave man you knew was now so vulnerable and heartbroken pulled on your heartstrings "Yes, you can. You are strong, Severus, stronger than you think. And don't worry, we'll see each other again. Just be patient. Be patient, love."

You kissed him softly before untangling yourself from his arms, leaving him in the cold bed as his eyes were closed, just listening to your voice.

Severus sat up in the bed, his hand went to your side of the bed only to find it empty and cold. It was raining outside and he sighed when he noticed Ashes, your cat, was sleeping at his feet.

He had you, he had you for a moment, a very short moment in which you were his again, where he could hold you in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. He touched his cold lips where he could still feel your kiss.

It was just a dream, a bittersweet dream in which he got to see you but you were gone once he would wake up.

With a last glance around the lonely bedroom, Severus laid back down "I'll be patient, my love. I'll be waiting to see you again, dearest (y/n)." he said to himself before falling into a dreamless sleep as a thunder was heard in the distance.

816 words 


Eternally Yours (Severus Snape x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora