Chapter 133

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Walking into the living room to see everyone watching a movie I sit down and get comfortable on Liam.
"Isit done?" Rico asks and I nod
"Good, you took your time" he says raising a brow and I look away embarrassed
"What I do with my wife has nothing to do with you" Liam says in his boss voice and I squirm and look back at Rico who's face drops. HA! But shit I love it.
Liam bursts out laughing and points at him making Rico relax again and laugh.
"Dick man" he calls Liam and I roll my eyes.
"Got you tho didn't it bro" Liam says and I laugh. He fucking did. Hilarious.
"I forget you are my boss most of the time bro" Rico says and it's not surprising with how comfortable everyone is.
"I'm hungry baby" I whine and he chuckles.
"Killing would do that to you.. Plus mind blowing sex" he whisper into my ear then chuckles..
"Feed me" I tell him and he raises his brow.
"You sure?" he asks licking his lips and I laugh sarcastically.
"Very funny.. Later. But seriously I'm hungry" I tell him and he nods patting me to move so he can get up.
"Thank you boo" I call out to him and he smiles at me leaving the room.
"How you found your first day Tommy?" I ask him and he chuckles.
"It's been eventful, you lot are different but I like it. I'm looking forward to officially starting tomorrow tho" he says rubbing his hands together excitement buzzing around him.
"I'm happy your happy. Are you staying? It's getting late" I ask him and he nods.
"Rico sorted me a temporary room for the night" he says and I nod smiling at Rico. Isn't he a good one.. Like I said.

It's been about 30 minutes and liam comes walking in with two bowls and I sit up excited.
"It's only mac 'n' cheese" he says and I grin.
"You make the best tho boo" I tell him happily taking the bowl.
"Your welcome queenie" he says and winks at me sitting down.
"Boo? Queenie? Aren't you cute" Jason teases and we laugh.
"Dont be jealous Jason" I tell him in a childish way making him laugh.
"And where's my food brother?" he adds and liam points to the kitchen.
"Some out there in the oven. Help yourself I'm not your dad" Liam tells him and laughs.
"Fucking Henry" Jason says and rolls his eyes.
"This is so good baby, did your mum teach you to cook?" I ask him hoping not to buzz his mood. He smiles at me and looks at his food then back to me.
"Of course. She demanded I knew how to cook for you" he tells me and I smile. She's the best I swear. I miss her. Alot.
"Then why are we hiring a cook when you can do it instead. Lay around the house all day in just an apron cooking me food. Doesn't that sound fun?" I tell him and he groans at me.
"If it was just me and you I'd happily do that, yet we have a house full and children.. But we can make it a day if that's what you want. We'll kick everybody out for a day" he says and I bite my lip. Imagine Stacey. Shit. Him naked in an apron alday long.. Do I even want the food?
"I like the sound of that" I tell him just as Jason walks in.
"Like the sound of what?" he asks nosily and Liam laughs.
"Liam naked all day in an apron" I tell him and he laughs.
"Yeah I'll take the girls away thank you very much. I swear you two.." he says and shakes his head chuckling.
"Is this what it's always like?" Tommy asks and everyone nods laughing.
"Everyday is a different day apart from them two fucking consistently, so if they dissappear you know why" Jason tells him and I feel my face go red. How embarrassing.. Are we that bad?
"Yes" Liam says nudging me answering my thoughts and I laugh.
"It's written all over your face" he tells me and I cover my face. Fuck.
"Just because you have blue balls bro, don't be jealous of us" Liam says to Jason and he middle fingers him laughing.
"Fuck you brother. You still didn't hook me up either" Jason says
"I've been busy but I sorted something a hotel close by I give you the details later" Liam tells him and I roll my eyes. But who the fuck is she?
"Errr who?" I ask him and he chuckles to him self
"Escort" he tells me and I shake my head. Seriously there men.
"Of course, yall nasty" I tell him laughing.
"Not me baby, I got you" he says licking his lips. Oh I know..
"Let's not start that back up again. You two are the worst" Jason says and I raise my eyebrow.
"Excuse me but where trying to have a baby" I say then cover my mouth. My bad
"That's it baby, loud and proud. Now everyone shut up about it" Liam says and I smile at everyone.
"I'm so happy for you two, I can't wait" Becky says excitedly and I laugh. See positivity Stacey. It will happen.
"Thanks babe" I tell her and she smiles.
"Why didn't you tell me? You could of told me bro" Jason asks offended and liam shrugs.
"Didn't come up and we was just constantly fucking remember" Liam mocks and everyone laughs.
"Baby, I really really want a spliff. Please tell me you have a secret stash somewhere" I ask him and he nods.
"Obviously baby" he says like duh..
He takes my empty bowl and heads out while I look back at the tv.
"Do yall smoke too?" I ask them and they all nod. Accept Becky. That's a good girl.
Liam walks back in with everything and a bag of weed.
"I grabbed a little" he says and I take everything from him to bill up.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now