Chapter 110

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Waking up with a sore body after lastnight is always delicious because I know he's about to make it better.
"Morning queen" he says smiling at me. I turn in his arms and smile back at him.
"Morning my king, how you feeling?" I ask him and he kisses me. Well that answered my question.
"You ready Mrs Johnson to shower and start the day off with me" he asks and I smile at him.
"Absolutely Mr Johnson" I tell him and he climbs out carrying me with him into the bathroom.

After a satisfing shower I'm finally out and dressed.

Brushing my hair out I turn to see Liam standing there

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Brushing my hair out I turn to see Liam standing there.
"You look like paradise my queen" he tells me and I twirl laughing.
"Thanks baby, now you look hot" I tell him and he smirks.
"Don't I always?" he asks raising a brow and I roll my eyes. Vein much.
"Always baby" I tell him walking up to him.
"You ready to face him?" I ask him and I know I'm about to kill his mood but it needs to be done.
"Ready as I'll ever be. Not that I have a choice. Do I?" he says and I shake my head no.
"Absolutely not. You got this boss" I wink at him and pull him out the room and down the hall to the stairs hearing the girls playing loudly. There clearly having fun.
Walking down the stair we walk into the living room to see Jason on the floor and the girls jumping on him and fucking about. He's obviously in a better mood. Thank God.
"Morning babies" I say to the girls and they come running to me and wrap themselves around me. Kissing them both I watch Jason awkwardly stand up and look everywhere but at us. He clearly remembers..
"Im so so sorry for how I was and what I said. I shouldn't of acted that way towards either of you" he tells me and I smile
"Thank you for the apology and you clearly got it all of your chest right? No more secrets?" I ask him and he smiles at me.
"Fresh as fuck you both know everything now and I'm glad. So fucking glad" he says and I tease him.
"Really really?" I ask and smirk and he rubs his face harshly laughing.
"I'll leave you guys too it" I tell them and look up to Liam.
"Keep an open mind baby" I tell him and kiss his cheek walking off with the girls.
"You both had your breakfast?" I ask them.
"Ace done" they say and I smile.
"Well that was nice of him but where's Becky?" I ask them as u walk into the kitchen seeing her sat on Rico's lap
"Dont let Liam catch you like this when your ment to be working. You don't want that. Trust me" I warn them and she jumps up looking guilty.
"Sorry Stacey. Jason kind of took over" she says and I sigh.
"It doesn't bother me. If you to ate gonna be together that's fine. But it's Liam. You know what he's like" I tell them and they nod understanding.
"I'll see you later babe" Becky says to Rico and rushes out the room and the girls run after her.
"What am I gonna do with you Rico?" I ask him and he chuckles.
"Sorry boss" he says and I raise a brow at him.
"Boss now? No love.." I ask him and he laughs.
"My bad, your acting all bossy so thought I'd go with it" he says and I sigh.
"I'm sorry, I'm just expecting this 'talk' to go sideways so I'm on alert untill then" I tell him and he stands up.
"You talking about Jason?" he asks and I nod.
"Nothing like that if anything it will be Liam. Jason pushes him at times and liam more than likely reacts.. Bad" I say and he nods understanding how Liam is. Atleast someone's understanding.
"I'll be around anyways, watching" he says and I smile at him.
"Thanks Rico. If anything happens and I don't hear shout me. Only I can calm him" I warn him and he salutes me walking out.

