Chapter 17

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I stand at Angela's grave looking at the empty bottles of rum and the folded up blanket. My king must of slept out here all night while I was tucked up wishing I was with him. I thought I seen him lastnight outside my apartment but I know its just my brain playing tricks on me. He's gone.. Moved on. I keep telling myself but I can't bring myself to accept it. I can't..
"Hi Angela, happy birthday. I miss you and I definitely miss your son. I need your help I can't find him" I say to her and sigh. What's the point.. No one can help me
"Please look over my King. I love him so much and I need him to be safe and OK" I tell her and look to my baby. I couldn't imagine leaving her alone in this cruel world. Feeling a breeze I grab the blanket and wrap it around myself and instantly I'm surrounded by his scent. I close my eyes and hold it tighter to my body wishing it was him. I will find you one day baby. I say as I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

After saying goodbye to Angela I make my way back to the car with the blanket and bottles and put the bottles into the bin and keep the blanket wrapped around me feeling close to him.
Putting Mya into the car in her car seat I pull the seat belt around her and she smiles up at me holding her doll.
"Dindins mama" she says and I nod my head at her smiling.
"McDonald's for being a good girl?" I ask her and she nods eagerly.
Climbing into the car I start the engine and pull off smiling at my daughter through the rear veiw mirror. I love her with everything I have.

Ordering food for both of us I make my way through the car park and park up.
"You wanna eat in the car, inside or at home?" I ask her looking at her.
"home mama" she tells me and I nod.
After about five minutes of waiting someone brings out the food and I smile at her rolling down my window
"Thanks" I tell her as she hands me everything.
"Enjoy" she says and walks away..
Pulling off quickly to get home I'm starving now I can smell it.

Arriving back at the apartment I unlock the door and Mya slides down me crawling over to her toys. I close the door locking it up and put the food down while I take off our coats and shoes.
Taking out Mya's first I place it on the coffee table where she's sat and she starts to eat the fries. Smiling at her I leave her to eat and pull out my big mac meal.
Eating my food I watch Mya and how she eats and plays interacting with her doll and smile, she needs a friend soon I thought with a sad smile. I need to see Sian.
Pulling out my phone I call her..
"Hey babes, how are you?" she asks me
"I'm good are you free to meet up after we've had dinner. Maybe the park?" I ask her and she squeaks a little. Laughing I tell her
"I take that as a yes" I say smiling.
"Yes, of course I need out of this house. Kai's gone back to work." she tells me and I feel her pain but at least she has someone.
"I'll meet you at the park in half an hour then" I tell her grinning at Mya happy for her.
"OK see you soon babe" she says and hangs up. I finish my food scrolling through pictures of Mya on my phone thinking how big she is now..

Walking to the park to get some fresh air I make it with time to spare and take Mya out her pushchair.
"Shall we put you on the swing baby?" I ask her and she pushes to get down then she runs falling getting back up and I run after her picking her up and putting her in the baby swing.. I stand in front of Mya and push her watching her face light up and kick her legs out
"Love, love weee" she says and I hear Sian call out to me from behind.
"Help me" she says laughing as she gets closer pushing a double pushchair while Leyton runs around.
"Hi mate, you OK?" I ask him as he hugs my legs..
"Yesss" he growls and runs off to the bigger swings. Laughing I shake my head at him and continue to push Mya.

Walking over to the sand pit Sian takes the twins out and they walk over while Mya stays next to me. She's so shy bless her..
"How's life babe?" I ask her and she smiles
"Where getting married" she screams with excitement and my eyes nearly pop. Wow
"Oh my god, congrats babe. I'm so happy for you" I tell her and smile. She shows me her ring and its elegant and stunning just like her. It makes me fiddle with the one on my finger. Will it ever be worn for the right purpose? Will he ever get to propose? I fucking hope so.
"He'll come back to you babe, he'd be crazy not to" she tells me and I give her a small smile hoping she's right like normal.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now