Chap 32

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Auth POV:

The echo of the gunshot had captivated the attention of every person on the bridge. Looking at the person holding the gun was unexpected.

Taehyung was the one holding the gun. Y/N was shocked to see him with opened eyes and gulped nervously.

"Take them to the station" Suga ordered the bodyguards and went towards Taehyung.

Both Suga and Y/N helped him get up, and she asked him.

"When did you wake up?"

He couldn't reply while walking towards the car and placed him slowly in the backseat.

Y/N was about to move away from Taehyung when one of Taehyung's bracelets caught her finger ring. She yanked her hand away, causing her ring to fall out and dangle from Taehyung's bracelet.

Suga was driving, Y/N was at the back seat with Taehyung and his head resting on her lap.

"I am sorry Y/N" Taehyung murmured in his soft voice

She looked into his eyes, she felt guilt written all over his face. She moved her ears close to his mouth so that she can hear.

"I thought... you were the ... reason why everything is getting messed up, ... but it looks like it ... was all my fault, I was my ... fault that the accident ... happened and you lost you... I am really sorry" He stuttered.

She was confused by him apologizing as if he was going to die if he didn't say sorry.


Time skip:

Taehyung was taken to the hospital and was immediately rushed to the OT. 

Jin regained consciousness shortly after taking the antidote. Jisoo was with him at all times, but neither of them could say anything.

We were waiting outside the operating room when Jin's father arrived, concerned about his two sons. He approached Jin and hugged him tightly.

No matter how strong or strict the father can be, it's still his babies he has to care for. He looked at Jin and asked,

 "Where is Tae, is he fine?".

Jin simply nodded and said, "He'll be fine, Father. Relax, please."

"I don't know why that idiot threatened us to go save her," Jin's father exclaimed pointing towards Y/N.

Then he abruptly approached her and said

"What have you done to my son that he ran like that. He had never said no to me in all these years. He fought with me for the first time and that too for you."

Suga came and stood next to Y/N and the elder person in front of her became silent.

He looked down and mumbled "Thank you" The entire corridor was confused with this old man. One moment he was complaining about her and the next moment he was thanking her.

Just then the doctor came out he was crowded by everyone to know about Taehyung. Y/N just stayed in her place

The doctor tried to calm everyone and said "He is fine, don't worry, no internal organs were injured, just a stitch in his abdomen, he is going to be fine in a few days".

Everyone was relieved to know that Taehyung is fine.


"Can I meet him?" I asked the doctor.

"No, I'd rather meet him first." The stubborn father came up.

Looks like the old man didn't like the idea of me meeting his son. I glared at him, and he glared back at me with equal hatred.

"Exchcuj me. WHERE IS MY TAEHYUNGiiii?" A loud screech was heard from the end corridor causing everyone to turn around. 

In front of everyone stood a short man with a terrifying eye, talking to the receptionist. She gulped and pointed at us, terrified of the person who had just screamed at her.

 She gulped and pointed at us, terrified of the person who had just screamed at her

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"Hey, Jimin!" 

Jin greeted him with a smile and a hug.

"I want to meet Taehyung how is he?" Jimin asked Jin

"He is out of danger. To meet him you have two more competitors" Jin said showing me and his father

Jimin pulled away from the hug and walked in front of me and Taehyung's father.

" So, you guys are fighting to meet Taehyung?"

 "Yes," Both me and the old man said harmoniously.

" Well..." He extended the "LL" sound motioning us to come closer.

He dashed towards the door, shouting "TOO LATE!" before we could react.

"Well, That was too late" Jin stated from behind making the old man and I glare at Jin.

While waiting in the corridor, Jin informed me that his department had arrested Jackson and was transferring him to the hospital. He will be imprisoned after he recovers. Despite this, Jisoo's father still managed to escape. 

Jisoo called out for Jin but before she could continue Jin spoke with a straight face "It's already late, You will catch a cold if you stay like this. Go home and take a rest. You too Suga and Y/N"

All of us nodded at his request. Suga shook hands with Jin, and we left the hospital.

Jimin POV:

I rushed towards the hospital as soon as Jin Hyung informed me about Taehyung. It hasn't been easy these dayes with the  things that have been happening around lately.

Looking at my buddy so dull was heartbreaking. He was my soulmate for a reason. I feel pain whenever he is hurt. 

I moved closer to him and caressed his forehead. 

I stayed next to him the whole night holding his hand.

Next morning:

I felt some movement in my hand and looked up to find Taehyung with his puppy eyes wide open.

"Hey, Tae. It's me Jimin," I said softly moving close to him


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