Letter to cho

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Dear Cho,
I'm writing to you, because I do not think I have the strength to come face to face with you, not right now.

I find myself writing and than crumpling the parchment and throwing it away. I have been doing so for the past three hours, in fact my bedroom is littered with tattered parchments.

For days now, I have been wondering.

What do I say?

What do I do?

I don't even know what to do with myself

But, all I wanted to say was that if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to in these burdened times.

I am always here for you.

My house is always open to you, you will always be family.

I can't promise things will ever be the same without him, but I will try my very best to be there for you, the way he used to be, the way he'd want me to be.

I hope you heal

And forgive me for being weak and sending a letter rather than having the decency and courage to meet with you

You were the little bit of happiness in my brothers life, and I couldn't thank you enough for the things you had done for him in the short amount of time you were together.

I wish you two had met sooner.

I wish you had forever

I hope you know, Cedric truly loves you.

He had wanted to say it, but since he couldn't, I'll say it for him.

I hope my actions and words don't hurt you.

(The brown bag has some of his belongings, and the diary he wrote about you in. Open if and whenever you want, when you're ready)

Astrid Clearwater

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