Chapter 26 A not so beautiful surprise

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The birds chirped loudly that morning, Severus opened his eyes just to find himself in his study, it looked like he slept over his desk as the papers were now scattered all over the place. He groaned slightly as the sunlight pierced through his window.

According to the grandfather's clock that was in the room, it was already quarter past eight in the morning, this made the Potions Master frown as it was already time you had woken up. Shrugging the thought aside, he stood up from his chair as he started to organize his papers. Suddenly, his onyx eyes fixed to his closed door as a sound of someone or rather something was scratching it. Severus frowned as he walked towards the door of his study, he glanced down just to see your cat, Ashes sitting there. She meowed up at him, making Severus raise an eyebrow at the small feline.

"What is it? What do you want?" he asked even though he felt stupid talking to a cat. Ashes meowed again and turned around, trying to make Severus follow her. He rolled his eyes at the small cat, thinking that maybe she just wanted to eat something but he grew confused when the cat started to walk towards the stairs.

He looked around the house as he saw no sight of you, which was strange; the cat meowed for the third time, making him look back at it as Ashes was sitting at the bottom of the stairs. Severus walked towards the cat but then it ran upstairs, he followed her with his eyes but when his obsidian orbs landed on the figure that was lying at the top of the stairs, he paled to a sickening colour.

Severus sprinted towards you, who was still unconscious on the floor, your hand was still hanging from the stair "(y/n)... (y/n) open your eyes." he said as he had one hand on your cheek.

Your (e/c) eyes opened slowly just to see the blurry form of Severus leaning over you. You tried to reach him but your eyes felt so heavy that you fell limp against him "(y/n)! (y/n) you need to stay awake. Come on darling, open your eyes." but you weren't responding more.

Severus started to panic as he felt your weak pulse on your wrist "No, no, no, no..." he muttered to himself as he saw your pale features. Without hesitation, he scooped you up from the cold floor, and with you lying limply on his arms, he carried you towards the bedroom.

Severus placed you on the unmade bed softly before he ran down stairs and all the way to his study to retrieve a potion for you to drink once you woke up.


Severus sat next to you on a chair he placed after he returned with the potion in his hands, his large hands were holding your small one as you were still passed out on the soft bed. "Wake up (y/n), please wake up" he said as he pressed a kiss to your knuckles. Your pale features just alarmed him more as there was only one thought in his mind: he was going to lose you.

It could be true but at the same time it couldn't, but just thinking of it made his onyx eyes water with bitter tears.

He stayed by your side for god knows when, as the only thing that mattered to him was to see your (e/c) eyes once more.

Your eyes opened lazily as a sigh escaped your lips. At first you didn't recognize where you were until you felt something grabbing your hand, you turned to look at it only to find Severus sleeping on the side of the bed with your hand grasp tightly in his.

You squeezed his hand making him jerk his head almost immediately "(y/n)," he breathed out. You showed him a weak smile "Hey Sev." you said, even though your throat was sore from not using your voice for a long time. He grabbed a bottle that was on your nightstand and said "Please drink this, dear." you smiled at the cute nickname and downed the liquid that was, surprisingly, not that bad.

Severus put your head back on the pillows as he put the now empty vial back on the nightstand "What happened?" you asked. He took your hand in his again "I don't know, I found you lying at the top of the stairs." you lowered your gaze to the white sheets "I'm sorry," he frowned at your words "for worrying you. How long have I been asleep?"

"Nearly a day... What happened (y/n)? Why did I find you unconscious at the top of the stairs? Did something happen during the night?" he asked. You fixed your (e/c) eyes to his onyx ones and nodded before saying "I woke up in the middle of the night with a pain in my chest... I couldn't breath and I got scared. So I went to look for you as I knew you were already home." A sigh escaped his lips "I should have come here when I came back." he said "No Severus, don't blame yourself." but the only thing he did after hearing your words was lower his gaze as he stared at your tangled hands. "I'm going to bring you some tea." he said as he stood up and exited the room without you being able to say something against it.

The Potions Master returned a few minutes later with a steaming cup of tea in his hands, he handed it to you and you gladly took it, feeling all warm inside as you took a sip from it. "(y/n) listen to me, you are going to stay in bed for a couple of days. Just until you gather your strength again." you lowered your cup of tea from your lips when he said that. 'Who would clean the house? Who's going to prepare the meals? Who's going to take care of Ashes?' you questioned yourself but as if Severus read your mind, he said "Don't worry, I'll take care of you and the house but you need to rest, okay?" you nodded at him with a small smile.

 You finished your tea and put the empty cup on the nightstand. "That's the second reason why I offered you to live with me," you looked at him with a raised eyebrow "And what's the first one?" you asked in an innocent voice "That I love you." Severus said without hesitation, his words only made you smile widely at him "And you know why I accepted?" you asked with a smirk on your face "Why?" he asked, although he already knew the answer "Because I love you too."

1112 words


A/N I hope this makes for the short chapter I published on Thursday. Thank you guys so much for reading this story, it trully means a lot. Take care :3

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