Chap 55

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Auth POV:

"Hi Y/N," Hobi replied, his gaze fixed on Y/N.

"What are you doing here? " Y/N asked a little confused but was cut off by the bouncers behind Hobi, who came in and dragged her and the other two men out of the box.

"Hobi! Please help us. These people are going to -" She started to stumble around the bouncer trying to reach Hobi.

"Take her in!" Hobi yelled.

Once she understood everything he said, she shut her eyes and stopped moving

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Once she understood everything he said, she shut her eyes and stopped moving. Her only hope had vanished right in front of her eyes. Hobi was one of those people.

One bouncer carried Y/n, while the other simply grabbed Taehyung and Jisoo's father by the collar.

They brought them into a dark place and the bouncer dropped Taehyung on a squeaky chair. As soon as he dropped Taehyung, another guy came in and tied his hands to the hands of the chair. With a thud sound, a string of lightbulbs was switched on parallelly making the place visible enough to see. 

Y/N was still in the arms of the bouncer. She squinted her eyes because of how bright the light was.

As she opened her eyes completely she noticed Taehyung strapped up to a chair in front of her and Jisoo's father standing far from them.

She was about to behind to find the way out but was interfered by the sight of Kai walking with a whip. Y/N's eyes widened when she noticed he was moving towards Taehyung.

"Wait! Stop! Don't hurt him..." She struggled in her position, attempting to break free from the tight grip that had been placed around her. But it was pointless.

Suga POV:

It was late in the afternoon.

We returned to the station and completed all of the necessary paperwork to obtain bail for Jackson. It was easier to get him out because he had no prior criminal record.

He was escorted out of the jail by a small group of constables. We could see him stumbling a little, which we assumed was due to the shot wound he earned the last time he met us. He came in quietly and decided to sit in the back trunk of the jeep. Jin took the wheel this time, and we drove to the airport I'd been told to go to. Namjoon stayed back at the station to arrange some support for us.

The entire trip to the airport was deafeningly quiet. We were confused and unable to help friends. For the first time, I felt hopeless, similar to how you feel upon losing a battle.

We were in front of an abandoned airport back gate, it looked like an electric grid from outside. I could see someone pressing a button before opening the gate

We entered passing the electric grid, and we were on the runway after crossing another wooden gate.

I was lost in my thoughts when the vehicle stopped abruptly.

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