Chapter 153

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After Seline left I got Chelsea to show me what she could do and she gave me a whole new look.

Stepping out the chair I turn and walk over to Liam who has been waiting patiently for a few hours sending off demands to people and checking emails

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Stepping out the chair I turn and walk over to Liam who has been waiting patiently for a few hours sending off demands to people and checking emails.
He looks up at me and his eyes pop and he jumps up and looks at me with awe and groans.. Loud.
"I'm weak my queen. My heart feels like it gonna burst out my chest" he says with his hand over his heart looking at me biting his lip. He's so hot when he does that.
"Aww baby, thank you. I'm glad you like it, I feel even more confident in what's happening next. I love what you do to me" I tell him leaning into him and kiss his lips lingering. He's perfect
"Lead the way my queen" he says with his hand at the bottom of my back and I just know hes watching my ass.
Liam opens my door for me and I climb in scooting across for him and Rico pulls off taking us to that bitches house and see if we can pay her off. She must have a price..
"Baby, I need you to stay calm OK. I know you wanna rip her head off but you can't. Not yet" Liam tells me and I nod. She's not worth it right now anyways.
"I know baby. I'll try but she just winds me up" I tell him and he chuckles.
"I know but we'll enjoy the release even more later" he says and I clench my thighs
Hes right I need to go in there chilled.
"I'll be good baby" I tell him and he nods happy with that.

Pulling up at Angelica I go to climb out the car and liam stops me.
"Me and Rico will enter first. Then you come in with Tali baby. No arguments" he tells me in his bosses voice and I bite my lip.
"Yes boss" I purr and he growls letting me know his beast is out. Playtime..
I climb out and follow Liam up the path Tali, by my side and he uses his own key to let us all in.
"Angelica" Liam says walking in then stops.
"What the fuck?" Liam exclaims and storms in further Rico blocking me off.
I look around Rico and I see a guy. Wait that's.. No way.. Fuck it was her. That fucking bitch got him to follow us. I charge past Rico and I go to charge at Angelica but Liam grabs me around the wasit.
"Wait.. No one leaves, everyone sit. Rico get to that door" Liam points to the door that leads to the kitchen.
"Well isn't this interesting.. Finding you here of all places Karl" Liam says looking at him and his face drops. Angelica has her head in her hands and. I'm just ready to pound her face in
"Baby, calm down we're here to talk.. Maybe" Liam says hesitant and I smile when he says maybe. I can wait and I won't look at her because that will piss me off.
Any snide comments and she's mine.
"So I take it you Angelica are the one getting Karl to follow us.. On holiday with our daughters" Liam says and growls.
"My fucking daughter" she says and I laugh.
"She doesn't miss you Angelica. Get over it she has. We came here to be nice but that's done now. No more nice, you've gone to far this time" I tell her and she just shrugs rolling her eyes. I swear to god
"And you. What do I do with you" I say looking at Karl.
"My queen is right, now I need to decide whether I'm digging two more graves or not" Liam says cocky while I hear Rico laugh and I clap excited. We love a good digging session.
"There's no need for the threats, you have no right to just let yourself in like you fucking own the place" Karl says and Liam laughs.
"Dont swear because I'll rip your tongue out your mouth and what I do has nothing to do with you and I own whatever I decide" Liam says smug and I laugh. That's my baby.
"What do you want and why you here in my house. I thought I asked for my key back Liam" Angelica says and her voice is whiney and annoying. Arghh bitch.
"Why would I give you your key when I'm thinking about burying you.. That's right my queen?" He looks to me and I nod eagerly.
"Your damn right" I tell him smiling at them. Pleaseee.
"So Karl, start talking. Who was you there for. Me, my queen or one of my daughters?" Liam asks him and he stands up and suddenly Tali's up in a flash takes him to his knees and locks his arms behind his back restraining him and I smile. She's good I like her more.
"Answer the question" Tali tells Karl and this is fun.
"You" he spits looking at Liam and Liam rubs his hands together smirking.
"OK, why? Who hired you? I don't know you, we had no beef. Past tense so talk. NOW!" Liam demands and I clench my thighs watching him. I seriously love it.
"Robbie and Victor" he says and I smile.
"Well there already dead so I guess it's just you now" I say with a clap of my hands leaning forward looking at him.
"You killed them? What is wrong with you and you think this life's good enough for Ruby. Your delusional both of you" Angelica says and Liam laughs.
"It was OK him being her dad while he was off doing what he does before and when you and Jason were dumping bodies in rivers and everything else. What's changed?" I ask Angelica and her fucking face drops. Ha
She doesn't know what to say and she just stares at Liam.
"Zero secret policy. That's me and my queen. You should of tried it with your husband" Liam tells her and I smirk.
"You sure about that. She knows everything yeah?" she says smug
"Absolutely, but please go ahead" Liam tells her cocky smiling.
"Did you know he killed all Amy's family" she says crossing her arms and I cover my mouth feigning shock.
"Are you fucking serious Liam.. Like I just.." I say turning away from him and he looks confused but the look on Angelica's face is priceless.
"Angelica, babes.. I already knew.. Next" I tell her waving it off and laughing.
"Did you know he killed my ex then burnt the house down with him init " she says
"Roman right.. I missed so much baby" I tell Liam stroking his face sadly.
"Sorry my queen, I was lost without you so alot of people paid" Liam tells me and I smile at him.
"It's OK my king. I'm here now" I tell Liam.
"Anyways back to now, I have a question. If your working with Robbie and Victor how on earth is this a thing.. No" I say putting everything together and I see Angelica's face for a split second she was afraid. It was fucking her. I jump up and dive at her and swing my fist into her face before Liam had a chance to grab me and Karl fights his  way out of Tali's grasp and Rico rushes in and smashes his fist into his face itching to do something all day bless him.
Karl's on the floor and Rico stands over him smirking.
"She knew, she's in on all this. I seen it on her fucking face. She's fucking dead" I shout at her and liam spins me in his arms and looks at me.
"I seen her face change to. She's definitely knew that's why he's obviously here" Rico says and I nod as Liam still looks at me.
"She has nothing so she wants you dead so she can take Ruby baby. She needs to go" I tell him and I think he's processing it because he just stares at me still holding me and I feel him loosen his grip on me and I fly back at her. I wrag her and stand her up.
"Your coming home with me. We're gonna play" I whisper in her ear and drag her out the living room as she tries to swing her arms Tali grand her and takes her from me.
"Put her in Tommy's car, knock her out. Tie her up" I tell Tali and she nods
Rico, Tommy, same goes for Karl" I tell them and walk into Liam.
"Baby I need to go get lexi she must be sleep upstairs because her monitors there" I tell him and he nods.
"Go ahead my queen. I need a minute" he tells me and I kiss him.
"You'll be OK once you've proccessed it" I tell him and he nods and pulls me in kissing me passionately. I moan into his mouth as he wraps me up.
He will be OK. I'll make sure of it!

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now