Chapter 130

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Finally finishing the rooms I decided to do my dressing room aswell and took a quick shower and redressed just in time for Liam to walk in on me.
"I missed you wet and naked" he says sulking and I chuckle.
"You did baby. But you always make me wet so there's that" I tease and he groans. I smirk at him walking over to him and he pulls me close.
"I need a shower now, we had some fun with them. Jason took out alot of aggression on Robbie finally" he says and I smile. I'm glad.
"I knew I should of stayed" I say laughing as I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Are we getting turned on over my brother now, do I need to spank my naughty queen?"
He growls and I bite my lip.
"No but I'd like to try it" I tell him shyly and he groans pulling my body flush against his.
"My baby wanna be spanked, that's what you'll get, a good spanking. Fuck" he groans again and I pull him in for a kiss wanting him.
"I'll look forward to it and just so you know I need you to pick Sian up tomorrow" I tell him and he raises him brow.
"She's coming to stay, she misses me and we're gonna have a drink and have so fun" I tell him.
"Does my queen not have enough fun with me?" he ask laughing and I smile more than enough..
"Yes absolutely but.. I miss my bestie and it'll be nice to see her. You don't have to leave us. She'll probably want to see you anyways" I tell him and he rolls his eyes.
"Of course she will. And whatever keeps my queen smiling" he says and I grin
"You.. That's all I need" I tell him and he kiss me.

Leaving Liam to have a shower I make my way back down stairs to everyone and see Tommy lonely.
"Hi Tommy" I say and smile at him.
"You know you can do what you like right. Let me show you around" I tell him and he nods smiling.
I walk straight to the pool and unlock the door with my key and push it open.
"The pool, feel free to use it when your off or whatever talk to Liam about that." I tell him and he nods walking back out I relock the door.
"Well I wasn't expecting that"he chuckles and I smile at him. Well kiddo there's more.
Walkimg down the corridor I unlock another door and open it showing him the gym that I haven't actually been to. Nevermind..
"I think I will move in" he says laughing and I laugh at him.
"That's the point.." I say and he looks around nodding his head impressed.

After showing Tommy around the activities he can do in here I think I changed his mind about moving in. But there's so many people that will be living here we need to start giving them there own quarters so they can do them and we do us.
I still need to look for a cook and a interior designer. Fucking hell.
Walking out the games room I see Liam approaching.
"There you both are, what you doing baby?" he asks raising his brow and I smile up at him.
"What we should of done this morning. Showing Tommy around the place" I tell him and he nods.
"My bad I been busy beautiful but atleast it's done now" Liam says and I nod.
"I think I've persuaded him right?" I say and look to Tommy who chuckles.
"I'll think about it" he says to me and I smile at him.
"You ready to go down and finish the job my queen?" Liam asks and I smile licking my lips. This is gonna be fun I get to use my toy yaaay!
"Absolutely baby" I tell him excited and he chuckles at me. Why am I excited to kill them. Maybe because they deserve it?
"Right let's go then baby" he says and grabs my hand pulling me away from Tommy.
"RICO" Liam yells loudly and I wince fucking hell. Could of warned me.
"Do you have to shout so loud. You could of told me instead of deafening me" I whine at him
"You know I'm loud baby, and you'll hear me later too" he winks at me and I bite my lip. Yes please..
"Yes bro" Rico come rounding the corner to us.
"We're going to take care of this make sure your ready to help move them when I ring you" Liam tells him and he nods.
"That's cool, I'll be around we're watching frozen.. Again" he says and chuckles. Bless him.
"Have fun with that, take Tommy with you and involve him bro" Liam tells him and he nods at him.
"Alright where is he?" he asks looking around.
"He was around the games room go see" Liam tell him and opens his office door pulling me inside.
"I grabbed your gun baby" he says pulling it from his waist and I bounce happy to have it back. I really need to calm down. Getting way to over excited.
"I've got you something to change into aswell baby" he tells me and I smile.
"Thanks baby" I tell him as he grabs a bag and opens the door to the basement.

