Chapter 86

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Finally finishing up with my eyebrows these are what I was dreading if she fucked up my face. She hands me a mirror and gives me a side smile. I look in the mirror and see that I look good and they seriously needed doing.
"Thanks Seline, you did a good job of everything" I tell her looking at my nails.
"Thanks, I didn't really have a choice. Angelicas gonna be fuming with me" she says and I shake my head.
"If your done you can go pay now" she says and I look at her
"Actually Stacey won't be paying, Liam's orders" Rico interupts and I smile at him.
"Thanks Rico, I'll be leaving then" I tell him getting up.
"I don't think so, you need to pay for all you've had done. This is Angelica's salon not Liam's" Seline says and I snigger.
"Technically it's still Liam's infact that means it's mine. Oh my god its mine" I shout just clicking on and she gawkz at me shocked.
"So if you don't mind I'll be leaving MY salon" I tell her and Rico chuckles at me escorting me out.
"Thanks for sitting in with me, I know it's long" I tell him chuckling and he smiles at me.
"No problem at all, it's my job, your my job Stacey" he tells me and I smile as he opens the back door for me.
"Where are we going?" I ask him thinking Liam was meeting me here
"I'm taking you to Liam" he says and I nod smiling as he closes my door and climbs in to the drivers side. Pulling off I think to ask him some questions.
"Soo Rico, how long have you know Liam?" I ask him and he looks at me through the rear view mirror.
"I met him through Steve years ago" he tells me and I smile hearing Steve's name.
"And your what my personal bodyguard/driver now?" I ask him laughing and he looks to me again.
"That's what Liam wants Stacey so yes" he tells me and I smile. He really will get carried away with the boss stuff. He can't wrap me up in cotton wool.
"Well thank you anyway, I appreciate it" I tell him and he nods at me.

Pulling up at a building I haven't been to before Liam jumps in and looks me over.
"Beautiful as ever baby" he tells me making me smile
"Thanks baby, you finished now?" I ask him looking forward to going shopping with him.
"No but we're going shopping" he says and I raise a brow.
"If your not done then you didn't need to come out baby, Rico could of took me after all" I tell him and he shakes his head.
"I'm taking my queen shopping, I want to do this with you" he says and kisses me. Aww.
"if your sure, we don't have long until they come right?" I ask and he looks at his watch.
"The boss always turns up last" he says cocky making me laugh at him. See it's already going to his head
"Well hopefully I can find something quick because we've gotta drive back aswell" I say looking at my watch wow is that the time already.
"No rushing, we won't stop until we find what you want beautiful" he tells me and kisses my hand. How is he my husband. Perfect.
"OK baby, let's go" I tell him and he nods at Rico to pull off.

Walking around the stores I can't seem to find anything I like so we walk into a tailored suit shop for Liam.
He looks and tries on a bunch of different suits and I feel like I'm in heaven watching him.
"Definitely this one" I tell him as he walks out in a plain black suit looking sexy as hell. He needs a tie now.
"One minute" I tell him and rush around the store looking for the perfect tie.
No, no, no I say to myself flipping through a load untill I see it. Oh my god its the one. I grab it and rush back to Liam who's looking at himself in the mirror.
"You found one" he asks and I hold up the bright red tie and he smirk at me. He knows me so well. Of course it's red.
"Perfect baby, thank you" he says and he holds it up against the suit smiling. Yes you look hot now let's go.

After purchasing Liam's items we walk past some more shops and he stops dead at the window halting me as I hold his hand and I look at him.
"You really aren't looking are you" he says and nods towards the window and I melt. Yess! Oh my god. I pull him into the store and an assistant comes up to us.
"I want to try the jumpsuit in the window please" I tell her and she nods smiling at me.

Standing weafing the outfit I look in the mirror and I hear Liam groaning as he watches me.
"You like?"i ask him spinning to him.
"So fucking perfect my queen" he tells me and holds his hands out bowing to me. Laughing at him he chuckles and pulls me to him.
"Are you buying this? You need to find the rest of your outfit yet and get back to get ready" he tells me and I nod smiling.
"I have everything at the mansion I just need this baby" I tell him and he nods ushering me in to the changing rooms.

Back in the car with Rico we make our way back to the mansion and I feel nervous but excited. We're actually doing this.
"How you feeling beautiful?" he asks me reading my mind.
"I'm nervous but excited. I just hope it goes the way you want it too baby" I tell him smiling and he pulls me into him.
"I'm nervous and excited to baby, everything will go to plan. I have a good feeling about it, don't worry about that" he says and I just hope he's right and Jason and Angelica don't bother us with there childishness.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now