Chapter 54

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Song Linfengyue

    When Xia Lin opened the Weibo of "Song Linfengyue" at one point, he was shocked by the dazzling number of hundreds of thousands of fans.

    Song Yan’s Weibo profile picture has a big V logo, and his profile contains information such as the club he belongs to and his contact email address.

    He roughly pulled down a few Weibo, each with thousands of comments and reposts. In the view of Xia Lin, whose Weibo is basically ruined, this is simply unimaginable and bursting with popularity.

    Soon he was attracted by one of the Weibo posts.

    Song Linfengyue: [I am going to confess tomorrow. If I don’t succeed, I won’t come back!]

    Comment: 〖Scared! What does it mean to not come back? Don’t miss Mr. Song!

    Comment: 〖There are so many harems, who do you want to confess to? 〗

    Comment: 〖Aoaoaoao is the phoenix freak years old or simple bacteria? 〗

    Comment: 〖Upstairs, Mr. Song already has someone he likes in reality, "Mrs. Song" to find out. 〗

    Xia Lin wondered what happened to "Mr. Song"? What happened to "Mrs. Song"? He turned up a piece of

    Song Linfengyue: [I have been insomnia for nearly three hours ah ah ah ah. 】

    Comment: [Mr Song has confessed, has it succeeded or failed? 〗

    Comment: 〖This...Whether Mrs. Song accepts or refuses, I'm so anxious to wait! 〗

    Comment: 〖Why insomnia? Shouldn't you hold your beautiful lady on the bed at the moment? 〗

    Comment: 〖If I really refuse, I feel that Mr. Song is not as simple as having insomnia... Mr. Song, hold on!〗

    Xia Lin flipped it up again.

    Song Linfengyue: [I haven't slept almost all night, and I have dark circles on my face. Today> I will continue to fight, do you think I should wear a suit or casual clothes? 】

    Comment: 〖Song is so handsome, looks good in everything!〗

    Comment: 〖Personally, I feel that wearing a suit has a sense of distance. It is better to wear a casual dress in front of the person I like? 〗

    Comment: 〖Song, you can do it! I have found several guides for you, I hope it will be helpful to you! Address xxxx〗

    Scroll up again.

    Song Linfengyue: 【According to the guide, I killed him and squatted downstairs in the dormitory. I just called him. He didn't sound very happy, but he agreed to come down and see me. Do you think I still have hope? 】

    Comment: 〖I think I can fight for more. Don’t be discouraged, Song always wins! 〗

    Comment: 〖If you want to see you, there is hope! 〗

    Comment: 〖Song has read the strategy? Dianluan Pofeng thirty-six style, which do you plan to choose? In fact, I think that as long as you have enough physical strength, you can try it

    . 233333. Xia Lin frowned. What the hell is the "Thirty-six Dangluan and Fengfeng"?

    Then he saw a hot comment that had just been topped by Mr.

    Song's pillow: 〖Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just reacted!

    Comment: 〖What's the situation with the girl? Have you seen Mr. Song and Mrs. Song? 〗

    Song's family pillow: 〖At first I only saw Mr. Song taking selfies by the lake. My best friend and I went up to hook up. Mr. Song said he came to find friends to play with. When we turned around, we found that his friend was sitting on the side. On the bench, it looked a little cold, so we didn’t dare to bother for too long. We only asked Mr. Song to sign and take a photo, and then we hurriedly withdrew. When I came back, I read Weibo and realized that the "friend" was Mrs. Song. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, why did I not expect to secretly take photos of it ahhhhhhhhhh, so regret it! 〗

    Comment: 〖Sister, have you seen Mrs. Song? He is very curious about what he looks like!

    Comment: 〖Where is the girl's coordinates? ! What if I can meet the live broadcast too!〗

    The pillow of Mr. Song's family: 〖Mrs. Song looks very gentle, but she doesn't seem to like to laugh, so she saw Mr. Song walking around him all the time (Suddenly I feel Mr. Song is a bit pitiful, my little heart) Upstairs I can't ask for the coordinates. Say, Mr. Song said that he was afraid of causing trouble to Mrs. Song, so he must not reveal the coordinates! (President Song, I’m very obedient, please touch)〗

    Comment: 〖I feel Mrs. Song has not been completely taken down, Mr. Song is full of energy, take it Out of your domineering president's momentum. 〗

    Song Linfengyue: 〖You said badly, he is checking my Weibo...〗

    Comment: 〖w/hat? !Ms. Song found Weibo? 〗

    Comment: 〖Mr. Song, if there is anything you shouldn’t post in your Weibo, please delete it! 〗

    Song Linfengyue: 〖It’s too late...he said that if I dare to delete, he won’t invite me to dinner...bite the handkerchief~〗

    Comment: 〖The painting style upstairs has changed suddenly, how can there be the illusion of showing affection〗

    Comments: 〖Fuck me caught off guard by being stuffed with dog food, I looked confused. 〗

    Comment: 〖So Mrs. Song is planning to accept you now? 〗

    Song Linfengyue: 〖I don't know either. I feel like I am the fish on the chopping board now...〗

    Comment: [Mr. Song, don’t persuade me, follow the strategy I recommend, and try to get him done tonight!]

    Song Linfengyue: 〖He! Here! Look! It’s so explicit! , I will be punished to sleep on the road!

    Comment: 〖Hahaha Song has so many domineering presidents, but he didn’t expect that in reality he is actually a loyal dog, but the contrast is so cute!〗

    Xia Lin didn’t plan to Looking further, he raised his head and asked: "Why did they call you Mr. Song?"

    "," Song Yan didn't expect Xia Lin to ask this in the first sentence. The role of the domineering president, they nicknamed me Mr. Song."

    "Who is Lanhuang Xusui and Fungus Simple?"

    "They are the chief receivers who have worked with me in the show. Some fans are easy to follow CP after listening to the show. This has nothing to do with me. I am innocent."

    Xia Lin's face was light, as if only casually. When I asked, I didn't mean to pursue it to the end.

    Song Yan discovered that he had asked about the origin of the name "Mrs. Song", but did not ask "Mrs. Song". Does it mean that he has already acquiesced in this name?

    When Song Yan thought of this, it was inevitable that some spring hearts were rippling around.

    Suddenly, Xia Lin said quietly: "So, what strategy did you originally prepare? Which of the thirty-six formulas are you planning to do with me?"

Not Seen in the Next Life ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora