Chapter 101 Liam's POV

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Standing out side the house I put the girls down and let them run round the garden while I talk to Jason. He doesn't need to know his wife's about to get fucked up. She's been pushing my queen for so long she deserves it and now she wants to take it out on my daughter. Not going to happen.
"Brother, your wife's seriously pissing me off" I tell Jason and he sighs.
"I know but what can I do. She won't fucking listen. She wants Ruby" he tells me and I laugh. The day that happens is the day she dies. Simple. She's mine.
"Either way me and her are done. I love you bro and I'm always gone be here for you and Lexi" I tell him and he just sighs putting his head down.
"I can't blame you. I don't even know what her problem is" he says and I just look at him.
"The problem is she wants to take my daughter away from me and be how she is with my other daughter. Not gonna happen bro" I tell him and he nods slowly agreeing.
"Shes just angry, she wouldn't take Ruby away from you. Your her dad Liam. Don't do anything stupid" he warns me and I just laugh. Stupid.. Your wife getting the fuck knocked out of her now.
"Look.." I start then suddenly hear screaming. Fucking hell.
"What's the fucks that?" Jason says running into the house I grab Jason and shake my head.
"Stay here and watch the girls. I'll go" I tell him but he looks at me shaking his head. Doubtful but I don't care.
"Stay. Here" I raise my voice a little and he sighs nodding.
Walking to the door I take a deep breath and open it hoping to not have to drag Stacey off her to be honest.
Walking in I see Stacey sat on Angelica swinging her fist repeatedly. Fuck baby I fucking love you.
"OK ok that's enough" I say walking over and she just looks at me with a glint in her eye. Shit. I pick her off her still swinging as she screams at me.
"She's dead" Stacey warns me and I just laugh and carry her out the house.
"Go sort your wife brother, I'll call you" I tell him opening the car and putting Stacey inside.
"Girls, come on" I call out to them and they come running to me.
Putting the girls in the car I'm just strapping in Mya now and Stacey jumps out and runs towards the house. Fuck sake.
"Baby no. She's had enough" I tell her holding her around the waist but she just screams.
"I fucking hate her" she yells and kicks the door. Why am I even holding her back.. Jason.. Think of Jason Liam..
"It's done. You've done" I tell her and she starts to go limp in my arms I spin her in my arms to look at her to see the bruise forming around her eye. Fuck.
What the fuck has she done to my queen's face. Fuck!
"Come on baby let's go please" I tell her and she sighs.
"Fine, but she's dead after what she said" she says and tries to walk but I pick her up carrying her to the car.
"I'm so proud of you baby, I love you" I tell her feeling my heart swell. She did good. I knew she'd always be my queen.
Putting her in the car she sits there and just stares at me.
"Are you going to stay here" I ask her and she nod sighing.
"I'm done baby" she tells me and I nod closing the door and walk around to the drivers side.
Climbing into the car I start the engine and pull off. Today's be an eventful day.

"I want to go home now" she tells me and I glance at her leaning her head against the window. I rest my hand in her thigh and she sighs and looks at me.
"Where going home baby, how you feeling. The come downs not great isit" I ask her and she sighs.
"Is this why you wanted to go alone. You knew she'd be different to Mya" she asks me and I look at her with furrowed brows.
"I didn't take her to be that kind of person so no. I didnt" I tell her. Why would i do that.
"You should of just gone alone" she says and I sigh. I was fucking going to. But you thought I was having a god damn affair.
"No where a family and thats what it was about. She made her bed. Don't feel bad for her baby. She deserves what she got" I tell her honestly proud of her.
"I know, I just hate when I get that mad. I normally just bake" she tells me and I grab her hand and kiss it.
"It's gonna be fine. Your gonna be fine" I tell her and she slowly nods and turns in her seat to look at the sleeping girls.
"You need to tell me about this adoption Liam. Why didn't you tell me" she asks me and I sigh.
"I did it because I though I could trust her to not throw it in my face. Amy's family was trying to take her and I stood no chance" I tell her simplified and she just looks at me.
"Just kill her already" she says and I laugh. If it was that simple baby.
"Then what about Jason and Lexi?" I ask her and she sighs.
"I don't know but I hate her. She can't treat them differently if there gonna be sisters Liam. It won't happen" she says and I just look at her.
"No ifs Stacey. They are sisters" I tell her and step onit. I need out of this car and fast. Feeling claustrophobic.
"We'll talk about it properly when we get back because there's more you need to know" I tell her and she sighs dropping her head to her hands. I wonder how she's gonna react to knowing I got her family killed. They won't take my daughter.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