Chapter 22: Sammy?!

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I end up getting my kids into their car seats and taking them to the car so I could go with Kian to Sammy's house. When we get there she's outside waiting for us. She walks us in and takes Lucius and hands Matthew Tamryn. "Umm is everything ok?" I ask nervously. "We have to tell you two things. One," she pauses "I'm engaged!!" Omg I'm so happy for her! "Mmhhmm" I say gesturing her to keep going. "Two, I'm pregnant!!" Omfg I don't know if I should be happy and supportive or mad and leave. I mean she was mean af when I told her so I don't know. "Well that's nice to hear" I say faking a smile. I feel like I shouldn't support her. I wanna make her feel the pain I did when she did that to me. I say quiet and wander off into the kitchen where I'm mentally greeted by the fridge. I open it and find a peach "Ooh, peach"I say in excitement. I love peaches and so does the kids. I purée them and they eat it as if it was candy. I quickly rinse it and dry it off. I go to the living room and find the kids playing with a Kian and Matthew. Sammy is nowhere to be found. "Umm Kian, where did my sister go?!" I ask worried. "I don't know she ran off upstairs for no reason. It looked as if she was sad or something." He says. Did she notice my fake smile? Was she hurt? What did I do wrong? "Mm kay thanks imma go look for her." I say before wandering around the house.The first place I check is the guest room where Matthew's staying for a couple more days before he heads back to Virginia. I'm sure my sisters going to be heartbroken if she has to leave him, though I'm pretty sure she'll move back with him. Not to mention she's engaged and has a kid on the way. As I open the door, I see my sister crying. "Sam, what's wrong?" I say sympathetically. "Were you really happy for me?" She says. "Well yea sorta, but that all reminds me of when you accused me of stuff and well yea. I tried to be as happy as I could but obviously I wasn't good enough for you. Just remember this, I'm your sister and instead of running off you should talk to me. I'm kinda surprised at the fact that we moved here together and have drifted apart within months." I say automatically proving my point as usual. "You're right" she says, "Of course I am" I say playfully, "After all, I was born first." "By 5 mins 8.3 seconds" she says in remark. "That's still a lot." I say. We end up having a long conversation and when I go back downstairs I find Kian, Matthew and the kids all asleep. Peaceful and gentle even though Matthews halfway on top of Kian facing up and Matthew too. The kids, well one is on Kian's face. I wonder how he could breathe and the other on Matthew's... special area. Overall it's just peaceful. No crying, no fighting. Nothing. Just peace and quiet.

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