Chapter 19 What's right

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The next morning you woke up in a cold and empty bed. You glanced around you were currently in and after a couple of minutes, you realized you were in Severus' bed. The thought brought a smile to your face. You sat up and swung your legs off the bed, you bare feet touching the cold floor that made a shiver run down your spine.

Walking out of the room, you spotted Severus sitting on the couch reading the Daily Prophet with a cup of tea in front of him. "Morning Severus." you said from the other side of the room. The Potions Master's dark eyes fixed at your figure "How did you sleep?" he asked as you walked towards him and sat down next to him "Quite good, how about you?"

"Yeah, me too." was his response before putting the newspaper on the table and handing you the warm cup of tea. you smiled slightly as the cup started to warm your cold hands. You took a sip from it and smiled slightly. it was just how you like it.

"(y/n)," Severus' voice made you look up at him and he continued "since you agreed to come and live with me, I suggest you pack your things, we'll be leaving in two hours." you put the cup on the coffee table and stood up from the couch. "Very well then, I'll come back once I finish." Severus nodded at you and you walked back to his room where your wand was and with a swish movement, you were changed into some casual clothes.

Walking back to the living room, you saw Severus getting up from the couch, "I'll be back later Severus." he just looked at you before smiling slightly and with that, you exited his chambers.

While you went to pack your things, Severus also left his chambers but with another destination in his mind. Walking down the many corridors of the castle, he found himself in the Headmaster's office "What can I do for you Severus?" asked the older man "She accepted." and with those two words, Albus understood the Potions Master's motive to be in his office "Should I tell her that I'm a Death Eater?" he asked, looking at the headmaster desperately "I'm not going to tell you what to do Severus. You must do whatever you feel is right. Would you be able to lie to her? Would you be able to accept the fact that she might leave your side? Those are questions only you can answer but if you want my advice: it's better to speak the truth than hiding it."

Severus stared at the old man for some time while his mind pondered if you should know the truth or not. He couldn't lie to you but he didn't want to accept the fact that maybe you wouldn't want him anymore as your lover.

Severus loved you deeply and he was going to do what was best for you. After thinking about it for about ten minutes he just said "Thank you Albus." and with that, he turned around and walked out of the headmaster's big office. Knowing exactly what to do once you two arrive at Spinner's End.

Two hours later, you returned to the dungeons with a small bag and your gray cat in your arms. You knocked in your normal pattern and Severus opened the door. Sending him a small smile, you walked into his chambers.

"Where is your luggage?" he asked you and with your cat still in your arms, you looked down at your small bag and said "Undetectable extension charm. Everything's in my purse. I hope you don't mind that I bought Ashes with me, but I couldn't leave her." you said, gesturing to your gray pet.

"Not at all, now, we better get going. Are you sure you are not forgetting something (y/n)?" Severus asked "Nope. I have everything with me." And with that, you and Severus left his chambers once more to apparate to Spinner's End.

The walk out of the castle was peaceful, with a comfortable silence between you two and once you were out of Hogwarts ground, you took Severus' arm and apparated to his home. Your feet touched the ground a second later after the commotion but this time, you were in a very different place.

Ashes, your cat, jumped from your arms as soon as you both were at Spinner's End, shaking its head and starting to explore the room. Meanwhile, your (e/c) eyes looked at the living room you were currently in. "(y/n)," Severus' voice broke your train of thought and you turned to look at him "There's something I need to tell you." He then grabbed your small hand in his large one and led you to the couch in which you two sat down.

The Potions Master took a deep breath, pondering if he should tell you the truth or not, the truth that you were going to find out sooner or later seeing as you were now living with him. So, he decided to speak and tell you everything, even if it meant you were going to walk away from him.

And as your (e/c) eyes looked at his figure, he said...


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