Chapter 105

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Pulling up in the cemetery I take a deep breath and look at Liam.
"You ready baby? I ask him and he sighs.
"As ready as I can be. Don't leave me baby" he says and I smile at him.
"Never" I tell him and lean over and kiss him. I climb out the car and take the girls out while Liam gathers his bearings and gets ready to see his mum.
Looking around I see a car pull up and I see the bitch sat in the passenger seat. I fucking told him. I guess he needs his wife today. Great.
"Why is she here? Did you tell him already" Liam says walking around to me with Mya and I sigh. I fucking did!
"He doesn't need her today. Just like he didnt last year or any other fucking year" he says getting angry at them.
"Baby it's OK, just ignore her. Hopefully she doesn't get out" I say and he sighs
I look over and watch Jason get out his car holding a bag? Do they do drinks or something here? He walks over to us after taking Lexi out and just looks sad.
"Bro" Liam says walking towards him and hugging him. I need to get these to back together regardless of that bitch. She doesn't matter. There's brothers.
"How you been?" he asks Jason and he just shrugs. Things clearly arnt getting better.
"I miss you all. I hate it" he tells Liam and I feel sad for him. He didn't necessarily cause this.
"I miss you to brother so much. It'll get better" Liam tells him and I hope he's right. They need each other.
"What's in the bag?" Liam asks him and he pulls out a bottle of JD and liam smiles. Great. I'll be driving now.
"You ready baby?" I ask him while I hold Ruby and he nods with a small smile and we make our way over to the grave.
Standing there I put Ruby down and she stands there holding my hand.
"Mummy?" Ruby asks. And I look down at her.
"Yes baby?" I ask her with a smile and she points to the grave.
"What's dis" she asks looking confused. Bless her.
I crouch down to her level and smile at her.
"That's nana, daddys mum" I tell her and she looks even more confused.
"She's in heaven as an angel looking over you baby" I tell her and she smiles.
"My angel, Mya too" she says and I look up at Liam who puts Mia down and he crouches to them.
"Nana loves you both very much and she's an angel for both of you. She watches over you and makes sure your both OK" Liam tells them sounding slightly emotional.
"Nana your angel too daddy?" Mya asks him and he nods.
"She's all of ours princess" he tells Mya and she smiles.
"Ace too?" Ruby asks and liam chuckles.
"Even Ace" he says and Jason laughs
"it's weird hearing you call me Ace brother" Jason says and Liam laughs.
"Your telling me" he says standing up to Jason.
"They know you as Ace so it makes it easier just to call you that to them" Liam says and he nods clearly understanding.
"It makes a difference me coming here and your sober. I'm proud of you brother" Jason tells him and I smile as Liam grabs my hand.
"We're trying something new. Doing it as a family and it feels surreal. I'm happy your here bro" Liam tells him
"Who wants a drink then?" Jason asks pulling out the bottle of JD.
I watch him swig from the bottle and he offers it to Liam but he hesitates and stares at the grave.
"Not this year brother. I want to be sober" Liam tells him and I've never been more proud of him. I know the alcohol will mke him feel better in the moment but I'm the long run, not so much.
"Stacey?" Jason offers me the bottle but I kindly decline holding up my hand.
"Looks like it's just me then" Jason says.
"Me Ace" the girls both say and we all laugh. In about 18 years babes..
"I have something for you both" he says pulling out juice boxes and handing them one each.
They both hand them to me and I quickly peirce the straw and hand them to them.
"Thanks Jason" I tell him with a smile and he nods smiling back at the girls.
"It's OK. I've really misses you girls" he says looking at the children and he looks like he just wants to cry. I put my hands out for Lexi and he hands her to me and I look down at her. I step back from the grave with the girls giving the guys a moment and just stare at the baby that's gotten so fucking big suddenly.
"Hi mum, we're here like we normally are together. I miss you so much mum. Times have been difficult for all of us lately but I finally have my queen and princesses by my side. I wish you was here to see them mum there perfect. Both of them and I know you would love them unconditionally and I know they love you too" Liam says to her and I feel myself become emotional as I watch him hug Jason hard. My poor baby.
"I miss you mum so much. I wish you was here to help me through this. You'd know what to say and how to help me fix all this. I'm so lost right now and I feel like I'm losing everything. I need you to tell me what to do" Jason says and I hear him sniffle. Liam hugs him again.
"We're here bro, your not alone. I'm sorry how things turned out but that doesn't affect us. Tell me you understand that. We need each other brother" Liam tell him and I feel my own tears fall. Fucking hell.
"I need you brother, please don't leave me" Jason says to him crying and Liam grabs him and hugs him again. I hear them both cry and I just feel sad for both of them. They should of been with each other all along coming up to this day.
"Mummy crying" Mya says and I wipe my tears quickly as the guys look at me.
"What can't a girl cry" I say and they both laugh at me. Bastards. At least there smiling.
"Brother, I don't even know why she came. She didn't want me to come either. It's been hell since everything's happen and we left. I can't do it" Jason tells Liam and I feel bad for him.
"Come home with me bro, you know your welcome anytime. Stay as long as you want" Liam tells him looking at me and I nod.
Hes not my problem.
"Your know your welcome Jason. The girls miss you aswell" I tell him and he smiles at them rubbing his face harshly. What is with men and that. Just wipe your god damn eyes.
"Thanks Stacey. Means alot brother, I think I will if that's alright?" he says to Liam and he nods.
"What about Lexi?" I ask him and he sighs.
"I don't know. But we need time apart. I just know that" he says sighing and rubbing his face again.
"Whatever you need. Are you gonna take her home and come out for dinner with us too. Or make your way to the mansion after you packed some stuff?" I ask him and he looks to Liam.
"Whatever you want to do bro" Liam tells him and he shrugs and swigs from the bottle. Alot..
"OK that's enough, your driving aswell" I tell him taking the bottle. He doesn't need this why he's emotional. I should know.
"I head home with them and meet you back at the mansion wheneber you back. Is there someone there?" he asks us and I nod.
"You don't have to drive I'll get someone to collect you with your stuff bro" Liam tells him and I sigh as he puts his hand out for the bottle. I look at Lima and jhe nods sighing so I hand it back to him and he drinks some more.
"Make sure she drives back. Do I make myself clear Jason!" Liam demands in that sexy boss voice and I swoon. Fucking hell Stacey.
"No problem brother, I won't tell her till we're home anyways" he laughs and swigs from the bottle again. Tut tut.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt