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Draco's POV
Song: Mia and Sebastians theme

Draco's POV Song: Mia and Sebastians theme

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"You're just like him"

It had felt like a curse—one of the worst someone you knew your whole life could say too you—knowing where exactly to hit, what would unnerve him

Of course she knew

He was like his father for her, not even his mother, how he wished to be like this mother. At least Astrid still spoke too her—watched her with twinkling eyes and flashed a compassionate smile every time she saw her.

What he would give to have her smile at him like that too—to see understanding in her eyes for him and all his ways

But he was Lucius Malfoy's son

Cruel and wicked Draco Malfoy

I wish I had never met you he wanted to scream at her, his cheeks growing red and his eyes darkened with a gloss of Merlin knows what, sadness, hate, anger and resentment, maybe even longing

But he said nothing—remaining there—standing where she left him to be pricked at by the sobs leaving her mouth

All because of him

Because he couldn't let her back in out of fear—fear that she would soon realize he didn't matter too her anyways, that she didn't want him after all

Nothing could be said and done between them anyways—what was gone would remain gone—there was no saving the mess that kept growing in the last four years

Malfoy let out a breath—what was it with her taking his breath away—suffocating him to death or until he admitted he needed her to breathe

He wondered what he would've said if it was humanly possible to put the last few years of complete isolation into words—it was she who abandoned him, was it not? Yet he received the brunt of everyone's anger

"Mate" came Theo's voice

He forgot they were all here too

"You alright?" He asked

"Fine" Malfoy muttered.

"Are you sure?" Pansy now asked—as if she cared enough, like she wasn't the person to come up with such a traitorous plan against him

He and Astrid would never be the same again after this night

"Why the fuck wouldn't I be?" He angrily hissed—turning to them

His ears rang, burning as if they had been pressed against a hot metal rod  "you really think I give a fuck!" Malfoy was dangerously close to them all now—his friends intimidated by his flushed cheeks and shaky hands.

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