Chapter 29

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After arriving at a very nice restaurant we were seated and started to instantly talk. But I only have one question for him.
"I'll always love you Liam, it's always gonna be you, but will you accept Mya?" I ask him and he looks at me confused.
She's apart of me so he has to right?
"I'll love her as if she's mine.. She'll know no different, Ruby and Mya will be treated the same." he tells me and I slowly smile thinking about it.
"Then what are we waiting for? I want you" I tell him and he downs his drink watching me with lustful eyes. Fuck is this actually happening?
"No more waiting, I want you to be Stacey Johnson as soon as possible baby" he tells me and I nod my head at him smiling.
"That's all I want Liam. I've waited long enough" I tell him and flag the waiter down
"Can we get the check" I tell the waiter and he rushes to go get it.
He comes back and I pull out my purse and drop a few fifties and grab the bottle of wine.
"What you waiting for Liam... Come on" I tell him and he jumps up following me out the restaurant.

Sitting in his car anticipation building I look at him nervous of what's about to happen.
"So where are we going baby?" he looks at me and asks.
"I wanna go back to our home" I tell him and feel butterflies sworn my stomach. I haven't been back in so long.
"I thought you'd never ask beautiful" he says and pulls off.

Arriving at our home he parks up and shuts off the engine. I look at him and he grabs my hand..
"Are you sure you want this baby, I'll understand if you've changed your mind about this.. Us" he says and I kiss him shutting him up..
"Less talking shit more taking me home" I tell him with a sweet smile and he just laughs at me.
"I fucking love you baby" he says and jumps out the car and jogs around to me. He opens my door and picks me up easily out of the car and I wrap my legs around his waist.
"I love you too baby" I tell him and kiss his lips smiling into it.
He carries me up the path and pulls a set of keys from his pocket. I look at him and smile that he had them all along.
He opens the door and takes a deep breath walking us through the threshold and I'm hit with so many memories.
"Ive missed being here" I tell him feeling emotional and a tear falls from my eye. I look at him and see the same thing.
"This place holds so much goodness for me, it's all you baby" he tells me and I smile hugging him. This will be our home from now on.
"I'm happy you kept it, for us" I tell him as he sits down with me on his lap straddling him.
"I can't move past you my queen, I just can't seem to get rid of you" he says and laughs and I slap him laughing.
"Well I thought it was just me.. You know with all the love letter you sent me" I smirk at him.
"Wait till you see the pile of love letters I didn't send you" he says and I want them all.
"Can I have them now?" I ask him excitedly and he chuckles.
"Eveythings upstairs beautiful" he says and I'm desperately wanting to run up them and leave him. But I don't want to.
"I don't want to leave you" I tell him shyly and he holds me against him.
"You'll never leave me again, I promise you that, your mine" he tells me and I smile kissing him. All mine.
"I really want to read at least one?" I tell him and he nods tapping my thigh for me to get up. And I move off of him and watch him leave the room. I wonder how many he has even written? I will read them all.
After about five minutes he comes back down stairs with a envolope in his hands and sits down next to me and pulls me to sit on his lap again. I slowly look at him and back at the letter.
"It should be a happy one. Open it" he says and I do unfolding it and start to read.

Hello beautiful
I've watched you become the best version of yourself. Your thriving and I couldn't be more proud of you baby. You have your own place, business and daughter and your still doing what I wanted to see you smile. I'll do anything to keep that smile on your face and that's why I've left you to be happy without me. Your happiness and that beautiful smile on your face massively out weights the pain I have from losing you. I'd rather you be happy without me than be alone with me. I love you so much Stacey Johnson Always and Forever Yours Liam XXXXX

I fold the letter back up and kiss him..
"I was never happy when you wasn't around. Whether you pushed me away I was still unhappy and alone because nothing changed for me" I tell him and he sighs.
"Well nothing definitely changed for me, everyday was torture without you. The only true happiness I've ever had outside of you is with my daughter." he says and my tears fall. He wipes my eyes and kisses me gently
"I love you soo much baby, I'm glad you came back to me" I tell him and he smiles squeezing me tightly.
"Sorry I took so long my queen" he tells me sadly. And this is all because Victor lied.
But you can't defeat true love.
I will never split up with him. It will be me and him forever. I want him to be hundred percent selfish with me. I love it.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now