Chapter 118

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    Ke Mei walked to the wall, put one hand on the switch button, and asked Xia Lin again: "Are you sure, you must watch it?"

    Xia Lin's face turned pale, but he was very stubborn: "You must watch, I have the right to know, last life What happened afterwards."

    Okay. With a "pop", Ke Mei turned off the light, and in the darkness, he opened the folder of image materials. In

    front of Xia Lin appeared the figure of Song Yan who was the same height. It was familiar to Xia Lin in the previous life. Song Yan, dressed in a straight suit, with meticulously combed hair and a clean shaved beard, could not hide his haggard and thin face.

    Hunting in the night breeze, he climbed up to the roof top, stepped over the half-height railing, and looked down. A glance.

    Xia Lin has been following his perspective, just looking at it like this, the slight fear of heights immediately made him dizzy.

    "Song Yan, don't..." He stretched out his hand to pull Song Yan back, and said. Only when he realized that this was just an image of his previous life, Song Yan couldn't hear his voice at all.

    Song Yan stood by the railing for a while, then raised his wrist and looked at his watch, not knowing what he was waiting for.

    "Xia Lin, will you come? He muttered to himself, "Today is your first seven. You will definitely be back, right?" "

    Xia Lin stared at Song Yan in the image blankly, tears filled his eyes instantly, thinking of Song Yan's purpose and what he might do next, Xia Lin opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't make a sound in fear. His heart made him shudder uncontrollably.

    The pointer on the watch slowly moved to midnight. The

    long wait was finally over, Song Yan raised his head and looked forward, his gaze fell on the far shore, and he stretched out his arms and groped: "Xia Lin, are you here to pick me up?" Can you. ...Say something to me? "

    Xia Lin covered his mouth, tears poured down instantly.

    Song Yan couldn't wait for the voice he wanted to hear, his face was a little lonely, and he muttered to himself: "Xia Lin must be still angry, so I don't Willing to care about me. "

    He gradually moved his back away from the railing, tried to take a short half step forward, and his open arms gradually gathered into a hug position: "Xia Lin, I can't see

    " You, can you... hug me? You hold me and take me to your place, okay..."

    Before he could say anything, his foot was suspended, and then he fell down.

    "Song Yan——!" Xia Lin yelled out!

    Song Yan and Song Huaixin Finally reached an agreement, and then he was helped by Du Lanze to sit back in the wheelchair. To

    the talkative Du Lanze, at this moment, he was abnormally quiet, and asked Song Yan if he needed to send him back.

    Song Yan waved his hand. He declined the other party’s kindness and came out of the lounge alone in a wheelchair. After

    breathing in the fresh air outside, he let out a sigh of relief, as if he had had a great wish, and there would be no regrets in this life.

    At this time, Xia Lin called him.

    Where are you?" Xia Lin's voice sounded something wrong.

    Song Yan adjusted his mood, pretending to be relaxed and said, "Xia Lin, are you waiting in a hurry? I have already taken care of it here, and I will go to the box to find you immediately."

    Xia Lin did not say a word, but revealed that he was depressed. Stable breath.

    Song Yan heard something wrong, and asked, "Xia Lin, what's the matter with you?"

    Song Yan," Xia Lin took a breath and asked with a trembling voice, "In the last life, what exactly were you." How did you die? "

    Song Yan paused in the hand of the wheelchair, and even stopped slowly with the wheelchair.

    "Xia Lin, why did you suddenly ask about this?" He paused, "Didn't I tell you before..."

    "Song Yan, I want to hear the truth." "

    Song Yan frowned, and the hand holding the phone gradually turned white, but still calmly said: "Did someone else tell you something?" Is it Ke Mei? Don't believe him, he is just joking with you..."

    "Ke Mei showed me the image materials of the previous life. Do you want to tell me that those images are also fake? You jumped from the top of the twenty-fourth floor alive, lying on the ground covered with blood, that is also fake. Is it true?"

    Song Yan's heart chamber suddenly became angry: "Ke Mei will show you what those bloody things do, is he sick?"

    "I want to see it," Xia Lin said, "Song Yan, If it weren’t for him to tell me, are you planning to keep it from me for the rest of your life?”

    Song Yan couldn’t refute it. Since knowing that he and Xia Lin were no longer bound to each other, he never thought about letting Xia Lin know about this past. An extremely depressed cry came from that end, and Song Yan was at a loss: "Xia Lin, don't cry, where are you now, I'll come to find you right away, don't cry..."

    He turned his wheelchair around the corner, unexpectedly. The ground ran into Xia Lin who was already crying after standing around the corner.

    He suddenly remembered that when he wanted to die several times in his previous life, Xia Lin had also cried very sad, and it was such tears that dragged him back from the edge of death.

    Later, when Xia Lin died of illness, he was all alone, no worries, and only wanted to go with Xia Lin. He thought that no one would cry for him again this time, but he didn't expect to live a lifetime again. After all the twists and turns, the only person who would eventually cry for him was Xia Lin.

    At this moment Song Yan wanted to come forward to comfort Xia Lin, hug him, kiss him, and softly coax him in his ear.

    But in fact, he could only sit in a wheelchair motionless, watching Xia Lin with tears, unable to do anything.

    After crying for a while, Xia Lin wiped away her tears, walked slowly to Song Yan, squatted down on one knee and looked up at him: "Song Yan, do you hurt? Is it painful to fall from such a high place? "

    Song Yan tried his best to suppress his turbulent mood at the moment, and shook his head: "It doesn't hurt, really."

    Xia Lin choked his head down, as quiet and gentle as when he was in love with him in the previous life, with his forehead resting on him. On his knees, he muffled: "Why are you so stupid."

    Song Yan gently touched the top of Xia Lin's hair: "Everyone said that stupid people have stupid blessings. Didn't I meet you again? God treats me well after all."

    Xia Lin suddenly remembered something and grabbed Song Yan. Song Yan said: "Song Yan, promise me, this time, no matter if my disease is cured or not, you can't do stupid things

    anymore ." Song Yan was stunned for a moment, did not answer him directly, just smiled slightly. The expression is gentle but firm: "Don't say frustrating words, your illness will definitely be cured, you will definitely be able to."

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