Chapter 67

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Finally pulling up at Jason's house I can't wait to get home.. Either home I don't care just need to be away with my own little family. The car ride after the conversation about him liking me was not as awkward he mostly stewed to himself and I handed the girls snacks and fiddled with the music alot.
Climbing out the car on numb legs I stretch my body and look at Jason..
"Just tell her Jason, it's the right thing to do.. Liam's gonna ask me any minute and I won't lie to him. Not even for you I'm sorry" I tell him because deep down I know that no one can help who there attracted to or how they feel. I just happened to be married to his brother and madly in love with him too so it's a bit fragile to say the least.
I watch Liam climb out the car and jog over to me.
"I missed you baby" he says and I melt in his hold.
"I missed you too baby" I tell him and he kisses me and I feel Jasons burning eyes into us. Shit. It's gonna come out.
Liam pulls away and looks at Jason obviously feeling the staring too
"Something wrong brother?" Liam asks him and Jason shrugs. Fuck sake. Tell them.
Angelica comes around the car and hugs Jason and he just looks at her.
"Is something wrong baby?" Liam asks me and I sigh. What the fuck do I say. I won't lie to my husband.
I look to Jason and his eyes are wide and I nod my head slightly at him It's now or never buddy..
"Let's all go inside shall we" Jason suddenly says and I'm thanking God Liam leads us towards the house and stopped asking. For now. Entering the house the girls run in and follow Becky straight to the kitchen. We walk into the living room and take seats and it's an awkward silence someone needs to speak.. And soon.
"Will one of you two speak please. I've asked two questions and got no answers" Liam says getting annoyed and I sigh putting my hand on his leg and he just looks at it. Jason will not ruin this..
"Jason.." I say to him and he looks at me like please no. But I shrug. I don't care.
"I'll tell him if you don't" I warn him and Liam looks straight up at me eyes swirling. Shit..
"Baby, calm down" I warn him being serious he don't need to hurt Jason.
"You better start fucking talking" Liam spits looking at Jason and I swallow.. Hard
"Fuck sake Ace, I thought this was about your mum. You better start talking" Angelica says to Jason and he sits forward sighing and puts his head down takes a deep breath and stands up. Liam starts to move but I grab his hand and shake my head.
"Please don't get angry baby" I tell him and he looks back at Jason.
"Talk now and sit back down. I don't like how your making me feel brother" Liam says and I feel like this is all my fault.
Jason looks at me and I nod my head and he sits back down slowly but not as close to Angelica this time. Creating space ready for her reaction.
"I can't get Stacey off my mind" Jason says and I sigh Liam goes to stand but I stop him.
"Baby, no. It's OK because I'm with you" I tell him and he stares at Jason with black orbs glowing. Shit..
"I didn't want this to happen. You think I enjoy feeling like this and please stop looking at me like that brother" Jason tells Liam and Liam looks at me and I can see the pain and hurt on his face. My poor baby.
"You still having feeling for her Jason?" Angelica asks looking like she's ready to cry and go crazy at the same time.
"I don't know angel" he says to her and she hits his arm and side body repeatedly.
"Don't fucking angel me" she cries and yells at him.
"I need to leave" Liam says standing and I quickly stand..
"Let's go baby" I tell him and he sighs walking out the room. It went differently than I expected. Jason's still breathing.. Just.
"Don't walk away Liam, this needs sorting brother" Jason says like fucking normal ampimg Liam up.
"Don't brother me Jason. I need to leave" Liam says looking back at Jason.
Hes doing so well to keep his cool.
"You are not running away from this" Jason tells him and I sigh putting my head down. Seriously Jason..
"I ain't running I'm leaving for your sake" Liam tells him in his cold tone I fucking hate. Baby noo. I scream in my head.
"You don't mean that brother just sit down" Jason tells Liam and he turns back around.
Taking strides he walks up to Jason and stares at him.
"If I stay I'm scared I will actually kill you" he tells Jason and he turns walking back towards me with his eyes back and a tear falling down his cheek. He stops and stands infront of me.
"Get me out of here please baby" he says to me and I pull him towards the door.
"Mya say bye" I call out and she comes running out
"Ruby's coming too" he says to me.
"me go home mummy?" she asks and I smile at her.
"Yes baby let's go, you too Ruby" I tell her and pick her up and follow Liam out the door..

Arriving back at the house I sort the girls in the living room with frozen playing like they asked for and a banana each. I look at Liam who has Ruby sat on his lap cuddled into her and my heart breaks for him, he didn't deserve this. But technically this isn't my fault either. It's no one's
"Can we talk baby?" I ask him walking out the room and into the kitchen so we don't disturb the girls. I sit at the dining table and hear Liam come into the room and he sits across from me rather than next to me.. OK.
"Are you blaming me?" I ask him outright and he doesn't say anything. He's actually blaming me.. What the fuck did I do?
"Do you know if I have to ask you again" I say raising my voice and he looks at me and sighs..
"I know it's not your fault, I can't blame him for thinking your sexy it's just.." he stops and I just look at him. At least he's not blaming me but it's just what tho?
"It's just?" I ask him wanting to know
"Nothing" he says and I sigh I don't think so.
"I just had three hours of this, I ain't doing it with you Liam. Talk to me now" I tell him and he puts his head down in his hands.. What the fuck isit?
"Do you think that makes me feel better? You practically alone in a car for three hours with him" he says hurt. And I don't know what to say.. What's his point..
"That doesn't answer my question Liam" I tell him standing up.
"Sit back down please. Why's everyone standing up at me today?" he says more to himself than me and I cross my arms.
"Listen tell me what it is" I say to him and he looks at me raising a brow. Yeah I used your shit. What?
"Really?" he laughs and it's better than him sulking I guess. But still my question..
"Just answer the question Liam" I say and he sighs and gestures for me to sit on his lap. I hesitate and he looks at me sad so I give in and sit on him..
"Don't ever hesitate again baby.. Please" he tells me and I kiss him..
"I have a feeling that I can't get rid of" he says and puts his head down on my back. I spin wrapping my arms around his neck and look at him.
"What's this feeling baby. Tell me please I might be able to help" I say and he shakes his head.
"Has anything ever happened between the two of you? I'm sorry I have to ask, I just need to know" he says sadly and I pull his face in my hands.
"It's only ever been you and Victor baby believe me" I beg him and he smiles. I need him to believe nothings ever happened with Jason or anyone actually. It's only been him
"Of course I believe you my queen, but he avoided you for years because he blatantly wanted you. My guts telling me he loves you baby" he says and I gasp. No! He can't.
"It doesn't matter what he feels because I love you madly and I'm Stacey fucking Johnson your god damn wife now. You can't run from me again Liam" I tell him and he smirks but all my insides have turned to mush. What if this is what sends him over again.
"Your right baby, and who said anything about running. I am your God damn husband you ain't leaving, it's Always and Forever my queen" he says and kisses me with so much love I had to pull away to catch my breath.
"I love you baby" I tell him making sure he knows..
"I know how could you not? And I love you too beautiful" he says cocky and I love it. He will Always and Forever be my worthy king.

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now