Chapter 120

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"Chinese is on it way so yall better be hungry" Liam says to everyone and all I think about is I'm fucking starving and I need some food.
Liam comes and sits down next to me and looks at me.
"I need to go down soon and check on them baby" he tells me and I nod smiling.
"Ok, did you want to go alone or?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"You can come with me if you want to. I'm sure they'll be happy to see you" he says rolling his eyes and I laugh.
"I don't know why but Robbie's just always hated me and being cruel to me and about Mya. I don't know what I've done" I tell him and he clenches his jaw getting angry.
"It's OK, he's about to pay for everything he ever said. And that makes me happy" I tell him rubbing my hand over his face to release his jaw and he relaxes.
"I have something for you" he tells me and I smile. More goodies..
"I'll give it you before we go down it's in my office. I think you'll like it" he says and I nod eagerly.
"I'll love anything you buy me baby. Thank you" I tell him and he kisses me.
"I'm just making sure you want for nothing. Anything you want or need buy it. I don't care what it is. If it will make you happy get it. No matter how much it cost" he tells me and I sigh
"All I need is in this room next to me" I tell him and he rolls his eyes
"I know but don't hesitate to do what I say because you can, you have your card too" he says and I nod. I don't think I've even used it yet.
"I know and I will but I don't even leave the house" I tell him laughing shaking my head.
"That will change. You can go anywhere in this world baby. I've got you" he says and I snuggle into him feeling overly happy.
I have Liam and our girls what more do I need?
I look around the room at Jason sat on his own and it makes me feel sad for him. He looks at me clearly feeling me watch him and I pat the seat next to me now the girls have got down. And he looks to Liam then back at me. I pat it again and he gets up and walks over to me and sits down.
"You look lonely by yourself" I say to him and he sighs.
"I feel alone when you lot are all coupled up" he tells me and I sigh.
"What's your plan with home life? Are you going back?" I ask him because he's been here for awhile now not that I mind tho.
"Trying to get rid of me already?" he asks and I chuckle.
"Not at all, I just want you to be happy too" I tell him and he sighs.
"I spoke to Angelica earlier" he says and I nod for him to continue
"She's filing for divorce if I don't come back" he says and I gasp. Wow she's Savage
"We'll go back tomorrow, I've got to go meet someone anyways, hopeful he'll fit into the team well" Liam tell us and I wonder who it is. And what's his role gonna be?
"You want to actually come back with me. You feeling alright because she will go at you and me" Jason says to Liam and I look at Liam raising a brow. I will kill her if she raises a hand to my husband again. It's not gonna fucking happen.
"I don't care about her bro, I'm coming for you and it'd be nice to spend some time just us two" Liam tells him and Jason sits forward.
"Foreal?" he says to Liam and he nods.
"Yeah why not I think we're over due some brother time" he tells Jason and he smiles.
"Thanks brother. What am I gonna do if she files for divorce.. I can't lose my daughter." Jason says to us and I sigh.
"It'll get better but in the mean time you can always live here in the mad house with us. If you wanted to anyways" I tell him and he lights up bless him.
"That's what I want anyways. I love it here. This feels like home with all you guys" he says and I lean into him.
"Aww Jason did you miss us when you left" I tease and he pushes me away chuckling.
"Every God damn day" he says and my smile broadens. He's so cute bless him.
"Really really?" Liam says laughing and I burst out laughing and Jason covers his face..
"Are you done taking the piss out of my drunken state" he whines and I pat his thigh
"It's our little joke with you so if you really really want Chinese you'll let us use it" I say and just like that Liam's phone goes off
"I'll get it and set up the dining table for everyone" I tell him then get up walking towards the office to open the gate.

"Thank you" I tell the delivery guy and close the door with the bags of food and make my way into the dining room where Liam and Jason are setting up the table.
"As where missing a seat you can sit on me and eat if you want beautiful and Jason can sit in your seat" Liam asks and I look to Jason.
"Can he now. What if I didn't want to feel something poking me while I ate?" I tease and Jason laughs
"You can always sit on it properly and we eat somewhere alone" Liam says and I raise a brow. Insatiable..
"Sounds good but I told you later.." I tell him and wink making Jason laugh again.
"just set the damn table you" Liam says to him and I laugh now.. Now now.. Be nice.
"I'll sit with you baby don't worry" I tell him as Jason puts two plate at the head of the table for us.
"Girls, Becky, Rico. Dinners here come on" I call out loudly and they look at me like why you shouting. Jeez.
"Shut it both of you" I tell them and start taking the food out the bags.
They all come into the dinning room and the girls now know there own seats and sit down. I point to the left of Liam's seat for Jason and Becky and Rico sit in the other two. I start to serve food for the girls first hoping they like at least something and then do my own and watch how the rest pig out like fucking animals making the girls laugh.
"Thanks for inviting us with you guys babe" Becky says to me and I smile at her.
"It's alright I thought we'd eat as a big happy family tonight" I tell her and she grins.
"Thanks boss" Rico says looking at me as I sit in Liam's lap and I point my fork at him.
"Do you know you. Your gonna get yourself hurt" I tell him and he laughs.
"You tell him baby. Or I can do it for you" Liam says and Rico's face drops so I smirk at him.
"Ha didn't like that did you" I tell him
"And why the face drop Liam's a big softie really. Nothing to worry about" I tell him and look to Liam who raises his brow at me.
"Maybe to you and only you" Liam whispers into my ear and I squirm on his lap.
"Nothing to be scared of" I tell him kissing his cheek and he chuckles.
"You have no idea baby" he says and I smirk at him.
"Well I've been doing your work recently soo.." I tell him and he chuckles.
"And I've never been more proud of you beautiful, and I'm looking forward to seeing you do more if that work" he tells me and I feel his dick twitch underneath my ass.
"I'll work alright" I tell him wiggling on it and he groans
"I want it. Now matter what happens I want it" Jason suddenly says and I look at him confused the same as Liam.
"The job. I want it. I want in" he elaborates and liam pats his back.
"I'm so happy bro, I look forward to working with you again. Where about to make you a richer man" Liam tells him and he grins
"What Jason's working with us yeah bro?" Rico says to Liam and he nods at him.
"Yeah but not what you do. Books and that he's to smart to not do something" Liam tells him and Jason beams happily.
"I'm so happy your joining us Jason. You'll have fun with us sometimes right?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"Maybe we'll see how it goes. That's not really for me" he says and I couldn't help myself.
"Really really?" I ask him and he puts his hand on his head
"This is my life now? Really really? One drunken time and your gonna take the p out of me" he asks and I nod smiling eating at my battered lemon chicken..

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now