"Hi boys me again" I call out as I get to the bottom and see them laying down in there chairs. What did Jason do?
I walk over to them and see there faces.
"Fucking hell you pissed Jason off didn't you Robbie" I laugh and he turns away from me.
"FUCK you bitch" he says and I kick him in his ribs making him howl in more pain.
"You wish you could fuck me babes" I mock
"Well I've fucked you baby girl it ain't that good" he says and I laugh hard.
"That's because your a boring cunt, you don't know how to turn a queen on. Because of you did my queen wouldn't waited for me"
Liam tells him smugly and I bite my lip looking at Liam fanning myself. He knows what he's doing alright..
"Exactly Victor. You fucked me. I laid there and thought of my king everytime" I tell him smug and he looks away. That's what I thought.
"Are we done talking? Can I just kill them already?" I look at Liam who doesn't look to happy about the conversation.
"Are you ready to kill them baby, if so go ahead.. Do you" Liam tells me and I pull my gun from my shorts and point it at Robbie first and he starts to shake
"You look scared.. Not so brave now are we" I mock him smugly and laugh.
"You won't kill me anyways. I'm Mya's dad" Victor says cocky and I shrug.
"I'll be with you soon" I tell him and look back to Robbie.
"Any last words?" I ask him
"I wish I killed you all them years ago when I first thought about it" he tells me and I shrug.
"Well your loss" I tell him and pull the trigger shooting him in his head watching the blood puddle around him. I smile at Victor who's gone pale and look back to Liam.
"Fuck, I'm so turned on.. Keep going my queen" Liam encourages me and I bite my lip.
"I'll be with you soon baby" I tell him and he smirks at me.
"Now Victor, any last words for you?" I say  pointing my gun at him.
"I fucking hate you, I wish Mya died like the first baby. You don't deserve to be a mum" he spits and I hear Liam walk towards me.
"No bullet to the head for him. I'll kill him baby, if you don't mind?" he asks me and I fly my foot to Victor's face for his comment.
"That's it baby continue, batter him and ill finish if need be" Liam tells me and I stomp on his chest and his face swinging my leg over and over getting more mad that he said what he did. How dare he. I'm a good mum. Right?
"That's enough baby, your getting to angry. Tell me what's going on in your head" he asks and I give Victor one last kick splatterinv his nose.
"Am I a good mum to our girls baby?" I ask him feeling all my emotions at once. Sudden he grabs me by the face with both hands and looks me in the eyes.
"You are the best mum my queen, the girls are so lucky to have you. I'm so proud of you and I love you" he tells me and I smile taking a deep breath. And I wrap my arms around him.
"I love you too" I tell him holding him tightly to me.
"Can I have the privilege of strangling the life out of him like Marcus?" he asks and I nod my head and let go off him. I watch how he doesn't even hesitate to stand over him and sit in his chest wrapping his hands around his throat and stares down at him smiling. A nice slow painful death that's what he deserves. I watch Victor become life less and liam let's go letting him breathe for a minute then starts again. And he does that repeatedly.
"Babyyyy, just kill him" I whine and liam laughs.
"You do it, you deserve to infact" he tells me and jumps up
He comes to stand behind me and wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder looking at me
"Do it baby, he deserves to die by you my queen" he whisper in my ear sending goosebumps over my skin and I feel how turned on he is as his hard dick pokes against my ass.
"This is for my daughter" I tell him and
he closes his eyes and i pull the trigger aiming at his head just like the rest.
"Bye bye" I say as the bag sounds and the blood pools around him mingling with Robbie's. I take a deep breath and turn in Liam's arms and hand him the gun kissing him. He wraps me up tightly and I rest my head on his chest. I just killed my daughters father. Shit happens!

Claiming My King | DARKNESS SERIES #4 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now