Chapter 14 A trip to Hogsmeade

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It's been two months since Severus' birthday and things seemed to have improved for you, your tiredness had disappeared a week ago and you were able to return to your normal classes. The graduation was round the corner and that was all your friends talked about.

But you couldn't care less, it's true, you've been feeling fine lately but not enough for a party. On the other hand, your best friend, Celestia, always made sure you were feeling alright and that you were comfortable. At the beginning, she didn't want to accept what was going to happen to you. The both of you had grown up together like sisters, you always tell her your problems as well as she tells you her own issues and the idea of not having you with her made her cry her eyes out but you had to assure her every time that it was a waste of time to cry, that it was better if you two spent your time together. And that's exactly what you did.

On your next trip to Hogsmeade, Celestia was determined to buy a dress for the graduation and of course you went with her to a beautiful store with all types of dresses and accessories. "Look at this one!" she exclaimed when she saw a bright purple one. You leaned on the wall as she inspected the other dresses and after a couple of minutes, she came back with at least ten gowns to try on "Aren't you going to buy one?" She asked you.

"Maybe later." Celestia rolled her eyes at you "(y/n), the graduation it's in two months! If you don't get a dress now, you won't be able to find one later."

Truth be told, you didn't want to go to said celebration, not because you didn't want to spend time with your friends but because you were afraid to exhaust yourself too much. "Don't worry about me Celesty, I'll find one. Besides, I just brought enough galleons for Honeydukes. You know I can't resist their chocolate."

Celestia rolled her eyes playfully at you and turned around to go and try her dresses and knowing your friend, you were going to be in this store for a couple of hours.

Meanwhile, in the headmaster's office...

Severus' P.O.V.

I paced around Albus' office, trying to put my thoughts in order as I just came back from a death eaters meeting. "Penny for your thoughts?"asked the headmaster, making me look straight at him "They still don't know where the boy is, but I insist, headmaster, if you bring the Potter boy here, once he's eleven, he will be in great danger."

Dumbledore seemed to think about it for a second "I know Severus, but Harry is the only one who will be able to defeat the Dark Lord once he rises again." I sighed deeply "As you wish Albus."

I started to pace once more as silence fell in the room "And how's Miss (l/n)?" I frowned at his question "Why would I know?" I answered back bitterly, "Just asking." said Albus, which made me roll my eyes "If you don't mind, headmaster, I have lessons to teach." he nodded at me and just before I could cross the door to exit the big office, I heard him say "Good luck on the graduation day." I could feel Albus' smirk in his words but I didn't react to his words and continued my journey down the stairs.

End of P.O.V.

"Celesty, I'm going to get back to the castle." you said once you two exited the shop "Why, are you tired?" she asked worriedly "A little."

"Would you like me to go with you?" you smiled at her "No, it's okay. You still need to buy some accessories for your dress. I'll be fine Celesty, don't worry." She looked at you curiously "Fine, I'll go back as soon as I can." you two shared a hug "I'll see you in the Great Hall for lunch." Celestia smiled at you and you two separated from the embrace, going in different ways. You walked all the way back to the castle and once inside, you sat in the stairs with a huff. A sigh escaped your lips as you leaned on the railing, closing your eyes and taking deep breaths.

After you felt better, you stood up from the stairs but when you turned around, you almost had a heart attack as you saw the unmistakably form of Professor Snape towering above you "Evening professor." you said, smiling slightly "What are you doing sitting here, miss (l/n)?" he asked cooly, cocking an eyebrow at you.

"I've just returned from Hogsmeade." His eyes widened slightly "You went there by walking?!" you smiled sheepishly at him "Yes?" you said, your voice coming more as a question rather than an affirmation. Severus sighed deeply "You shouldn't have done that." he stated

You looked down at your feet "I know, but I did get back when I felt a little tired. And I wasn't alone, I went with Celestia."

Some minutes in silence passed before the Potions Master spoke again "Get back to the hospital wing and rest (y/n). You've been fine this past week and you wouldn't like to feel drained again, would you?" you shook your head in response "Then go, and if you are going out of Hogwarts grounds at least make sure there's a teacher with you." you sighed at his genuine concern "Yes, Professor Snape." and with that, you started to climb up the stairs that lead to the hospital wing, leaving a very concerned Severus behind you, who didn't move from his spot until he saw you enter the room.

word count: 954


Eternally Yours (Severus Snape x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora