Chapter 39

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Laying in a nice relaxing bath after a long day at work, my hands feel numb and my feet are killing.
Thinking about having a smoke with my baby, can handle his beast and be in control while he's high? I want to have some fun with him and that's the only way to find out.
Climbing out the bath I thoroughly dry my body and moisturize everywhere and walk out butt naked into my dressing room and find something sexy to wear, pulling out my red velvet pyjama set I look myself over in the mirror.

Taking the bobble out my hair I run my fingers through it and leave it down wavy and make my way down the stairs.
Sitting down I grab all the weed supplies and bill up two spliff ready for when he gets back. Walking into the kitchen I pour us both a double rum.. We can have one surely. And take them into the living room. I pull out my phone and order a large pepperoni pizza knowing he loves it and a tub of ice cream for after.
Putting my phone down I hear the front door being opened.
"I'm home baby" Liam calls out and I instantly smile.
"I'm here baby" I tell him and he walks through looking knackered. There goes my beast plan.
"Fucking hell my queen, you look.. Wow" he says speechless looking me over licking his lips. He suddenly let's out a growl and I know that was his beast. So they both like what they see. Good to know..
"I missed you" I tell him leaning up onto my knees.
"I didn't miss you as much as I normally would. I've had mini you with me all day" he says smirking and I hit him playfully.
"Fine I didn't miss you, I missed your beast" I tell him crossing my arms and he laughs at me. Bastard.
"Let me go freshen up and I'll show you how much I've missed you beautiful and more alcohol please, let's have some fun" he says winking at me and kisses me forcefully groaning into the kiss.
I watch him grab both drinks from the coffee table and down them both. I look at him raising a brow and he smirks at me and walks out the room.
"We will make it up to you" he calls out and I bite my lip. Shit it's getting hot in here.
Getting back up I go into the kitchen and grab the bottle of rum from the side and take it into the living room and pour myself a drink wanting to be on the same level as him.

After about twenty minutes I hear him come strolling down the stairs wearing just shorts and I look him over drooling. Why's he so fucking hot. It's not fair.
"Always eye fucking me beautiful" he says plopping down next to me and wrapping an arm around the back of me.
"I can't help it if I find you sexy as fuck. Blame yourself" I tell him and he laughs leaning to grab the bottle while I down mine.
"I feel exactly the same when I look at you my queen. So fucking sexy" he tells me and I blush. I grab the bottle from his hand and pour myself a drink not knowing what to say back to his compliment so I just keep drinking.
"I love how much I turn you on" he say cocky and I raise a brow at him.
"I could say the same" I tell him and run my hand over his hard dick then move it..
"You drive me insane beautiful, my level of turned on is out of this world.. Constantly" he tells me and I lick my lips looking at the wet patch he's making in his grey shorts. Do I seriously turn him on that much..
Picking up a spliff I hand one to light and spark my own and chill back into his open arm.
"Did you have a good day baby? I forget to ask you as you distracted me with all of this" I tell him chuckling and he pulls me closer.
"It was good to see them together and smiling. There gonna be sisters soon baby" he says and I never thought of that..
"I know there gonna love that, but.."
"But what? No buts baby" he says and I climb on top of him and look into his eyes.
"But when? I want this now baby" I tell him and he nods.
"How do you feel about eloping with the girls somewhere where I can actually go with you" he says sighing and I kiss him
"What about everyone else tho. My mum will flip if I run off and get married and I doubt Angelica will be happy after you did her wedding and then walking her down the aisle and you want Jason to be your best man" I tell him and he looks at me confused.
"Don't worry about all that, that was there day. Our day will be about us and as long as our girls are there I don't care" he says shrugging and I shake my head chuckling at him. Trust him to be stubborn about this.
"Can we just get married asap with the girls and then have the big one later?" he asks me and my heart beats rapidly.
Is this actually happening?
"Oh my god yes baby" I tell him excitedly.
"Paris will definitely happen. You will get your proposal beautiful" he says and kisses me slowly.
"We don't have to go to Paris. I just want us to do this baby I love that you planned it all out but I need it now" I tell him and he smirks at me.
"So impatient baby, but I hear you and we'll sort it tomorrow" he says and I look at him shocked.
"Tomorrow?" I ask him nervously.
I know I said soon but tomorrow..
"Just enquiring that's all beautiful, stop them cogs turning" he says and I close my eyes and let out a deep breath. This is actually happening..
"You haven't even proposed yet anyways" I tell him fiddling with my ring and he smirks at me.
"Oh I will baby, you just won't know when" he says grinning..
I need to find a fucking dress...

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now