Chapter 40 Eternally Yours

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It's been nine years since Severus lost his other half, nine years of loneliness, of bittersweet dreams. Nine years of torment and tears. Nine years of heartbreak.

But he lived, he lived and accomplished his mission as a double agent for Dumbledore, Severus has done many things during these last years, going to Death Eaters meetings as well as bringing information to the Order. He continued teaching at Hogwarts as well as always keeping an eye on Harry Potter and his friends.


The now headmaster was pacing on the large office he knew too well, his long strides carried him along the large room. Severus' mind was trailing back to the days in which he was happy, when he had you by his side.

His heart was covered in ice since you left his side, but then again, it was not for you to choose whether to stay or not.

His dark eyes travelled to the locket in which you once kept a picture of you with your parents. Severus found it between your things that were still in his house, and replaced the picture with one you two took on your day at the beach. You were smiling widely at him as he hugged you from behind, the ocean was as a background and the moving picture always eased his heart whenever he was sad.

The dark-haired man always carried the medallion that once was one of your most precious possessions, he always had it in his pocket, normally playing with it when no-one was watching.

Severus opened the locket and glanced at the picture, your smile always brought ease to his heart, sometimes even making him smile. "I wish you were here, (y/n)." he muttered to the picture. With a sigh, he closed it, the only noise it made was a soft 'click' and it was back in his pocket.

Walking towards the big desk, Severus grabbed his wand and exited the office as he was informed that Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmeade and that only meant that the war was close.


His long strides carried him across the Great Hall, his black cloak floating behind him in his usual dramatic way, the dramatic way you loved too much.

There was not a single day in which Severus didn't think of his long lost love, the woman who slipped through his finger like water, the woman he still loves, the one who completed him, his soulmate, his best friend and his confidence. You

Every day, the thought of you crossed his mind, in a way it was good, as Severus wasn't able to forget how strong your love was for him but in the other hand, it was a torturous fate as he wasn't able to live in peace without the thought of what you'd have done in the situation he was currently living.

While he was duelling Minerva, Severus could only imagine you trying to protect him, shooting spells even if it was at one of your favourite professors.

He took his leave with a flick of his cloak, crashing the glass of one of the windows at the back of the Great Hall as Severus flew out of the castle, leaving Hogwarts in Minerva's hands.

The war began soon after that event, spells were shot in all directions, shouts could be heard in what used to be the courtyard but Severus was not in the main battle as he was in a much scarier place that was in the mere presence of the Dark Lord himself.

From many years, Severus was able to put a façade, never letting out his true emotions to surface. He knew where this conversation was going when the Dark Lord summoned him to the boathouse. Regardless of the situations that he was currently leaving, Severus was scared. He always knew that the chances of getting killed were too high but he took the responsibility anyway. The responsibility of protecting the Wizarding World, even if it would cost him his life.

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