Chapter 41

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After Liam finally left and Mya finished crying for him we're currently sat with ice cream and watching frozen while she starts to feel better.
I get up to grab my phone and she looks at me like 'where you going?' and I point to my phone.
"Mummy needs to find a dress to marry Liam" I tell her and she claps her hands.
"Is that OK with you Missy?" I ask her smiling and she nods.

After scrolling shops and boutiques I finally found the perfect dress to marry Liam in on the big day. Now I need to find something for the one for just us and the children. That's the hardest part. Do I wear white then? Just something simple but beautiful? It's so fucking hard.
Pressing play at the beginning of the film again as Mya looks at me smiling.
"Because I love you more than anything" I tell her and get up to make us some dinner before she has a bath and goes to bed. It's gonna be lonely again. I just know it..

Standing at the cooker stirring the cheese sauce I pile in the mac and mix it all together.
I hear little footsteps and look behind me to see Mya holding her doll smiling up at me.
"Drink mummy" she says and I nod taking her beaker and fill it with apple juice for her.
"Do you want to eat at the table or watching frozen baby?" I ask her and she points to the living room.
"OK go sit down then and I'll bring it into you soon" I tell her and she nods running off.
Putting some into two bowls I rinse the pan and place it into the dishwasher and take a seat while it cools down and continue looking for another dress.

"Yummy" she says as she takes her first mouthful.
"Your welcome baby" I tell her and she smiles up at me and I can't help but melt at her adorableness.
Watching frozen reciting all the god damn words I eat my mac 'n' cheese and scroll still for a dress..
"Oh my god YESSS!" I scream and Mya looks at me pulling a face.
"Mummy found a dress baby" I tell her and she smiles at me. I love it so much. I need to try it on now.
"Mya see" she says looking at my phone and I smile at her and show her the screen.
"Love love" she says grinning. My baby has good taste.
"Now we need to find you and Ruby the perfect dresses" I tell her and she nods happily.
"Shopping with Ruby, mummy?" she asks and I wonder what Angelica thinks of that?
"I'll find out" I tell her and wonder if she'd come aswell. Give us chance to bond a little more.

"You finished?" I ask her and she nods handing me the bowl.
"You ate lots, good girl beautiful" I tell her and kiss her head before getting up with my own bowl and make my way into the kitchen. Rinsing everything I put it all into the dishwasher and turn it on. I pull out a bottle of water from the fridge and swig from the bottle wondering what Liam's doing now. I hope he's having a good time.

Pulling out my phone I text Sian.

Stacey: I'm getting fucking married! Xx

I hit send and wait for her to reply.

Sian: Oh my god Yesss.. To Liam right? Please say it's to Liam! Xx

I laugh at her text and look at Mya.
"Auntie Sian's crazy baby" I tell her and she giggles and looks back to the TV.

Stacey: Absolutely, something quick for me and him with the girls for now as we need to do it for us. Then something bigger later babe. I need your help Xx

Sian: Are that's so cute. I love you two. Let me know when you need me babe I'm so happy for you.. I told you it would happen didn't I Xx

Stacey: Yeah, yeah I know. Your always right girl. I love you for believing in us and our relationship more than you'll know. You stuck by me through everything babe I don't know what I'd of done without you. Thanks babe Xx

Sian: I knew from when we was in school that you two was end game. You make each other better.. Still to this day. I love you too babes. I'll call you tomorrow Xx

Putting my phone down smiling. I'm so fucking happy and that's all because I have my king back in my life again. The pains gone. My heart is healing quickly and my puzzle is complete now I have him back. I just hope we can make something work with Angelica for him because he needs Ruby.

Walking up stairs to start running the bath I walk into Mya's bedroom to grab some pajamas out for her and she sits on her big bed with her doll watching me.
"You ready for a bath baby?" I ask her and she nods eagerly..
Setting everything up that I need I put her into the bath and let her play for a little bit.

"Good night baby, I love you so much" I whisper to her as I creep off the bed and out the room.
I walk into my bedroom stretching and I turn the light on and close the door to turn I see something out the corner of my eye on my pillow. Walking over to it I smile and grab the letter.
Opening it I begin to read.

Today I feel like I've been shot through the heart. My queen is marrying that fucking imbecile. He was so happy and smug about it telling me and I had to keep my self together. My beast was crawling away at me to get to him. She was supposed to be mine. She's just going to remove my ring and wear his instead. I feel lost and broken without her and I just feel like giving up. I have no one left now she's gone. I don't blame her for giving up on me. I'm a fucked up individual and she can do soo much better.
I will get myself together and try be the man I can be hoping one day my queen comes back. Our home will be waiting, no matter how long.. She's worth it.

I drop onto the bed feeling guilty that I couldn't of helped him. I kept missing him at every chance. And he lived like that because of Victor. Something needs to happen. I've had enough.
Wait.. I reread the letter and see that it's not even to me. It's from his journal. Oh my god. My poor baby.
I need to make it up to him.. I'll have to do something but not let him know. He hates me apologising for other people never mind this. And now I'm marrying him. And I can't fucking wait!

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora