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~Bold means speech.      
~Bold italics means authors note
~Italics means thoughts
~Underlined italics means other thoughts

IM BACK BISS'S remember this^? remember me😗✌️? no? you have no idea who I am?
well.... we could have a Q&A but I doubt you guys care about me at all just here to laugh at this horribly written story but if you are just spam questions here. ↘️

"You have a brother and sister, they're twins"

WHAT IS GOING ON? Is this a joke? How can you hide something this important from me? I took a deep breath and calmed down. My mom must've noticed my significant mood change and said "Wait, let me explain". I settled and got comfortable.

Allura's POV

Pregnant. I thought as I read the test, my hands were shaking at this point. I sat there in shock and wondered what I should do. Since my mom and dad are so free spirited maybe my plan would work, maybe I could figure this out. I ran downstairs and yelled "Mom, Dad! I need to ask you something".

I saw my parents already sitting together on the couch, I stood in front of the box television. They both looked at me concerned and asked what I needed. I looked at them hoping this would go to plan. I said, "I think I need a push into the real world to really mature". My parents nodded; this was nothing new for me.

I always wanted to be prepared for everything to the point to making suggestions about their parenting style. I continued "I think I should live alone for a year; I have money saved for a small apartment. I could also pay for my own food and such". They looked at me shocked and said "You just turned seventeen, and now you want to live alone? It's December meaning you can't go out past five, because it gets dark. You really think you will benefit from this?".

I nodded confidently to make my case, my dad replied reluctantly, "Alright, we'll pay for the apartment though. Just pay for food that's it, don't stress yourself out". I nodded and left the room to think. I didn't want my mom to hear what I was thinking, she can't hear my thoughts if I'm in a different room. Now I won't have to contact them every day, I can just handle this on my own.

I haven't planned out what to do after five months but, I made sure I have enough time to have the baby and figure it out. I walked into my room and sat down, I looked at my phone and decided I needed to make a doctor's appointment after I move into my apartment, so mail won't go to this house. I decided to call the one person who can help me through all of this, Nova. I called her and heard the phone pick up. "Hello?", I sighed and then I don't know why but, I started crying.

"Laura, what's wrong?". She sounded so concerned, "I'm pregnant and Allister is the father. I don't know what to do but I'm moving out to avoid my parents finding out.  They're letting me live alone for a year. I'm scared and I have nobody else to talk to".

I heard her sigh, and it was silent for what seemed an hour and she replied, "Does Allister know?". I closed my eyes and said "No, I'm scared how he'll react. I don't want him to leave me, he is going to leave me if I tell him". She replied, "How are you going to go to school pregnant Laura". I started panicking "I don't know I didn't plan this far, luckily it's December and it won't start getting hot until April so I can wear hoodies all the time".

She calmed her voice down and said, "you have five months, seriously though Laura, if you need anything I'm right here, this is going to be hard, and the hardest decision is, what you're going to do with the baby?".

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