Chapter 6: Letters and Numbers

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While we try to find an exit in this facility, we are also trying to keep our path close to the pit that gives us good visibility and allows us to see if there is anything we should avoid, like fires and battles. I turn to Alice, who has been close to me since I helped her get to the group.

"we will get out of this place. Trust me, we will build a place of our own and live with each other. Safe from the evil which is trying to keep us here" Alice smiles at me, such a lovely and heart warming smile.

"I hope you are right, I also hope we all escape this place together safely" even if we have only been in this place for a few days, I feel my friendship with Alice is some kind of driving force for me to get her out safely.

"what were you doing? Before you were kidnapped?" Alice looks down to her feet for a moment, then looking back up and opening her mouth.

"I was a school kid. Someone who tried their best in each class and got the best marks I could. I had friends, a family, a future and a promising education. But I lost all that to these people who have been doing such horrible things to everyone. I just want to get away from them" although I did not have much hope, in terms of my future while I was at school. Though I also was a school kid, but most people here are too.

"I lost my family too, even some of my friends. We will get through this together. All of us" Alice nods to my promise.

"I am feeling better about our situation already. I am feeling more confident in our escape" with those words, I leave Alice and catch-up with 7P, who is near the very front. Before I can even open my mouth, she is looking back at me.

"hey 7P, thank you for helping me find Alice earlier. I would probably still be looking down there if it was not for you and 12M" 7P looks calm, but also happy.

"I am glad I was able to help. 17B would not have stood a chance against the terrors of this facility and the roaming guards" I feel the same way about this place. I do not want to return here after we escape from the chaos.

"do you think we will stand a chance against these people in the facility?" 7P looks straight ahead and starts to go into deep thought. After a few moments of thinking, she looks back up at me.

"it all depends on who is on the surface and who has chosen to stay here" I guess we should hope there is not going to be a powerful kid who has chosen to stay here to kill anything in the facility. I can not wait to escape this place and find a new home to stay in.

"what did you do before you were kidnapped and brought to this place?" 7P shifts her expression to a frown and exhales a small puff.

"I had two family members with me before I was taken; my mother and brother. We had been hiding out near a small town of two hundred, so the way they found me has always puzzled my mind. When they came to take me, my mother fought back while my brother rushed out to join us. But they were both killed in the fight to save me. Even though the three of us tried to fight back, I was taken. They were no ordinary humans, they had some kind of magical power which help them while they were fighting" I also lost my mother to them, but 7P has also lost her brother to them.

"how long have you been here for?" this facility looks modern, but not new.

"I have been here for what seems like nine months. I am afraid of what has happened to some of the kids here in that time" I am also afraid, since the only prisoners I have encountered that were dangerous, were all living in the tamest part of this facility. If the other parts of this place are even worse than this, then I am afraid of what is ahead for us.

"what are our chances of escaping without losing anybody to this chaos?" the situation is currently looking dark, but I still have hope that we will escape this place with everyone still together.

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