Chapter 114

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"Well that seems simple enough baby" Liam says and I sigh.
"Yeah I know but.." I start but he kisses me.
"No buts, like she said its only been a few months. We're still young, healthy and actively fucking.. Alot like I said. Just try not think about it and think positively like she said. Please for me" he asks and I sigh.
"Alright, for you baby. I'll try not to stress about it to much. It'll happen when we least expect it anyways more than likely" I say and he smiles at me and hugs me.
"Exactly, so shall we go have so fun now my little sexy minx" he says and I giggle and run up the stairs.
"Always and Forever" I tell him and run when he slaps my ass.

After a very long and satisfying session I had a quick shower and got redressed ready for the rest of the day.

"Beautiful as ever baby" Liam says standing at the door watching me with his arms crossed dressed again

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"Beautiful as ever baby" Liam says standing at the door watching me with his arms crossed dressed again.
"Right back at you baby" I tell him admiring him in his blue jeans and white polo shirt.
"I'm taking you out for a late lunch. There's a restaurant not to far from here I checked it out online" he says and I smile
"I'd like that baby. It feels forever since we've been out together on a date" I tell him and raise a brow.
"Am I not being a good husband" he asks and I laugh.
"Amazing, I was just saying. A lots happening and we need to make time to do this outside of just sex" I tell him and he stands up as I make my way over to him.
"No matter how good the sex is" I add and he kisses me.
"OK, we'll do it at least once a month we'll go all out and make a whole day of it" he says and I smile up at him.
"Sounds good I'm looking forward to it" I tell him and he grins.
"So beautiful, I'm such a lucky man to have you forever" he tells me and I blush blinking up at him.
"You took the words right out of my mouth handsome" I tell him and he kisses me tenderly and I can't help but wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me.
"I love you and thank you for today baby it means alot you being there aswell" I tell him grateful with a smile.
"I'll always be there baby. No matter what. It's me and you. We're a team. Always and Forever remember" he says and kisses me again.
"Always and Forever" I say back and he holds me against him looking into my eyes..

"You have everything you need and you can call me if you have any problems. Jason's here somewhere anyways" I tell Becky as we say bye to girls.
"Babes I know all this, just go have so fun with your husband. I've got this" she says and I chuckle.
"Alright see you later, bye girls I love you" I tell them with a smile.
"Love you mummy" they both say and my heart melts. There so precious.
Walking back out to Liam as he waits for me he opens the door and escorts me to the car.
"You look so damn sexy in this" he says slapping my ass and I moan.
"It's all for you" I tell him and he groans. Fuck
"I want you already and we haven't even left yet" he says opening the car door for me.
"I know the feeling now get in I might help you out on the way back. We're eating first" I tell him and he shuts my door real fast and runs around getting in and starting the engine.

Pulling up at the restaurant that wasn't to far away but still a good hours drive Liam climbs out and opens my door holding me close to him as he escorts us into the restaurant.
"Reservation for Johnson" he tells the hostess at the front desk as she look him over. Bitch keep your eyes to yourself. I look around the restaurant and its beautiful and bright. I love it. I just hope the foods as good as it looks.
"Yes sir, follow me" she says grabbing menus and walking infront. She guilds us to a booth and I climb in facing Liam and look at the menu
"Can I get you best bottles of rosé and white please" Liam tells her and I smile.
She scurries off and I look over my menu at Liam smirking.
"Green eyes monster" he says and I roll my eyes at him.
"Your too good looking seriously, everyone drools over you" I tell him and he chuckles..
"It doesn't matter because I only have eyes for you beautiful" he tells me grabbing and kissing my hand.
A waitress comes back with the bottles and glasses pouring them both.
"Thank you" I tell her and she smiles at me.
"I'll be back in five to take your orders" she tells us and walks off.
I look through my menu and decide on parmasen chicken wrapped in bacon with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. I'm starving now. Jeez.
"You know what you want baby?" he asks me and I nod smiling at him putting my menu down.
"Good, because I don't like you hiding behind the menu" he says and I laugh.
He's so cheesy at times.
"I so love you Liam Johnson" I tell him smiling and he grins.
"You have no idea my love for you Stacey Johnson" he tells me and I think I do because I feel the same way.
"I can't take my eyes off of you baby" he says and I blush and fan myself playfully.
"I do try" I tease and he chuckles.
"You don't need to baby your perfect as you are" he says and I smile at him as the waitress returns.
We order our food and she jots it down in her little notepad and walks away going to place our orders.
"So you still feeling high from playing with your new toy?" he asks me and I raise a brow at him.
"Not necessarily high like I was but I haven't like dropped or gone depressed if that's what you mean. I just feel how I did before it, nothings changed apart from you wanting me so much more" I tease him and he chuckles.
"I couldn't want you any more if I tried. I'd be in you constantly if it was up to me we wouldn't leave home EVER" he says and I can't help but laugh
"I know that feeling alot, and am sure we can make a day of it sometime" I tell him and his eyes light up. That's what I like to see baby that beautiful smile.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now