Chapter 8 Bitter tears

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That night you couldn't sleep, how could you? You just layed in bed, staring at the ceiling and as it was dinner time, Madam Pomfrey left for the Great Hall to have her own meal, not before leaving your dinner on your nightstand.

As a sigh left your lips, you opened your silver locket, the one Severus found the other day by the Black Lake, you opened it and, smiling at the moving picture inside it, you let your mind go back to the memories you had with your parents.

You chuckled lightly as you remembered when you were six years old, you were sitting in a fine restaurant with your parents as they were invited to some sort of gala from the Ministry.

You were getting bored at the supposed 'party' but then again, you had your dad that made you laugh when he made a crazy face that you almost spitted out your juice. Almost.

More and more memories flashed through your mind that you didn't hear when someone entered the hospital wing, thinking that it was just Madam Pomfrey, you continued looking at the moving photo in your medallion.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Your eyes snapped from the locket when you heard that deep, soothing voice you know too well, and once you lifted your head, your (e/c) eyes met the onyx orbs of the Potions Master

"I'm not hungry." you mumbled quietly but he heard you clearly.

He narrowed his eyes at you, staring at you for a couple of seconds before walking towards the chair that was placed next to your bed and sitting down in it.

"Then I suppose you wouldn't like a biscuit?" he asked but you shook your head 'no' and he sighed.

Severus was really trying to cheer you up a bit, something he doesn't do regularly; in fact, he's never done it with a student. But you're not just any student, you still didn't know that Professor Snape cared about you in a way he's never cared about anyone before.

To his eyes, you were the most beautiful, kind, caring, sweet and intelligent girl. He thought highly of you, not just as a student but as a person too. Hence, he could say that he loved you but his heart was so broken that the fear of rejection always shut his mouth whenever he wanted to confess his feelings to you.

Severus also knew that any kind of relationship between you and him was forbidden so, why even say it?

The Potions Master stared longingly at you as you were fidgeting with your fingers, trying to avoid his piercing gaze "Miss (l/n)...I would like you to know that...I don't know how you are feeling in this moment...but I want you to know that if you ever need someone to be there with you...I'm here for you. Always."

You looked up at him, your eyes full of tears and once you met his gaze, you were able to see a side of Severus that was hidden deep in his soul: his caring side.

Then, after some seconds of silence, you sat up on the bed and said "It's just...I'm scared." your voice cracked a little and Severus' eyebrows knitted together as you continued "I...I always thought I'd die in a bed, when I was an old lady surrounded by my children and grandchildren but...I won't be able to do any of that. I won't get married or have children, I won't have my dream job,it''s not fair."

You put your hand on your face as you started to sob and fresh tears ran down your face. Suddenly, you felt how two strong arms wrapped around your shaking figure and pulled you to them. "I know, I know, (y/n). Life is not fair. It's never fair." Professor Snape said as you cried harder in his chest as he ran a hand through your (h/c) hair.

After what felt like hours, you separated from the embrace "Feeling better?" he asked. You nodded slightly "Thanks," you muttered.

"You should rest, Miss (l/n)." Said Snape before standing from his chair

"You can call me (y/n) when we are alone, professor." you said, a smirk forming on your lips. Little did you know that that tiny sign of happiness sent a plethora of feelings to Severus' heart because knowing that he was the reason for your enchanting smile made him feel proud of himself "Okay then, goodnight (y/n)." he said and your smile widened "Goodnight, sir." he nodded at you and exited the room.

You leaned back on the soft pillow as something caught your attention out of the corner of your eye. Glancing at your nightstand, you saw a serviette wrapping around something. You took it in your soft hands and when you opened it, a wide smile spread across your face as you found some of your favourite cookies in there. But knowing that Professor Snape left them there for you was the main reason behind your smile and for that moment, for that single moment, your fate was out of your mind completely.

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