Chapter 96

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"Yess!" I cry out as he rocks my hips making me taking him deeper.
"Cum for me baby" he coaxs and like normal my body listens and I let go uncontrollably moaning. Fuck!
"Daddyyy!" I scream and cum hard.
"Squeeze that pussy baby, fuck!" he tells me and I do so repeatedly.
"Fuck yeah" he grits out as I bounce my ass off his dick.
Leaning back angling him he squeezes his eyes closed and I watch my man cum.
"Babyyy!" he roars loud and fucks up into me as I spread my legs further for him to cum deeper. I lay on his chest breathing heavily as he slowly fucks in and out of me still.
"Shit you just keep getting better my queen" he tells me and I smile to myself happy that he enjoys having sex with me.
"I know how to make my king cum" I tell him smirking and he chuckles.
"All the god damn time" he says and I laugh. Hes not wrong.
Climbing off of him as his shaft slides out of me I moan at the feeling and drop onto the bed feeling lethargic.
"Now I feel better" I tell him and he chuckles pulling me close.
"Right there with you" he says sighing with content. That's what I like to hear.
"Shall we shower and get down stairs for the girls" he asks me and I sit up missing my babies.
"Yeah let's go" I tell him and he lifts me up and carries me to the bathroom and I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.
"Thanks baby" I tell him smiling as he puts me down and switches on the shower.

Finishing getting redressed I pull on black leggings and a blue cropped tee with black sliders and spray Liam's favorite perfume then make my way to the bedroom where he still is.
"So hot" I tell him as he stands there in shorts looking at himself in the mirror.
"I do try" he says and winks at me. Spraying his cologne he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.
"You smell so good" I tell him taking him in deliciously so.
"And it's a win everytime" I tell him and he chuckles leading me out and down the stairs.

"Mummy, mummy" I hear soon as I enter the livering room and I see Rico sat on the floor with them holding a doll. It's a funny sight.
"Thanks Rico bro" Liam says and I blush because it's obvious what we was doing. Awkward.
"It's alright they only been awake like five minutes but there on the go straight away aren't they" he says handing the doll back and standing up.
"All day long" I tell him chuckling and he smiles.
"Can I talk to you Rico in my office" Liam says to him and he looks at me and I smile.
"Dont worry you've done nothing wrong.. Yet" I tell him and wink and he laughs following Liam out.
"So girls you had fun with daddy?" I ask them and they come running over to me.
"Pizza mummy" Mya tells me and I laugh of course that's what he gave them.
"We make it too" Ruby says and I smile. He made it from scratch clearly. Good boy.
"Well I bet that was fun" I say and they both giggle.
"Love love" Mya says and I hug them both missing them while I was out.
"I have something for you both, shall we go get it?" I ask them and they scream happily.
"Yesssss!" they shout happy and run out the room.
I get up and walk to the office and knock on.
"Come in baby" I hear Liam say and I walk in
"I need the keys to the car Rico" I tell him and he looks to Liam. He nods and throws me the keys. What did he think I was gonna run off or something. Jeez.
"Thanks" I tell him and walk out closing the door behind me.

"Be good girls and stand there while mummy finds it" I tell them while I unlock the car and search all the bags I bought before we handled a few things.
I find the boxes and grab the bag leaving the rest for the guys to bring in when there done and shut the door.
"Come on then, I found it" I tell them and they run back into the house giggling and I can't help but smile at them.
Walking into the living room they stand there fidgeting with grabby hands waiting bless them.
I pull out the first one and show them and they both scream. Fucking hell.
"love it mummy" Ruby screams at me and I hand the Anna doll to her and then take out the Elsa doll out for Mya.
"Love love mummy" Mya says with wide eyes and I just smile happy at both of them. They really are perfect and all mine.

Liam and Rico walk back in and drop down on the sofa Liam next to me and the girls show him there new dolls and he smiles at them.
"More frozen" Rico says looking at them and I laugh. You have no idea.
"How you feeling after today's adventures" Liam asks me and I smile at him.
"The first one was fun to watch when Rico did what he did and then I had fun the second time" I tell him honestly and he smirks at me. What is he doing to me..
"Do you want to keep Rico full time?" he asks me and I nod happily.
"Yeah, we had fun and he's helpful surprisingly and it's not awkward because you know I am hot" I say teasingly and liam groans.. Wasn't expecting that was you..
"OK baby, no problem. I'll be going away soon I have alot of changes to make and I'll be leaving Rico here so I had to make sure" he says and my face drops.. Leaving..
"Your leaving me here..." I ask him with furrowed brows and he sighs.
"Yes I have to you know I'd have things to do now that I'm back in baby, and she asked to see them earlier so I'll be taking her with me. And I've sorted a trial for a cleaning crew. There coming in the morning" he tells me and I just feel sad now.
"So not only are you going your taking Ruby aswell" is he leaving not he has wht he wants. He doesn't exactly need the mansion. He has his daughter and he the boss. What about my daughter?
"Baby I can see you over thinking tell me what's on your mind honestly" he asks and I sigh.
"Are you leaving us?" I ask him quietly looking down. Is he?
Suddenly he picks me up and takes me out the room what the fuck? He enters the kitchen and sits me on the side.
"What the fuck baby?" he looks at me confused. Join the club..
"Your leaving for days and taking Ruby with you" I just say feeling to scream at him
"Your now the boss to. You don't exactly need me now" I tell him and he moves away from me pacing. Is he actually doing this? Again.. I feel my eyes start to tear up and I jump down from the side needing away from him.
"Where you think your going?" he asks me in a hard tone like he's angry. Why?
"I can't do this Liam.. Not again" I tell him and he grab my upper arms and looks at me.
"Why the fuck would I leave you? I married you and we're making Mya a Johnson. Why would I do that to leave you" he asks hurt and I don't know how I feel.. Am I overthinking this?
"Talk Stacey.. Please" he says and I sigh..
"It doesn't matter. When are you going?" I ask him and he heavily breaths and I just look at him.
"FUCK! Why you got to make it difficult. I don't know if I'll be leaving now" he says and walks off.
"RICO OFFICE NOW!" He shouts and Rico comes running past me. What did I do?

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें