Chap 34

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"I think you need to continue with the job you have got for maybe a few months," Suga said before starting the car.

"What? Why?" I raise my voice in confusion.

" Because my dear Y/N, you have signed a contract here," He said.

"Well, I don't think it's real, was it?"

" It was real Y/N" He confirmed

"Ugh, that dumb Teddy bear" I groaned

We arrived at our house and I stepped out of the car. Suga stayed in the car which led me to be curious.

He rolled down the window and looked at me.

"Y/N, I got have got some work with Jennie, Do you perhaps know where she is?"

"Oh, little meow wants to know Jennie is. huh?" I teased him.

"Just tell me or-"

"Or!? Don't go so far. It's still early in the day she will be at her usual coffee place. And you owe her an apology mister, don't forget"

"Suga never apologies to people," He said and zoomed off.

Suga POV:

When we came back to the hospital last night Y/N's behavior had changed. She was much happier, much soulful, and lively. It felt like the real Y/N had come back. But when she told me they injected her with something I felt something was wrong. And now she tells me that she doesn't know she ever had a boyfriend kind of freaks me out.

I pulled at the coffee place and noticed Jennie near the window.

She was lost staring at the coffee cup on the table.

"Hey, Jen" My voice made her turn around.

"What are you doing here Suga?" she said turning back to her coffee.

"Well, I am here to -" I mumbled with my head low.

" say sorry, I know Y/N told me" She sighed and signalled me to sit in front of her.

"You girls can't keep even a small secret in you. Can you?" I complained sitting in front of her.

She stared at me. Her stares were giving me chills. Either she was angry or she fought with few annoying kids before she came here.

I was about to continue when one of the waiters placed a cup in front of me.

"It's iced Americano, Your favorite."

"Thanks, Jen," I said smiling at her.

I was about to take a sip when she banged the desk startling me. Yep, I knew it, she is pissed.

"Come to the point. Why are you here? What do you want from me now?"

" Jennie I am sorry okay-"

I was cut off when someone with a much muscular figure stood next to Jennie. She heard me stop and looked over her shoulder.

" Hello Sir," She greeted with a smile as though she was expecting him to come

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" Hello Sir," She greeted with a smile as though she was expecting him to come.

"Hey Jennie, don't call me Sir. We are not on duty now" He said taking a seat in between us.

"This is Suga my friend and this is Baekhyun one of my seniors."

I don't like this Baekhyun. He feels creepy. 

They started talking and I felt left out, more than that I didn't get attention from Jen. 

I kept staring at them talking and laughing which pissed me off.

I stood and looked at Jennie

" Jennie I guess your too busy to talk right now, So let me just put it in short words. We are taking Y/N to the hospital tomorrow"


Before she could respond, I walked out of the cafeteria.



 Early in the morning, we are going to the clinic. Suga told me that I need to get tested assuming that someone would have injected a drug in me. I couldn't say no because he blackmailed me in a very stupid manner. He told me "if I won't come with him to the clinic, he won't let me drive anymore". Yeah, I know, it's the dumb reason, but whatever he wants he gets and on top of that he is doing this for me, so I didn't argue much.

"Hope you moved on, from the thing you had faced" Suga mumbled snapping me out of my thoughts

"Move one from what meow?"

"From the accident?" He asked turning and looking at me with a frown.

"Yeah, I guess so, but I don't remember much" I replied coping his expression

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"Yeah, I guess so, but I don't remember much" I replied coping his expression.

"Do you remember Lisa and Hobi?"


"Do you remember about the mission?"


"Do you remember moving here?"


"Do you remember Jennie?"

"Oh my god, You are freaking me out stop with the questions" I yelled. It felt like he was trying to investigate me.

"Do you remember being an assistant to Taehyung" I was fed up with these questions

"yes and I also remember kissing him, Why are you even asking me all this, "I cried

"You kissed him!? EW," He said making a disgusted face.

"Well, actually he did"

Suga sighed and thank god he changed the topic

"Fine, What were you guys talking about in the ward for so long?" He asked a little annoyed at the moment.

"I asked him about his relationship with this Jackson person. He told that me that...

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