Chapter 28

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"Are we going to try again? Like properly this time" he asks me seriously and I beam over the fucking moon.
"That's all I want Liam, I'm not asking for much, your all I need" I tell him and kiss him affectionately..
"Daddy" I hear and pull away and see Mya and Ruby staring at us. Crap.
"I'm telling mummy, daddy loves Stacey" Ruby says and runs off with Mya. What just happened. I burst out laughing and Liam chuckles shaking his head at her.
"I'm taking you out tonight on a proper date beautiful. Fuck I've missed you so much" he says pulling me closer to him and I giggle. We're in a park and acting like where 13 again.
"Did you like your photo?" he asks me smirking and I blush. How could he possibly know I was in his room.
"I'd know your smell anywhere my queen, did you enjoy my bed.. Your scent was everywhere. I won't lie my sleeps been better since" he tells me and kisses me again. My heart feels like it can't take anymore of him.
"I have something to tell you. One more lie I need to get out" I tell him and he sighs nodding..
"Victor wasn't at Mya's birth. I'm sorry for lying, I thought you was happy and didn't want to destroy it, I'm so sorry baby" I tell him and he looks at me sad.
"It's OK baby thank you for telling me. It seems we both thought wrong but it's worked out in the end. The world gave us our princesses to bring me back to my queen" he says pulling me in for a tight embrace. I just hold him and take him in. This is actually happening..
"Right, it's getting on so I want you ready for 7pm and not a minute late beautiful" he suddenly says smiling and pulling me up to my feet. I don't want to leave him.
"Just relax baby, this is happening you will see me later I promise" he tells me and I sigh relieved
"I'm sorry but things always seem to fuck up on us baby" I tell him and he grabs my hand looking at me..
"I'm done baby, I'm being selfish and I don't care. Your mine so I'm having you" he says and I've never been more excited to hear him say he's being selfish. Finally fucking hell.
"It took you long enough handsome" I tell him and he groans.
I haven't heard him make these noises in so long I clench my thighs thinking if only I could just take him home.
"Mya, Ruby's leaving say bye" I call out to her and she wraps her arms around Ruby. I smile at them and they both come running over to us.
"Put your number in here baby" he says pulling out his phone and handing it to me. My phone suddenly rings and cuts off and I look at him.
"Now you have my number, I'll see you later beautiful I love you" he says and kisses me slowly then looks at me smiling.
"OK baby, I love you too" I tell him as Mya grabs my hand. We walk our separate ways hoping for later to come real quick.

Pulling my phone out as I hear it ping I put Mya down and close the door behind me as we enter my apartment.

Liam: Missing you already baby, is Victor having Mya or did you need Angelica to have her? Because this date is 100% happening tonight. Nothings gonna go wrong Xx

Stacey: Angelica might aswell.. Victor definitely won't 😔 Xx

Liam: OK baby that's no problem we've got you both. I want you to smile for me and get ready. We are back to us again. Xx

Stacey: I'm gonna look so hot for you baby, don't you worry. And thank you it means alot that we have you baby Xx

Liam: Your perfect either way beautiful. You'll always have me and that means us because we're a family baby Xx

Stacey: I might as well bring Mya to the house baby Xx

Liam: OK beautiful see you soon Xx

Smiling I put my phone down and put Mya in her room with a movie on while I'll shower and get ready.
Jumping in the shower I quickly wash my hair and body. Shave everywhere that needs doing and wash my body again. Switching it off I step out grabbing a towel and throughly dry my body then moisturize. Wrapping the towel around my body again I poke my head in on Mya and she's watching the film like a good girl and I look for something to wear.. The hard part.
Pulling out my white romper, I pull on a white thong fist.

Looking myself over in the mirror I blow dry my hair and curl it listening out for Mya aswell.
Applying a natural makeup to my face I add a nude gloss and put it into my purse. Walking out my room purse in hand I go into Mya's room and pack her a bag for the night and fresh clothes for tomorrow.
"You gonna go sleep over at Ruby's?" I tell her and she jumps up.
"Yes mummy!" she bounces on her bed repeatedly saying and I laugh at her as I grab a coat from the hanger and put it on her quickly. I check my phone and see it's half 6 so I need to get going. Picking Mya up after turning everything off I make my way out the apartment bags in hand. Ready for my date with my king.

Arriving at Angelica's I take a deep breath and check the time. 6:55pm, on time.
Climbing out the car I collect Mya and the bags and make my way up to the door and knock.
"Hey babe, come in" Angelica says to me with a smile.
"You look hot girl" she says to me and I blush at her compliment. She's so nice..
"Thanks babe" I tell her and put Mya down for her to go off to Ruby.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now