Chap 46

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Auth POV:

"Kai !!" Jin banged his hand on the table.

Suga was confused with Jin's behavior. He was staring at Jin having no clue who he is talking about.

 "Who is this Kai?" Suga asked getting curious.

"He worked among the staff of the entertainment company Taehyung works at...And he was a very new Taehyung's assistant...he took care of Taehyung and from his cooking till driving. He was also in the car on the day of the accident" He said firmly looking at Suga.

Suga was confused now "So, what is he doing being a Gangster?"

"That's where he comes, He was supposed to be dead," Jin said sliding the postmortem report of the people who died in the accident.

"He faked his whole death scene, I guess he wanted to have a clean escape from being a normal man to become a Gangster," Jin said sighing.

"Jin Hyung, Why did he grow to become a gangster?"

Jin sighed and looked at Suga.

"I don't know, that is what we need to find out."

"Hmmmmm," Suga nodded casually and opened the file.

He was confused to see the report of the accident was the same one Y/N was a part of

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He was confused to see the report of the accident was the same one Y/N was a part of. He closed it not willing to go deep into that since it would bring in bad memories of Y/N suffrage.

"Did you get hold of Jisoo's father?"Jin asked looking at Suga with expectation.

"Well, not much, I couldn't trace anything after I heard that he was found near some port."

"The Shrine Port?"

"Yeah, but after that, he seemed to have vanished"

"It's the same place I caught him red-handed last time, No idea how he managed to escape with such strong evidence."

"Sometimes it feels like there is a culprit around us, Anyway that Jackson is being transferred to a higher authorized jail in the US in two days," Suga said in a serious tone. 

"That's good news," Jin said with a smile.

Time Skip:

Suga POV:

I parked the car in front of the house after collecting all the information from Jin Hyung's station. 

I was confused to see the door wide open, it would never be open that too at this time of the day. I slowly stepped in and was shocked to find Jennie tied up and covered with blood.

 I quickly went and untied her and brought her to the couch. She wasn't conscious and the wounds look fresh. I quickly called an ambulance and led to the hospital.

Waiting for the doctor in the corridor, I remembered Y/N. I called her a few times, but she didn't pick up the call. I shrugged it off thinking that she would be busy with Taehyung as he is being discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

After what felt like hours, I saw the doctor stepping out of the O.T door. I went to him and asked the condition of my Jennie. He stayed silent for a few seconds, sighed, and looked at me. 

"Lets, talk in my cabin," He said moving towards his cabin.

Time Skip

"She has been beaten up horrible and especially on her head. It might need days for her to wake up"

I felt really sad when I heard she might take days to get up. I nodded to the doctor and asked whether I can meet her, he agreed and handed me the report.

The bubbly girl who I saw walking around me was silently lying on the bed. Tears crept my eyes looking at her state. 

I wanted to know who did this, once I find them I'll teach them a lesson for sure

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I wanted to know who did this, once I find them I'll teach them a lesson for sure. A decent and simple girl like Jennie never deserved this. Looking at her I remembered what Jin said, he told me he and Y/N were attacked by a few people. Are they the reason behind this? Y/N?

I called Taehyung instead this time, and he picked up after a few rings.

"Hello, Suga hyung?"

"Hi Taehyung, Is Y/N with you?"

"No hyung, she didn't come to visit me today, she isn't even picking up my calls. Is she okay?"

Just then I got a call from another unknown number.

"Taehyung, I'll call you back" I replied cutting the call and picking the other one in an instant.

Taehyung POV:

I was resting in the ward and my dad was sitting near me telling me to take care of everything. It has been long since I have seen him for a long time next to me. It feels safe beside him.

"Taehyung, Why don't you get married and live like everybody else?"

And I take my words back.

"Dad, please don't force me to marry, why don't you ask Jin Hyung"

"He never listens whenever I bring up the topic of marriage, he makes up an excuse and runs away" He sighed and continued.

"Fine, Let's go home, my manager completed all the formalities in the hospital, So that you can go home soon. It is not good for you to be here all the alone every night."

But I had told Y/N that my discharge was tomorrow, I tried calling her a lot of times, but she didn't receive it. Oh, what the hell, I just want to go home early and then I'll call her there directly to my home.

Just when I got in the car I received an unexpected call from Suga Hyung. He never calls me.





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When he asked about Y/N It felt strange, She never hid anything from Suga. And she didn't pick any calls of mine. It was now terrifying me. I asked a few of my dad's bodyguards to go search for Y/N in the office after dropping us home. Hope she is okay...

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