Lothar 5: Marie's Family

Start from the beginning

"that does not leave much to the imagination. Why did you abandon your friends when the secret police came to root out any resistance?" Amira sighs and looks down towards the dungeon floor.

"it is not that I abandoned them. It is more so that I told the secret police where to look" what? I can understand the fear of not wanting to fight the secret police, but actively working with them and ratting on your friends is not something that you can easily come back from.
"with the amount of guilt that you have for your friends, they are bound to be the monsters you will face in this trial" Amira sighs, making a fearful face to me and lowering her face.

"I have come to realise just how terrible my decisions were. Now I know that once I face my former friends, I will be able to speak the words that I wish to say to them. I want to ask for their forgiveness, to give them at the very least, a heartfelt apology" we are here to defeat the past, I do not think that those monsters are going to listen to an apology. But if Amira wants to try and apologise to them, she can try.

"if you want to try and negotiate with monsters, I am not going to stop you. I am still going to step in and fight them if they try to fight though" there are still many trials that we must face, and I am not going to squander the limited time we have in this place. Ahead of us, a long winding street grows as if it is a living creature. The details and characteristics of the buildings on each side start to take form and lights begin to appear from tall and thin poles in the street. The ceiling of the dungeon is still visible, but there are small glimmering dots now covering the surfaces above us. With the ceiling now giving off the appearance of the night sky, a gentle wind blows past us like an evening breeze. However, even with this calm atmosphere around us, there is an unnerving presence surrounding us. Amira walks ahead us us, seemingly heading for a certain house. Flaviana and I follow behind Amira as she leads us through the dark, dimly lit street. Unlike the modernised streets of today or post-1880s Greece, the street we are walking on right now consists of stone blocks. If my intuition serves me right, this is one of the Northern European nations under the Swedish Empire. Sweden did not modernise until after the Great War, so this must be from Amira's memories. Amira stops out the front of a certain building, where a group of military trucks are parked. As we reach her, Amira opens the door to the building. When we enter inside after Amira, a group of people come into view. There are a group of peasants sitting at one side of a table, while some Irish military officers are sitting on the other side. Once we reach Amira's side, the groups start speaking with each other. The officer looks down to a piece of paper he is holding, and looks back up to the peasants with a cold, lifeless expression.

"I have received some reports that there are resistance members present in this home. As is required by the laws of occupation, as stated in the Irish war restrictions act, you are required to hand over any and all resistance members that may be living here. In the event of an uncooperative suspect, that is you; we are ordered to take you in for questioning. The lands here will be thoroughly investigated for any evidence of resistance forces. If any evidence is found, the whole building will be ransacked, and burnt to the ground. So what will you choose?" each of the peasants look to each other with concern, muttering amongst themselves. The peasant that the others are surrounding looks to the officer.

"you can try to frighten us into submission all you want, but it will ultimately be up to you to decide what is to be done with us. We know of what kind of horrible things you have done to people who have both cooperated and resistant to your secret police organisation. We know that your people often project their own insecurities onto those you are investigating. All of you seem to be especially insecure about your loyalty to the current Sultan of the Irish Empire" the officer suddenly lowers his lips, his expression now looking even more soulless and unfeeling.

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