Chapter 24 A normal day at Spinner's End

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You opened your eyes as the morning light peered through the window, you sat in the bed as the blanket covered your naked body. A smile spread across your lips when you remembered what happened last night.

You turned your (e/c) eyes to Severus' side of the bed just to find it empty. A frown made its way to your face, replacing your radiant smile but suddenly, the bathroom's door opened and in came Severus, changed into his normal clothes and his hair was a little wet meaning that he just got showered.

"Good morning." you said, a smile returning to your lips "Morning (y/n), did you sleep well?" he asked, walking towards the bed. Your smile widened "Yeah... how 'bout you?" Severus sat down on the bed "Very well, indeed." you chuckle slightly, "I love you." you said, your words were so transparent that it made the Potions Master smile at you "I love you too (y/n), I already showed you that, didn't I?" His words made you laugh "Yes, you did." you said before his lips smashed into yours, making you fall on the bed once more, Severus was now lying on top of you, his hands explored your curves that were covered by the thin, silky blanket.

You ran your hands through his slightly wet hair and when you both parted from the kiss for air, neither of you could help the huge grin that was on your faces.

"You have a beautiful smile, Severus." you said "Only for you darling." was his answer. "Let me take a shower and then we can go and have breakfast together, okay?" you said and he nodded cradling off of you so you could get up and take your deserved shower.


You both were now sitting on the kitchen table eating breakfast in a comfortable silence. Your hair was still wet from the shower and with fresh clothes on, you felt ready to start the day "What are we going to do today?" you asked, out of the blue. Making Severus lift his onyx orbs to you "I don't know... is there something you want to do?"

You pondered for a moment, thinking of all the things you two could do to spend the day. Suddenly, an idea popped into your mind and with a smile on your face, you asked "Could you read to me, please?"

Severus raised an eyebrow at you "You want me to read to you?" he asked, making you nod eagerly. He chuckled deeply to himself "Alright, let me just finish my food." you squealed slightly before you continued eating.


You were sitting on the couch in the living room while Severus looked through his many bookshelves, searching for a book to read to you "What would you like me to read?" He asked "Anything really, whatever you want to read to me it's fine." you said.

"Do you like poetry?" he asked after a couple of minutes in silence but this time he turned to look at your (e/c) eyes.

You nodded at him with a smile gracing your features. Severus picked out a book from the bookshelf and sat down next to you, you put your head on his shoulder as he started to read 

his soothing voice made you calm and relax in the cosy living room.

A sigh escaped your lips as you enjoyed every word he pronounced. And when he finished the poem, Severus turned to look at you and you tilted your head to meet his eyes "I've always liked your voice." you said.

He smiled softly at you before he continued reading for the rest of the day, neither of you taking care of the world because in that moment nothing else mattered but you two.


That night, when you both were having dinner, after Severus read a lot of poems to you, an owl arrived through the kitchen window and dropped a letter in front of Severus. "Who is it from?" you asked before taking a fork full of salad.

"Dumbledore." said Severus before opening the envelope. You stared at him while his obsidian eyes travelled all over the paper. A sigh escaped his lips "What is it?" you asked "I need to go to Hogwarts, Dumbledore wants to speak with me about something he didn't mention in the letter."

He put the paper on the table "Are you going to leave now?" you asked "Yes, but this time, don't wait for me. You need to rest." he said in a stern voice but you could also notice his concern towards you. "Don't worry Sev, I'll just clean the kitchen and I'll go upstairs." you assured him.

Severus stood up and kissed you softly on the lips before he walked to the living room, grabbed some flu powder and disappeared in a mass of green flames. Meanwhile you put a spell on the dishes, making them wash themselves in the sink while you cleaned the table and once you were satisfied with the now cleaned kitchen, you flickered off the lights and made your way up stairs and towards your shared bedroom, ready for a needed sleep.

843 words


Eternally Yours (Severus Snape x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin