Chap 48

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Jin POV:

"No, Shit!!" I quickly cut the call when something flashed in my mind. Those people were not behind me but Y/N. 

I quickly made a call to Suga, he picked up the call within a few rings.

"Suga, Y/N isn't anywhere to be found, and if my guess is right, Kai could have taken her."

 "What do you mean?"

"I thought they were behind me but it was Y/N. She has been missing since I left her in front of the house... Where are you right now?" I said in hurry packing my things.

"I am at the hospital, Jennie was injured when I arrived home yesterday. Wait!! Don't tell me they hurt Jennie to take Y/N with them. I am going to kill that son of b****, "He said in anger

"Yes I guess so, We need to track them down. Don't know what else they can do to Y/N. I am on my way to the hospital"

"I am on my way, but hyung come directly to my place. Someone will join us there" He replied seriously and cut the call.


I opened my eyes which gave me a blurry image first and then cleared out. My forehead was hurting, I touched it and found that there was blood. Those assholes hit my face with a shovel I got a bruise. It hurts a lot. I tried to sit up straight with all the strength that I got. I haven't eaten anything for almost days. I looked around to notice I was tied up with a solid metal chain in a dirty cell. 

I slowly turned around and flinched at the sight of the old man sitting right next to me. He was asleep, I could hear him snoring.

I was soo angry at him that I literally kicked him to wake him up. He was weak and short that he almost fell when I pushed him. 

"Why did you do that?" He cried opening his eyes.

"You are Jisoo's father"

"Yep, why? Do you think you will become my daughter because I care for you, In your dreams' lady"

Ugh, both father and daughter have the same attitude, they can never speak properly.

"I just asked for clarification," I said and rolled my eyes to the other side. It was silent in that cell. Only the sound of crickets could be heard, and the dusky cell indicated it was dark outside.

"I am sorry," He said faintly.

I turned to him with a frown.

"Sorry? Huh? For What? Trading someone's life for your own. You selfish antique piece of shit." I yelled at him.

"I was just trying to save me but my daughter" He yelled back.


"These two criminals think that It's because of my daughter that their friend is in prison. So they wanted to capture her and keep her hostage until they get back their friend from Jail. As my only child, I wanted to protect her. That is why I told them that you were my daughter. "

"Huh, Looks like they were just pretending to get you." He explained with a sad smile.

I felt tears in my eyes when I heard him. "Oh crap," I whipped it feeling guilty about my sensitive nature. No matter how right he was trying to save his child, he was still wrong in putting someone else's life at risk.

"You still did the wrong thing, you know..." I said looking at him.

"I know, and guess what I am paying for it." He rolled his eyes to the other side.

"Time for dinner, b**ch" That Jennie's idiotic friend came spitting out such words. I don't even know his names yet. And I had no intentions of even asking him.

"Kai is waiting for you," He said taking off the chains, I still had a thick rope tied around my hand. I gulped in fear when he picked me up so easily, huh! Nice treatment before torture. 

It still frightened me when that man mentioned torture. The pain was not something I could take in life no matter how strong I am. 

They brought me to the same place I remember waking up the last time. But this time a camera was there instead of that Silver gun guy.

I got scared when a few men came out of the dark holding and tied me up covering from my chest to my stomach to the chair and tired my hands to the hands of the chair. Fear started to build up in me and I started to breathe heavily. They covered my eyes with a black cloth and everything went silent for a few minutes.

Jin POV:

I was waiting for Suga when an unexpected woman just entered. I didn't want to face her right now, and I could see her in a worried face. 

"Hi," She said looking at me. Oh god, those eyes...Nope. I turned my whole body away from her completely without replying to her.

We just sat there quietly without a sound after that waiting for Suga.

Suga entered the cabin after a few minutes, and she stood up slowly walking towards him.

"I still can't find your father Jisoo. I believe he is hiding somewhere. But for now, we have a much bigger problem. I am sorry..."

He said looking at her. The most powerful girl in the News industry was breaking down when it comes to her father.

"Is everything okay?" She asked Suga looking down.

"No, few gangsters have kidnapped Y/N, and we are not able to trace her down, it's been two days since I have seen her."

"Oh, Okay. Bye Suga" She said and looked at me. I diverted my eyes away, and she left without saying anything. I only looked at her back as she walked away from me, I felt my heart clench looking at her move away.

Suga closed the door and asked me to explain everything about this Kai guy since he could be one of the suspects. Suga was burning in anger listening to the whole chase between Kai and Y/N.

We slowly connected through the points as we understood that Y/N is sure with Kai.

We slowly connected through the points as we understood that Y/N is sure with Kai

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"I don't know where to start Suga, there is no lead to this..."

I couldn't even complete the sentence when someone barged into the room. Looking at the person my concern started to grow. 


She was trembling and petrified as though she had seen a crime. I pulled a chair nearby and made her sit down. I kneeled in front of her and slowly held her cheeks.

"What is wrong Jisoo?" I asked looking at her eyes. 

She stretched her hand and handed me her phone. I took the phone and opened the recent folder. There was a video that was paused halfway, I was about to click when we heard a loud horn from outside and Suga shouted.

"He is here!" He said rushing out and I stopped him.

"Who?"I asked in confusion.

"Y/N's brother..." 

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