Chapter 69

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After Liam left with Ruby I debated with Mya about what to watch and like normal she won. So I left her to it and I'm standing in the kitchen surrounded by baked goods I'm about to put into the oven.. I went abit crazy and baked alot but I feel much better now. Sliding everything in for the first batch I wash my hands again and dry them siting down.
I wonder how the conversations going between Liam and Jason. And I just hope for Liam's own sake he doesn't break his promise. I think it will break him one day maybe not today or tomorrow but one day it will hit him. And hard..
I pull my phone out and decide to call my mum and tell her I got married finally.
"Baby, oh my god its been ages, how are you?" she asks me and I smile.
"Don't freak out" I tell her and I hear her sigh.
"What did you do?" she asks me and I sigh knowing she's gonna stress.
"I got married" I tell her and it's silent for a moment.
"That was quick.. Even for me. But why didn't you fucking invite me or your sister. After you said you'd think about moving down here. You go and marry Victor" she says. And I laugh.
"Seriously mum you think I'd married him" and I laugh again. Fucking imbecile.
"Then who the fuck did you marry Stacey Bloom" she says and I snigger..
"You mean Stacey Johnson mother" I tell her and shes quiet again like she's thinking.
"Wait.. You fucking married Liam fucking Johnson. No! Absolutely not. It's not happening" she says and I sigh.
"It already has mother. I don't want to lose you but I will if you don't accept it. Liam is my husband now and you need to start putting in an effort and he's Mya dad now. He's done more than fucking Victor" I tell her and she sighs heavily
"You knew this day was gonna come mum, you knew it was always Liam for me" I tell her
"I know baby, I'm glad your living your dream I'm just sad I wasn't invited" she says and I smile.
"That's the point mum, no one was. Just the girls and the nanny" I tell her chuckling and she laughs at me.
"We're having another wedding. That was just for us. And I want you to come please" I ask her and she sighs.
"I'll be there hunny. I am happy for you and I will try with Liam. He better be a changed man for you" she says and I smile to myself.
"He's amazing mum. So grown up and different. But still the same it's weird" I tell her laughing. And she laughs again and it feels good to hear her laugh after so long.
"Well I'm glad baby, now how's my granbaby?" she asks and I turn towards the living room.
"She's perfect like normal. Obsessed with frozen.. But perfect. She calls Liam daddy" I tell her excitedly.
"He must of really stepped up for you both. I'm happy you found your way back to him and your actually happy now baby" she tells me and I smile again.
"More than happy mum. Thank you for understanding" I tell her happy that it went better than I thought.
"I'm here if you need me baby, I love you" she says to me.
"Thanks mum, I love you too. Bye" I tell her and we hang up. I can't wait to tell Liam. Hearing the timer go off I take out the muffins and put in the cookies and set the timer again and leave the muffins to cool while I'll check on my baby.

"I'm home baby" I hear Liam call out and the door close.
"Just in time, did you know I was making your cups?" I ask him and he laughs walking into the kitchen.
"I've seriously missed you my queen" he tells me and he grabs me and kisses me pulling me closer to his body.
"I missed you too baby, you OK?" I ask him as he seems OK in himself.
"Just happy to see you baby, outside of that no not really" he says and I hold his face and kiss him.
"It's gonna all work out baby, you just got to give it some time" I tell him hoping I'm right but he just shrugs.
"As long as I got you, my girls and my sis I don't care to be honest. The things he was saying" he says getting angry and I put my hand on his chest.
"It doesn't matter baby, but it's only you for me. He can have his feeling but I have zero for him." I tell him and he nods slowly.
"I know that beautiful, but things aren't gonna get better while he has these feelings for you. I can't trust him right now and that hurts, so fucking much" he says and I hug him. I don't know how to make this better for him. I already made it worse by getting it out of Jason. I don't know what to do now?
"Stop whatever your thinking about. None of this is your fault. Tell me you understand that?" he asks me lifting my face to his.
"I do understand but if I didn't push him to tell me none of this would be happening" I tell him feeling shit..
"No no no, I am so glad and happy that you pushed and pushed to get him to expose his lies. Thank you baby" he says and kisses me. The timer goes off and he pulls away groaning and I take the rest of the bakes from the oven for dinner soon.
"How was the beast, you did control yourself because you seem calm even after it all." I ask him and he sighs.
"It was fucking hard. I won't lie. But I handled it and thought of you my queen. Your all I need to calm me" he says and I hug him tightly letting him know Im proud of him.
"I'm so proud of you for doing that when I know all you probably wanted to do was let him have at it. I love you for trying baby" I tell him smiling up at him.
"I'll always try plus I promised you so you know.. But I might let him have at it with you soon" he says and licks his lips while I clench my thighs and look up at his eyes. Fuck.
"What do you mean might?" I ask him confused. What's with the might all of a sudden.
"The level of anger and pain I feel I don't want to hurt you and I don't know if I can trust myself a hundred percent to not fuck the shit out of you. I love you to much to hurt you baby" he says and I wrap my arms around his neck looking up at him
"I love that your cautious with me baby. And it makes me sad to hear your troubles after all this time of getting yourself in control. To now be fighting it again. I'm sorry" I tell him and kiss him gently.
"Don't apologize, none of this is your fault baby, this is all Jason" he tells me and I need him to know that I trust him.
"Baby, you never have to hold back with me. Beast or not, I want your all, like always I trust you with my life" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"Understood beautiful" he winks at me and licks his lips.
"Well if your OK can I start dinner?" I ask him not wanting to start something we can't finish while Mya's awake.
"I am better now thank you, and I will be even better once I've seen my other daughter" he says and grins. Can't help smiling back I remember the conversation with my mum.
"I told my mum we're married and she didn't freak as much as I thought. She's happy for us" I tell him grinning and he smiles.
"So she's coming to the next wedding?" he asks me raising a brow.
"Absolutely, she'll probably walk me down the aisle too" I tell him and he smiles at that.
"I'm so happy for you baby, hopefully I can prove her wrong and be the man she knows her daughter deserves" he says and I kiss him passionately.
"Your more than I deserve, mums just living in the past" I tell him and he nods as I pull away and start dinner.
"Don't talk like that baby, what you mean more than you deserve? Don't talk nonsense"
He says to me pulling me back into his arms.
"I was just saying baby, and I really need to start dinner" I tell him and he chuckles kissing me and letting me go.
"I'll go see my other baby then" he says and walks out on me laughing shaking my head. My poor baby.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt