Chap 40

212 9 0

Suga POV:

I was with Jennie in the doctor's cabin anticipating Y/N's report. The doctor entered, wearing a white coat and holding a file. Her face was emotionless. She sighed as she sat at the table in front of us.

"Has she been taking drugs?" she questioned looking straight at me. I was astounded by what she just asked.

"What are you talking about? No! She was never a drug user "I replied quickly in order to stop her from thinking negatively. She looked at me and began to explain.

""However, she was drugged in some way. The drugs she was given are extremely dangerous. I'm sorry I can't reveal the drug's name, but they're typically used to treat patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. As a result, the neurons storing any information related to past hard memories simply freeze. These drugs only work when you are awake. I'm guessing she passed out after the drugs took effect. That is why she is unable to recall portions of her memory."

Jennie looked down, depressed for Y/N. I continue to speak with the doctor while patting her shoulders.

"Does that mean she has a chance of regaining her memories?"

"It all depends on the circumstances. Sometimes people try hard to remember but are unable to do so, and other times, if even a minor trigger is present in the patient's mind, almost every memory can be recalled. It's difficult to predict when the memory will return."I nodded slowly taking the report from the hand.

We both stood up and bowed to the doctor before exiting the cabin.

Jennie looked at me and said

"Don't you think it's a good thing she hasn't remembered Jungkook? I mean, I saw the same happy Y/N. It will be difficult for her if she regains those memories."

"Yes, you are correct. She's back to being the Y/N I remember."

"Let's not put too much pressure on her memory." She said this while walking faster.

Jennie had evolved since that fateful day. She never fought with me anymore, and instead mostly ignored me. I missed the girl who was always fighting and clinging to me. 

It is always me who would go to her now but this time I wanted to make things clear with her.

"Hey Jen" I called her as we sat inside the car.


"Are you still going out with this guy Beak something guy"

"You mean Baekhyun ? Yeah. He is such a sweetheart." She was about to continue when her phone rang.

"Oh, it's Baekhyun," she exclaimed joyfully as she answered the phone

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"Oh, it's Baekhyun," she exclaimed joyfully as she answered the phone.

"Talk about the devil," I muttered to myself.

She cut the call after what felt like hours, then suddenly she asked me 

"If you are free this weekend then how about a date?"

"With whom?"


"No, I have too many responsibilities. My chief is refusing to accept my request to transfer Jackson to a more secure facility."

"What does that have to do with the date?"

"I'm not sure. That is more important now than the dates you and Y/N have planned."

"What's wrong with going on a date?"

"Its...well...Just...I don't know but I don't like the idea of any of this dating stuff"

"Fine, you don't want to come don't come"

"Um, Are you still going on a date with this Baekhyun?"

"Yeah, he told me he will bring one of his friends, So I was hoping you would get along with her"

"Wait, you were asking me to go with you to be someone else's date"


"You know what, I can make some free time for myself and catch up with you for the date"

"No need"


"You told you were busy"

"I just said I can make time"


"Y/N is much easier to convince than you"

"Oh yes, I always wanted to ask how did you manage to get her convinced for this,"Jennie asked curiously.

"I told her a fake story about the case and maybe lied here and there" I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Lied? Like what?"

"I told her since you had leaked the information, I was busted" 

"You asshole!!!" she yelled out

"Calm down, it was a great reason which brought her so far here"

"What did you say exactly?"She gritted her teeth looking at me.

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