After making breakfast for me and Liam I just start serving it and Jason walks in.
"How was the talk?" I ask him and he sighs. Jason's back..
"Everything was going good untill his phone went off. His face dropped and he left" he tells me and I sigh. Fucking hell he's rubbing off on me aswell.
Liam suddenly appear scanning the kitchen.
"Where's Rico?" Liam asks and I shrug and he turns and walks straight back out. What happening now? Fucking hell.
"So can I eat that? .. Doesn't look like he's going to eat" Jason asks and I laugh pushing the plate across to him.
"Have at it" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"I'll be right back" I tell him and walk out to look for Liam. Why's he rushing around looking for Rico?
"Rico, where's Liam. He's looking for you" I say and he holds out his arms like I duno.
"FUCK. Somethings wrong I know it, come with me" I tell him and he nods and follows me around. I jog down the corridor to Liam's office and knock before opening it seeing him othe phone he waves me in and then he see Rico.
"I'm sorting it. OK bye" he says and I look at him perplexed. Sorting what?
"Rico I need you to sort something now" Liam says and Rico steps forward.
"I'm listening boss" he says to Liam and liam looks at him weird.
"No boss necessary you know that" Liam tells him and Rico nods.
"My bad, was in the zone. What do you need me to do?" he asks Liam and Liam looks at me.
"What?" I ask looking between them both.
"Nothing baby, have you had your breakfast?" he asks me and I look at him confused.
"I made us both breakfast but Jason's eating one of them now" I tell him and he nods. Fucking talk!
"Well.. What are you sorting.. What do you need Rico for?" I ask him looking at him
"One of my operations has been hit. I need you to go sort it and take only trusted people. I'm giving you a chance here Rico. Don't fuck it up" Liam tells him and I'm still confused. What fucking operation and why wouldn't he tell me.
"Got it just tell me where and when" Rico says to him
"Now and where you took Stacey last time. They've come back with others. I want them all fucking dead!" Liam spits and I'm enjoying seeing him in work mode.
"Got it. I'll let you know soon" Rico says leaving.
"One minute before you go, to give you a little more incentive, if you do this I'll make you head of security for all operations. Because I'm hiring more and I need you" Liam tells him and Rico lights up. Bless him
"Got it brother. I'll call you" he says and walks out. I look at Liam and he drops back in his chair sighing. He taps his lap and I walk around and climb onto him.
"Are we in this together?" I ask him and he looks at me.
"Of course we are my queen, I was just leaving you to eat. I thought you was with the girls" he says rubbing my thigh.
"Well Jason fed them I was making us breakfast. I don't want you holding all the weight baby. Its not good, I'm here" I tell him and he smiles.
"Would my queen like to handle some business" he asks me and I smirk.
"Well I can handle you any day babes" I tell him raising a brow and he chuckles.
"Is that so.. Naughty little minx" he calls me and I kiss him.
"That is so and you love it" I tell him against his lips.
"Yes I do beautiful, I've got a job for you if you want it?" he asks and I perk up.
"Absolutely, tell me what you need me to do baby" I ask and he raises a brow at me.
"Are you sure it could be anything" he says and I nod understanding.
"Absolutely, if you can do it so can I.." I say and smirk
"I need you to suss out the liar for me" he tells me and I get excited. "Abso-fucking-lutely, where and when. What about Rico. He's gone?" I ask him and he nods.
"I'll be with you but you need to make sure you pick the right person because they will be getting a bullet between there eyes." be tells me and I swallow.
"No pressure then" I say and he chuckles.
"Doesn't make a difference to me baby I'll kill all three of them" he says and I sigh. Of course he will.
"You ready to go now or you want to eat first?" he asks and I shake my head no.
"I can't eat now fucking hell" I tell him and he stands holding me still and carries us out.
"Say bye to the girls where leaving" he says putting me down.
I walk into the living room and give them both kisses and cuddles.
"Mummy will see you later. Have fun with Ace and Becky" I tell them and they jump around excited.
"Everything OK brother?" Jason asks Liam
"It will be bro, we'll talk when I get back but we are good OK" he tells Jason and he smiles.
"Thank fuck" Jason says and we all laugh as we leave the room. Liam says his byes to the girls and follows me out. I'm so excited.. To kill someone.
"I want to use mine" I tell him stopping at the door and turning to look at him.
"You just want to use your new gun" he laughs
"Go get it my queen, I'm turned on already" he says and hands me his key. I need to change to.
"Put something burnable on. And chop chop my queen.. Please" he says and I nod running up the stairs. What do I even have that's burnable..

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now