Chapter 6 Carry me

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Your (e/c) eyes lost their spark, making them look dull and without life. You saw Celestia's lips moving, saying something, but a ringing in your ears made it impossible to hear her words. You felt exhausted, you wanted to sleep for eternity "(y/n), what's wrong? Are you feeling alright?" your friend asked desperately, but again, you didn't hear her.

Your chest felt tight and you had problems breathing correctly but your face stayed numb and emotionless and before you knew it, everything went black.

Severus' P.O.V.

As I gave detention to those students, I started to head to the Great Hall. "Can someone please help me!?" A voice shouted. "Anyone, please!" Frowning, I fastened my pace, trying to get to the voice's source.

Rounding a corner, I saw Celestia Warren, (y/n)'s friend leaning over a girl with (h/c) hair that was lying on the floor.

There is only one person that I know with those (h/c) locks and that is (y/n).

I sprinted towards the two girls and once at the end of the corridor, I kneeled down at (y/n)'s side "What happened?" I asked with my gaze focused on the unconscious girl

"I-I don't know s-sir. She just f-fainted." Said her friend as she was crying uncontrollably

"I'll take her to the hospital wing, Miss Warren. You better return to the Great Hall." and before she could refuse or say anything, I slided my arms under (y/n)'s knees and under her back, scooping her up in my arms from the cold floor and walked away to the Hospital wing.


Third person's P.O.V.

As the Potions Master walked through the many hallways of the castle with the unconscious girl with (h/c) hair in his arms, an uneasy feeling crept at the bottom of his heart while his mind couldn't stop questioning the situation he was currently in.

'What happened to (y/n)?'

'Did she faint because of her lack of sleep?'

'Will she be alright?'

Glancing down at the girl in his arms, he also questioned himself 'Why am I doing this?' 'Why do I care so much for her?' But little did Severus know that the answer to his last question was already in his heart but he would never accept it as the feeling of betrayal towards the woman he once loved, would be present in his cold soul.

He arrived at the hospital wing in record time, immediately noticed by Madam Pomfrey who rushed to his side as Severus laid down softly (y/n)'s limp form to one of the beds.

"What happened, Severus?" asked Madam Pomfrey.

"I don't know...I found her unconscious on the floor." answered the Potions Master in his usual monotone voice but with a hint of worry coming from his heart.

"Okay," said the sweet lady, "I'll have to check her up." Severus nodded before exiting the Hospital wing in his usual long strides.

Madam Pomfrey sighed, taking out her wand, she started to cast different spells in order to diagnose (y/n).


Your (e/c) eyes opened slowly. Looking at your surroundings, confusion washed over you as the last thing you remembered was being in a corridor with Celestia. You frowned, wanting to know why you were in the Hospital wing.

You started to sit up on the bed but you felt light-headed and leaned back on the bed with white sheets.

Then, you heard some gossip at the other end of the room, turning your gaze towards the source of the voices, you spotted Madam Pomfrey, Professor Flitwick, Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall and Professor Snape.

They were all listening to Madam Pomfrey who was saying something in a low voice to the other Professors that were gathered around.

The eyes of the kind lady shifted towards you and once you two made eye contact, she sighed and walked to the bed in which you were lying.

"How are you feeling Miss (l/n)?" she asked in her usual sweet voice. "I feel really tired and my head hurts a little." She just nodded before heading to one of her many cupboards in search of a potion.

Meanwhile, the other teachers approached your bed with sad eyes and sorrowful expressions, you could even notice a slight gleam in the Potions Master's eyes when he looked at you.

"Why am I here? What happened?" you asked Professor Flitwick as he was standing by your side. "I was informed that you fainted, Miss (l/n). Professor Snape brought you here and see...-" but before he could continue explaining, Madam Pomfrey came back with a spoon and a bottle with some green liquid inside it.

"Open up, it'll help you with the headache." she said as she handed you the spoon with the green liquid. Opening your mouth, you swallowed it. Scrunching your nose at the disgusting potion.

"Miss (l/n)...there is something you need to know," said Madam Pomfrey. She took a deep breath before saying. "Professor Flitwick as well as the other teachers had told me that you've been feeling like this for a couple of months." you nodded at her and she continued "I had to cast some spells on you to know why you were feeling this abnormal tiredness and the cause of you fainting and...I...well, I found've been cursed."

A/N Thank you so much to everyone who's reading this, I love you guys so much. Please feel free to leave a comment if you are enjoying the story so far! xxx.

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